Human Resources Strategy 2007-2012 Alan Davis Director of Human Resources and Workforce Development HR Strategy 2007-2012 1 July 2007 Human Resources Strategy Action Plan 2007-2012 Contents Page No 1. Introduction 4 2. HR Strategy Engagement Process 5 3. Ambition 1: Creating a High Performing Foundation Trust with a World Class Approach to People Management 6 3.1 Developing a High Performing Unitary Board of Directors. 7 3.2 Development of Strong Business Delivery Units. 9 3.3 Leadership and Management Development Strategy linked to New Competencies. 10 3.4. Active Succession Planning and Talent Management Programmes 10 3.5 Achieving Champion IiP Status by 2012 11 4. Ambition 2: Ensuring the effective Management, Development and Utilisation of the Workforce to deliver the Trust’s Strategic Goals. 11 4.1 HR Transformational Matrix 11 4.2 HR Directorate 12 HR Strategy 2007-2012 2 July 2007 Page No 5. 6. Ambition 3: Enabling People and Partners to influence and actively contribute to the strategic direction, effective operation and development of the Trust and wider local economy. 13 5.1 Building a culture of Mutual Respect 13 5.2 Internal Social Partnerships 14 5.3 Active Corporate Citizenship 14 5.4 Developing a Strong Mutual Organisation 15 Action Plan & Implementation 15 Appendix 1: Action Plan HR Strategy 2007-2012 3 July 2007 Human Resources Strategy: 2007-2012 1. INTRODUCTION The next 5 years will be a challenging period for the Trust and its workforce. Major planned service and estate changes, a continued drive for quality and efficiency and the move to Foundation Trust all have significant workforce implications. To deliver this large complex agenda an integrated approach to service, finance, estates and workforce management and planning is essential. This change agenda needs to be managed whilst at the same time continuing to provide high quality service user focused modern mental health and learning disability services. The Trust’s Human Resources Strategy is designed to set a strategic vision for the effective management and development of the workforce aligned to the service and financial strategic plans. The aim of the strategy is to ensure a flexible, skilled and motivated workforce which has the competencies, capacity and capability to deliver the Trust’s strategic objectives. The HR Strategy sets an ambitious agenda for the next 5 years, in developing a world class approach to the management and development of the Trust’s workforce. This strategy supports the Integrated Business Plan and is underpinned by the Workforce Plan. However, at its core is the Trust’s Mission, Vision, Values and Goals and it is designed to keep a strong value based approach to the effective management of the workforce. Whilst the strategy naturally has a focus on the Trust’s vision of being an employer of choice, it is vital not lose sight that it will also directly and actively contribute to being a service and organisation of choice for service users and commissioners respectively. The strategy was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement with staff, managers, staff side organisations, service users and carers and partner organisations all making contributions, through a variety of mechanisms. The HR Strategy sets out 3 key ambitions: Creating a high performing Foundation Trust with a world class approach to people management. Ensuring the effective management, development and utilisation of the workforce to deliver the Trust’s strategic goals. Enabling people and partners to influence and actively contribute to the strategic direction, effective operation and development of the Trust and wider local economy. HR Strategy 2007-2012 4 July 2007 The overall aim of the strategy is to enable staff to actively contribute to their optimum level in enabling people with mental health problems and learning disabilities to live life to the full. An annual HR implementation plan will be developed as part of the Trust’s integrated planning process to ensure delivery of the strategy. A 3 year action plan is attached in Appendix 1 and in 2009/2010 a formal review and evaluation using the same engagement process detailed below will be undertaken and a further action plan agreed for the remaining life of the strategy. 2. HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGY ENGAGEMENT PROCESS The Human Resources Strategy has been developed through an extensive engagement programme, using an appreciative inquiry approach. This approach allowed stakeholders to reflect and feedback on what happens when the Trust teams and individuals are performing well. This was used to build a positive strategic action plan for the development of the workforce to deliver high quality services within agreed resources. The engagement process consisted of a variety of mechanisms to get stakeholder views and ideas as well as using their skills, expertise and experiences to develop a strategy which is widely owned and recognised. The variety of mechanisms used included: Series of staff focus groups/workshops across the Trust. Workshop with Staff Side organisations Workshop with Service and Support Managers On-line feedback suggestion forms Discussions with variety of Service Users and Carers Engagement with partner organisations in the local health economy Using feedback from the Staff Opinion Survey The intelligence gained through the engagement process was brought together with a critical analysis of exemplary evidence based Human Resource Management (HRM) practice to produce the final HR Strategy. This process led to the identification of 3 key themes which stakeholders felt should form the basis of the HR Strategy. HR Strategy 2007-2012 5 July 2007 These themes are: The move to Foundation Trust should be part of an ambition to develop and adopt a world class approach to how we lead, manage and develop the workforce. HRM needs to be closely aligned to service delivery and devolved as far as possible to managers within a clear accountability framework. Internal stakeholders need to understand their rights and responsibilities, partner organisations need to be fully engaged and the organisation needs to actively accept its responsibility as a stakeholder in the community. These have been developed into the 3 key ambitions stated above. 3. AMBITION 1: CREATING A HIGH PERFORMING FOUNDATION TRUST WITH A WORLD CLASS APPROACH TO PEOPLE MANAGEMENT The challenge of delivering high quality Service User focused services within a competitive market and against a background of continued pressure on resources and cost improvements will require an organisation able to thrive and positively respond in this environment. This will need a high performing organisation able to adopt innovative and world class approaches to the leadership, management and development of the workforce. To identify what are world class approaches to people management the “4+2 formula for sustained business success” (W.Joyce, N. Nohria and B. Roberson) was used as a basis to establish the key elements. This was then further informed by the examination of evidence based exemplar HRM practice which underpins a high performing organisation. These practices have drawn heavily on best practices from outside of the NHS to reflect the new competencies required to be a successful Foundation Trust. This has resulted in the identification of a set of key HR drivers The Trust’s ambition of being a high performing Foundation Trust with world class approach to people management will have a focus on 5 key drivers: High Performing Unitary Board of Directors Development of strong Business Development Units Leadership and Management Strategy linked to new competencies Active Succession Planning and Talent Management Programmes Recognition as an Investor in People (IiP) Champion by completion of the Strategy in 2012 HR Strategy 2007-2012 6 July 2007 3.1 Developing a High Performing Unitary Board of Directors The development of a high performing and effective Unitary Board is vital to set the strategic direction and to ensure the Trust has the necessary leadership and management capacity to successfully deliver the Integrated Business Plan. This requires a culture of mutual respect, trust and an environment where openness and constructive challenge is valued. A competency framework has been designed to support an integrated programme of Board development (see diagram 1). This framework recognises the need to balance the skills and experiences of directors and ensure there is clarity about the joint roles and responsibilities as well as the different roles and responsibilities of Non-Executive and Executive Directors. The framework embeds the 4 primary and 2 secondary business practices from the ‘4+2’ business model into a set of organisational competencies which reflect the joint role and responsibilities of directors. These organisational competencies are then linked to competencies for Non-Executive and Executive Directors to reflect their respective roles. The framework forms a key part of the development programme as well as providing the necessary basis for ensuring effective leadership capabilities and competencies matched to the requirements for NHS Foundation Trust status. The Higgs Review and the Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) were central to developing the competencies. The framework identified a set of key development areas which the Board has focused on in a lead up to NHS Foundation Trust status: financial strategy, management and control; integrated governance and the Assurance Framework; marketing and business development; constitutional affairs; business and scenario planning. The competency framework will be used as the basis of a continuous development programme to ensure that the Board remains successful and is able to maximise the benefits of Foundation Trust status. The programmes will look at the competency of the Board as a team as well as individual and collective development needs of non-executive and executive directors to optimise overall performance. HR Strategy 2007-2012 7 July 2007 Primary Non Executive Competencies 1. Constructive Challenges Primary Organisational Competencies STRATEGY - develop clear and focus strategy - able to provide constructive challenges 2. Strategy Enhances - able to identify key risks and provide effective scrutiny and monitoring of performance 4. Value Upholder Culture Carrier - personal integrity, probity and high ethical standards 5. Supporter and Developer - FLAWLESS EXECUTION - delivers agreed strategies and business plans CULTURE - develops a strong valued based culture which supports delivery of safe effective services STRUCTURE - develops a fast, flexible and responsive structure able to support the remuneration and development of directors and senior managers 6. Coach/Adviser - ability to skilfully question and inquire into new areas of development 8. Partner/Negotiator - able to use networks and partners and engage with stakeholders to support delivery of strategic objectives Political Astuteness - Shown commitment and ability to understand diverse interest groups and power bases within organisations and the wider community the dynamics between them, so as to lead health services more effectively. 3. Systems Builder, Linker and Designer Effective and Strategic Influencing - Being able and prepared to adopt a number of ways to gain support and influence diverse parties with the aim of securing health improvements. 4. Value Upholder/Culture Carrier Personal Integrity - A strongly held sense of commitment to openness, honesty, inclusiveness and high standards in undertaking leadership roles. 5. Communicator/Motivator Leading Change through People - Communicating the vision and rationale for change and modernisation, and engaging and facilitating others to work collaboratively to achieve real change. 6. Corporate/Team Player - able to give individual support, advice and guidance to executive directors and senior management 7. Prober Seizing the Future Shaping a vision for the future development of services and being prepared to take action now to shape the future 2. Political Operator/Ambassador - uses own skills and experience to enhance strategy development 3. Effective Scrutiniser and Monitor Primary Executive Competencies and Leadership Qualities 1. Strategy Formulator/Policy Translator INNOVATION - is an early adopter of new and innovative practice PARTNERSHIP - able to develop strong partnership working nationally and locally to support strategic objectives Empowering Others - Striving to facilitate others contribution and share leadership, nurturing capability and long term development of others. 7. Innovator/Creator Intellectual Flexibility The facility to embrace and cut through ambiguity and complexity and to be open to creativity in leading and developing services 8. Partner/Networker Collaborative Working - Being committed to working and engaging constructively with internal and external stakeholders. Diagram 1 HR Strategy 2007-2012 8 July 2007 Action 1. Develop 360º Appraisal for all Directors linked to Non-Executive and Executive Competencies 2. Development of a Board Appraisal linked to “4+2” Business Model 3. Annual Board Development Programme 4. Team development programme including use of Myers Briggs 3.2 Development of Strong Business Delivery Units The organisations current management structure has been recognised as being strong, effective and has delivered major service changes and addressed significant financial challenges in achieving recurrent financial balance. The Trust introduced a stronger care group focus with the introduction of Service Delivery Groups. These moved from a locality based management structure to a clearer Care Group focus with a strengthening of the management and planning of services and a support to decision making being nearer to where services are delivered. This was the start of a move to developing a faster and flatter structure able to respond to a complex and challenging external environment. The Service Delivery Groups were introduced as a start to the decentralisation of decision making closer to the frontline service delivery. This journey will continue and lead to the transformation of Service Delivery Groups, through an organisational development and fitness for purpose programme into Business Delivery Units (BDUs). The BDUs will remain care group focused and with earned autonomy, through the aforementioned programme, will assume greater responsibility and control for service direction and planning, and the resources which affect their performance. The development of BDUs will also have a major impact on delivery and structure of support services and this will also be a key feature of the organisational development programme. Action 1. Develop and agree Organisational Development and Fitness for Purpose Programme for BDUs and Support Services. HR Strategy 2007-2012 9 July 2007 3.3 Leadership and Management Development Strategy linked to New Competencies The right leaders and managers with the necessary capabilities and capacity will be crucial for the continued delivery of high quality mental health and learning disability services and sustained business success. To meet the challenges ahead and to be a successful NHS Foundation Trust new competencies will be needed in addition to those which have been central to the Trust’s past achievements. These new competencies will reflect the commercial acumen and business skills required to flourish in a more competitive environment with continued pressure on both human and financial resources. A comprehensive Leadership and Management Development Strategy will be developed to support the journey to NHS Foundation Trust status and enable the benefits for Service Users and Carers, Staff and Commissioners to be realised. A key part of this strategy will be the introduction of Development and Assessment Centres to support a focused programme of leadership and management development incorporating the new competencies. Action 1. Develop Leadership and Management Development Strategy linked to New Competencies 2. Development of New Leadership and Management Competencies to Support Foundation Trust Status 3. Design and implement Development and Assessment centres linked to the new competency framework. 3.4 Active Succession Planning and Talent Management Programmes Flatter and leaner structures can impact on the ability of an organisation to retain its talented people. In addition, key leadership roles will become more challenging and high calibre candidates are likely to be more in demand. The delivery of high quality services, maintaining a competitive advantage and being a well governed organisation will require talented leaders and managers. Active programmes of Succession Planning and Talent Management which link both internal programmes with the wider national initiatives will be key to ensuring we retain the Trust’s talent pool and have effective leaders and managers for the future. Action 1. Development and implementation of Succession Planning and Talent programmes. HR Strategy 2007-2012 10 July 2007 3.5 Achieving Champion IiP Status by 2012 Investor in People (IiP) status is recognised both within and outside of the NHS as a mark of good employment practices. The Trust will be looking to use IiP as a vehicle to ensure the effective recruitment, retention and utilisation of staff during a period of significant organisational change. Champion status is only open to accredited IiP organisation who can demonstrate world class HRM and Business practices. The achievement of champion status by 2012 will support the branding of the Trust as an employer of choice as well as evaluating the world class approach to people management. Action 1. 4. Achieve IiP Champion status by 2012 AMBITION 2: ENSURING THE EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT, DEVELOPMENT AND UTILISATION OF THE WORKFORCE TO DELIVER THE TRUST’S STRATEGIC GOALS The HR Strategy is designed to ensure the effective management, development and leadership of the workforce linked to service and financial objectives. To achieve this a set of strategic HR business objectives have been developed: Enhancing Service Delivery/Development through the planning, development and delivery of a competent and well motivated workforce aligned to service needs and financial resources. Supporting Financial Viability by supporting increased productive time and effective management of change in the workforce. Establishing a well governed organisation through developing robust and effective leadership and management structures. Supporting Local Representation and Partnership Working through workforce diversity, developing a social partnership with staff side organisations and ensuring effective staff engagement. Foundation Trust status will enable the Trust to build on its strong HRM track record by using the new freedoms to draw on best practice from all sectors, particularly the commercial sector, to ensure a workforce fit for purpose. 4.1 HR Transformational Matrix To support the delivery of HR Business Objectives a HR Transformational Matrix which details a comprehensive programme and innovation has been developed. The matrix links the strategic objectives to the four primary HR Strategy 2007-2012 11 July 2007 practices for success through a series of HR objectives. The diagram provides a summary of the key objectives of the HR business strategy approach. HR Transformational Objectives Matrix Strategy Enhancing Service Delivery and Development Supporting Financial Viability Effective long term workforce development and planning linked to Integrated Care Pathways and Packages Productive time plan with focus on better grade mix and reduction in sickness absence by 1% in 2007/08 and further 0.5% in 2008/2009 Flawless Execution Development of strong business delivery units to support effective service delivery within agreed resources Implement Electronic Rostering to ensure effective uses of workforce by 2009 Culture Structure Effective staff appraisal and personal development linked to KSF Development of competencies and new roles linked to Care Pathway & Packages Development of effective remuneration arrangements for Directors and senior managers linked to Trust performance Development & Assessment Centres linked to new competencies & continuous personal development Support Social Enterprise and Service Users Employment through positive action plans Agency/Bank/Ov ertime to reduce by 10% by 2010 Establish a well governed organisation Leadership and Management Development Strategy to support Foundation Trust status Implementing the Electronic Staff Records System HR Performance Reports linked to Clinical Activity & Finance. Include benchmarking and best practice Supporting local representation and partnership working Creating a diverse workforce which reflects local populations through annual positive action plans Innovation and excellent HRM practices including achievement of IiP status Social partnership and enhance staff engagement and involvement plan Action 1. 4.2 Development and implementation of Succession Planning and Talent programmes. HR Directorate The HR Directorate completed a review of its role and function within the Trust in 2006/2007. The Trust has an excellent track record of good HRM since its establishment and has been recognised through Improving Working Lives Practice Plus for exemplar practice. However, the challenges ahead and the move to Foundation Trust status requires the HR function to respond in different ways to continue to be successful. The review led to the re-design of the HR Directorate using the Ulrich model for a successful HR function. The re-design consisted of: HR Strategy 2007-2012 12 July 2007 1. 2. 3. 5. Stronger alignment of HR to Service Delivery: Development of HR Business Partners with day to day accountability to the Assistant Directors. Developing Managers Competencies and Capabilities for HRM with a clear accountability framework. Strengthening Strategic HRM Stronger Integrated Workforce Planning. Focus of evidence based practice and benchmarking. Greater integration of HR, Finance and Service Strategies. Effective and Efficiency Central Services Greater use of new technology. Self help information and self service processes which add value to managers in delivering their objectives. AMBITION 3: ENABLING PEOPLE AND PARTNERS TO INFLUENCE AND ACTIVELY CONTRIBUTE TO THE STRATEGIC DIRECTION, EFFECTIVE OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRUST AND WIDER LOCAL ECONOMY The third strand of the HR Strategy reflects 3 strong messages which came out of the engagement process. The first was the importance of balancing individual’s rights against their legitimate responsibilities. Secondly, it was recognised that the Trust was a major employer and contributed significantly to the local economy and therefore it was important it played an active role in the community as corporate citizen. Finally, partners and partnering were core to the Vision and Values of the Trust and it needed to be central to the way we operate. 5.1 Building a Culture of Mutual Respect As part of identifying the role and responsibilities of the Trust as an employer, it can, if allowed, focus solely on the legitimate rights of an individual without recognition of their responsibilities. A key part of the concept of a culture of mutual respect is providing a balance between the rights and responsibilities of the Trust as employer and health service provider matched against the rights and responsibilities of staff as an employee and public servant. The HR Strategy as part of the wider drive to build a culture of mutual respect will develop 3 key workstreams: a concept of an employee citizen with clear HR Strategy 2007-2012 13 July 2007 expectations of rights and responsibilities; a framework for mutual respect as part of the employment contract; staff recognition. These workstreams are in addition to mainstreaming a culture of mutual respect within Leadership and Management Development, Recruitment and Selection and Learning and Development. Action 1. Develop the concept of employee citizenship with clear expectations of rights and responsibilities supported by implementation plan. 2. Develop and implement a framework of mutual respect to support the employment contract. 3. Develop and agree framework for Staff Recognition which supports individuals and teams contributions to the delivery of high quality services 5.2 Internal Social Partnerships The Trust has a strong commitment to partnership working with the recognised Staff Side organisations. This partnership working with Staff Side has enabled them to be actively engaged in the management and planning of services as part of a broad staff engagement programme. This approach has been based on a Social Partnership model and it is well embedded in the Trust. It has been recognised by all parties that we need to capture and develop this way of working through a Social Partnership Agreement and that this should be a key feature in the Trust becoming an NHS Foundation Trust. Action 1. 5.3 Develop and agree Social Partnership Agreement. Active Corporate Citizenship The Trust not only serves its local community but it is also a significant member of the community. As a major employer and contributor to the local economy, the Trust has recognised its wider corporate responsibility. This includes impact on the environment, support for the local economy and enabling and supporting our skilled and experienced staff to play a wider role in public life eg School Governor. The Trust will make a clear commitment and actively respond to its responsibilities as a Corporate Citizen through a Corporate Responsibility Strategy. This will include fostering partnership working across all sectors to provide seamless services to the local population. HR Strategy 2007-2012 14 July 2007 Action 1. 5.4 Develop and agree Corporate Responsibility Strategy. Developing a Strong Mutual Organisation One of the key stakeholders in a strong mutual organisation is the staff. Engaging staff and enabling them to be active members of the Foundation Trust and contribute to the strategic direction of the organisation is an important element of the Trust’s application for NHS Foundation Trust status. A key issue will be ensuring all staff understand the benefits of becoming a Foundation Trust. A Trust-wide development programme is being rolled out to managers and supervisors. This will enable them to have a clear understanding of the strategic direction of the Trust and how being a Foundation Trust supports the delivery of high quality Service User focused services and promotes active staff engagement. The role of Staff Governors needs to be clear and their connection to staff and the role of Staff Side needs to be open and transparent. However, Staff Governors play a crucial role in feedbacking back staff views and issues in a complementary way and without compromising the legitimate role of the Staff Side Organisations. Action 6. 1. Development and delivery of training programme for all managers and supervisors to maximise and exploit the benefits of becoming a Foundation Trust. 2. Develop Staff Engagement Strategy ACTION PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION The HR Strategy sets out a comprehensive programme of development and innovation for the next 5 years through its set of 3 ambitions. The Strategy provides a vision with high level strategic objectives and action. The delivery and achievement of the Strategy must be an integral part of the Trust’s annual planning process. An annual HR implementation plan with detailed operational action plans will be developed each year through the annual planning process to maintain strong alignment with service and financial plans. The action plan in Appendix 1 broadly covers the first 3 years of the Strategy. The environment the Trust operates within is dynamic and fast moving and therefore a review and evaluation of strategy will take place in 2009/2010. This review will use the same HR engagement process, detailed earlier to develop the Strategy, to evaluate progress. The outcome of the review and evaluation will be a final action plan to cover the remaining life of the HR Strategy. HR Strategy 2007-2012 15 July 2007 Appendix 1 Human Resources Strategy Action Plan 2007-2012 Ambition 1: Creating a High Performing Foundation Trust with a World Class Approach to People Management Objectives Developing a High Performing Unitary Board of Directors Action Timescale 1. Developing 360° Appraisal for all Directors linked to Non-Executive & Executive competencies Quarter 3 2007/2008 2. Development of a Board Appraisal linked to “4+2 Business Model” Quarter 3 2007/2008 3. Annual Board Development Programme linked to Competency Framework Quarter 1 2008/2009 4. Team Development Programme including use of Myers Brigg type indicators Quarter 4 2007/2008 Developing Strong Business Delivery Units 1. Develop & agree OD & fitness for purpose programme for BDUs and support services Quarter 3 2007/2008 Leadership & Management Development Strategy link to New Competencies 1. Leadership and Development Strategy linked to new competencies. Quarter 4 2007/2008 2. Development of new leadership and management competencies to support FT status Quarter 1 2008/2009 HR Strategy 2007-2012 16 July 2007 Objectives Active Succession Planning and Talent Management Programmes Achieving Champion IiP Status by Completion of HR Strategy Action Timescale 3. Design and implementation of Development & Assessment Centres linked to new Competency Framework Quarter 2 2008/2009 1. Development and implementation of Succession Planning and Talent Management Programmes Quarter 3 2008/2009 1. Achieving Champion IiP status by 2012 Quarter 4 2011/2012 Ambition 2: Ensuring the effective management, development and utilisation of the workforce to deliver the Trust’s Strategic Goals Objectives Enhancing Service Delivery and Development HR Strategy 2007-2012 Action Timescale 1. Effective Long Term Integrated Workforce Development & Planning linked to care pathways and packages Quarter 1 2008/2009 2. Developing strong business delivery units Quarter 1 2008/2009 3. Ensure effective staff appraisal and personal development link KSF Quarter 3 2007/2008 4. Development of new roles and competencies linked to Care Pathway & Packages Quarter 4 2008/2009 17 July 2007 Objectives Supporting Financial Viability Action Timescale 1. Productive time plan with focus on grade mix and reduction in sickness absence by 1% in 2007/2008 and further 0.5% in 2008/20009 Quarter 3 2007/2008 2. Implement Electronic Staff Rostering to ensure effective deployment of the workforce 2009/2010 Quarter 4 2008/2009 3. Reduce agency/bank Quarter 4 2009/2010 and overtime costs by 10% by 2009/2010. Establishing a well governed Organisation HR Strategy 2007-2012 4. Development of effective renumerate arrangements and vary senior managers linked to the Trusts performance Quarter 4 2007/2008 1. Leadership and Management Development Strategy to support FT status Quarter 4 2007/2008 2. Implement Electronic Staff Records System Quarter 3 2007/2008 3. HR Performance Reports linked to Clinical Activity and Finance, including benchmarking and best practice Quarter 1 2008/2009 4. Development and Assessment centres linked to new competencies and continuous personal development Quarter 2 2008/2009 18 July 2007 Objectives Supporting Local Representation and Partnership Working Action Timescale 1. Creating a diverse workforce which reflects local population through annual positive action plans Quarter 1 2008/2009 2. Innovation and excellent HRM practice including achievement of IiP status Quarter 4 2008/2009 3. Social Partnership Agreement and enhance staff engagement and involvement plan Quarter 3 2007/2008 4. Support Social Enterprise and service user employment through positive action plans Quarter 1 2008/2009 Ambition 3: Enabling People and Partners to influence and actively contribute to the strategic direction, effective operation and development of the Trust and wider local economy Objectives Building a culture of Mutual Respect HR Strategy 2007-2012 Action Timescale 1. Develop the concept of employee citizenship with clear expectation of rights and responsibilities supported by implementation plan Quarter 4 2007/2008 2. Develop and implement a framework of mutual respect to support the employment contract Quarter 4 2007/2008 19 July 2007 Objectives Action Timescale 3. Develop and agree framework for Staff Recognition which supports individual and teams contribution to the delivery of high quality services Quarter 1 2008/2009 Internal Social Partnership 1. Develop and agree Social Partnership Agreement Quarter 2 2007/2008 Active Corporate Citizen 1. Develop and agree Corporate Responsibility Strategy Quarter 1 2008/2009 Development a Strong Mutual Organisation 1. Development and delivering training programmes for all managers and supervisors to maximise and exploit the benefits of becoming a mutual Foundation Trust Quarter 2 2007/2008 2. Develop Staff Engagement Strategy Quarter 4 2007/2008 HR Strategy 2007-2012 20 July 2007