WEST SIDE STORY COMPARISONS AND CONTRASTS Act 1, s1 Comparisons: Both scenes start with fights Two gangs vs. two families Police= the Prince Complaints of recent fighting = complaints of brawls Tony not part of fight = Romeo not part of the fight Plan to attend a dance = Dance at Capulets Riff is Mercutio Bernardo is Tybalt Differences: No parents in West Side Story No death penalty for fighting Tony is not in love with a Roseline-like character Hate established because of PRs moving into a ethnic neighborhood Go to the dance to plan a rumble Act 1, s2 Comparisons: Tony feels something is about to change his life Riff = Mercutio Riff and Tony are best friends like Romeo and Mercutio Differences: Go to the dance to rumble, not see Roseline No note or guest list for the dance Act 1, s3 Comparisons: Maria is Juliet Anita is the Nurse Chino is Paris Bernardo is Tybalt Maria is to marry Chino like Juliet is to marry Paris Differences: Chino is poor while Paris is wealthy Anita loves Bernardo but Tybalt did not love the Nurse Act 1, s4 Comparisons: Tony and Maria fall in love at first sight like R and J Bernardo is angry with Tony dancing with his sister Neither lovers know they are from hated gangs Differences: No plan to have a war council for a rumble in R and J No Police at R and J feast No Glad Hand at R and J feast Both gangs permitted at the dance while Romeo has to sneak into the Cap. Feast Tony knows Bernardo is mad at him for dancing with Maria; Romeo doesn’t know that Tybalt saw him at the dance Act 1, s5 Comparisons: Fire escape like a balcony Exchange of love vows Plans to meet the next day Tony called back Passion You are one of them Song “Tonight” has a lot of night and day imagery Differences: No Maria talking before Tony appears No wedding plans Discussion of living in America and prejudice toward Puerto Ricans not evident Act 1, s6 Comparisons: Hate established between two gangs Tony reveals his love of Maria to Doc Doc = Friar Lawrence Differences: No war council No rumble plans No Police interrupting war council Act 1, s7 Comparisons: Symbolic wedding = wedding in R and J Anita knows about Tony and Maria like the Nurse Differences: Not a real wedding Promise to stop the rumble Act 1,s 8 Comparisons: Differences: Plans to rumble Anticipation of the night Act 1, s9 Comparisons: Bernardo kills Riff like Tybalt kills Mercutio Tony kills Bernardo like Romeo kills Tybalt Fair fight Boys don’t seriously want to harm eachother Tony looks like a coward like R. did Tony refuses to fight like R Riff defends Tony against Bernardo like Mercutio Differences: Not an accidental stabbing of Riff like Mercutio Act 2, s1 Comparisons: Maria happy like Juliet—“I Feel Pretty” Maria thinks Tony is hurt or killed like Juliet thinks R is dead They sleep together, like R and J Differences: Maria hits Tony when she see him Tony willing to turn himself in “There’s a Place for Us” laments the slum environment No yelling at Anita like J did the Nurse Chino = Paris but does not go after Romeo Act 2 s2 Comparisons: Comic relief—Sergeant Krumpke Differences: Shows the up-bringing these gang kids experience Shows the family life of these kids Gang to protect Tony since Chino has a gun Act 2, s3 Comparisons: Tony has a plan that Doc will help- Friar L tries to help R and J Anita angry that Maria still loves Tony- Nurse says shame come to R Differences: Maria knows Chino is after Tony Maria lies to the Police Anita is the messenger, not another Friar Act 2 s4 Comparisons Anita delivers the wrong message Differences: Gang rape of Anita All think Tony is dead Doc stops rape Act 2, s5 Comparisons: Tony thinks Maria is dead Differences: Doc delivers the message Tony looks for Chino to kill him Act 2, s6 Comparisons: Tony dies The gangs stop fighting Maria hints at shooting herself with Chino’s gun-foreshadowing Tony seeking Chino is like suicide Differences: Tony knows Maria is alive, but R thought J was dead Maria lives Chino murders Tony; Romeo committed suicide Police are silent, unlike the Prince who chides both families SUGGESTED TOPICE TO WRITE COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAYS CHARACTERS: TONY AND ROMEO MARIA AND JULIET CHINO AND PARIS RIFF AND MERCUTIO ANITA AND NURSE DOC AND FRIAR LAWRENCE PARENTS BERNARDO AND TYBALT SCENES: OPENING SCENES BALCONY VS THE FIRE ESCAPE SCENES WEDDING SCENES FIGHT SCENES FINAL SCENES DANCE VS FEAST SCENES COMIC RELIEF MESSAGES