Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of STU

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of STU
Nám. slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava 1, tel.: 02/5729 6198, fax: 02/5292 5749
e-mail: dagmar.vavreckova@stuba.sk
Deadline for the application submission: by 31 March 2008 – Bc.
Term of selection procedure: at the beginning of June 2008
Term of written admission test: at the end of June 2008
Deadline for the application submission: by 31 May 2008 – Ing.
Fee for admission procedure: SKK 500
Bank: State Treasury
Account No.: 7000085595/8180
Variable Symbol: 200809
Accredited study programmes:..................................
Bachelor Level of study
Automobiles, Ships and Combustion Motors
Automobiles, Ships and Combustion Motors
Process Mechanical Engineering
Process Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Manufacturing and Quality Management
Mechanical Manufacturing and Quality Management
Energy Mechanical Engineering
Energy Mechanical Engineering
Engineer Level of study
Automobiles, Ships and Combustion Motors
Thermal energy machinery
Hydraulic and pneumatic machinery
Automated production systems
Production machinery
Chemical and food processing machinery
Machinery for civil engineering ,upgrading
and agriculture
Automation and informatization of machines and processes
Applied Mechanics
Engineering technologies and materials
Quality management in engineering companies
Low-potential power engineering
Ing. 2
NAA – Number of Accepted Applicants
*) the expected number of admitted students for full-time Bachelor level of study is 800, for
part-time Bachelor level of study is 300
Terms of admission
Bachelor Level of study
- obtainmenting of the complete secondary education or complete technical
secondary education
Terms of admission of foreign students
- the completion of high school equivalent with theto Slovak high schools with
school-leaving examination
- good assessment of mathematics and physics subjects,
- a command of the Slovak language or English language according to the form of
study selected.
Admission test
Bachelor level study
- with a remission of the admission test or written admission test from mathematics
and physics
Engineer Level of study
- without admission test
Additional information
- the admission with a remission of the admission test – the applicants will be selected in
the selection procedure for Bachelor level of study on the basis of high-school study
results The high-school assessment in points includes: a study average during the entire
high-school study, the result and school-leaving examination type, the average mark from
the main subjects – mathematics, physics and type of high school. The Dean of faculty
will determine, upon a proposal of by the admission commission, a point value up to
which it will be possible to remit the admission test. Other applicants will take the written
test from mathematics and physics on the basis of which they may be admitted for study.
the applicants state two study programs in the application. If, due to insufficient interest
(less applicants than the limit specified) some study program is not opened, the
application will be transferred to the study program which the applicant has stated as the
second option...
the entry command of at least one foreign language (English, German, Spanish, French) at
the level of „moderately advanced“,
the students for Engineer level of study will be selected without admission test, in the case
that the number of applicants is higher than the capacity of the given branch, the study
marks in Bachelor level of study,
the administrative fee for the admission procedure will be paid by postal orders of
„U“ type to the address of the faculty, on to the account of State Treasury, Account No.
7000085595/8180, Variable symbol: 200809,
the faculty ensures the study in English for self-payers.
Coordinator for work with physically disabled students
PhDr. Svatava Saleh, PhD., tel.: 02/5729 6201, fax: 02/5292 6627
e-mail: svatava.saleh@stuba.sk
Study Organization
The study is three-level:
1st. degree Bachelor study is made in 5 study programs, the full-time form lasts 3 years, the
part-time form lasts 4 years, it is ending completed by state examination and exposition of the
Bachelor work After the successful completion of the study, the academic degree of
„bakalár“ (Bachelor) (Bc.) will be conferred on the graduate.
2nd level – Engineer study, is intended for the graduates of the 1st level;, it is made in 13
study programs and it lasts 2 years, the part-time form of study lasts 3 years, it is
completeding by state examination and exposition of thesis. After the successful completion
of the study, the academic degree of „inžinier“ (Engineer) (Ing.) will be conferred on the
3rd level – PhD study, is intended for the graduates of the 2nd level;, it is made in 10 study
programs and lasts 3 years, in part-time form of study it lasts 5 years, it is completeding by
state examination and exposition of the dissertation. After the successful completion of the
study, the academic degree of „philosophiae doctor (PhD.) will be conferred on the graduate.
Graduates assertion
Bachelor level of study
Automobiles, Ships and Combustion Motors – the graduate will obtain the basic knowledge
from the subjects of general technical education within the study branch of Motor vehicles,
Rail Vehicles, Ships and Aircrafts, he/she has a general overview about the machineryengineering production and its management, special knowledge from the sphere of
automobile equipment, tractors, working machines and ships, the knowledge for quality
assessment and testing in traffic equipment and way means of fulfilment of legislation
requirements laid on the products of the study direction.. The broad basis of theoretical and
professional subjects enables to the graduate of the 3-year study a variability at asserting them
in practice, especially with focus to on technical activity in the sphere of production, to on
structure of parts of traffic equipment, to on the medium level of management of traffic
equipment, testing, management of service and consulting activity.
Mechatronics – the study is oriented towards technically progressive machinery which
includes the demanding elements of engineering machinery, electronics and informatics.. For
this the methods of computer mechanics, intelligent materials, sensor fields, neuron networks,
methods and means of automated control along with computing equipment such as local
computer networks and database systems. The graduates will assert themselves at ensuring of
the operation and maintenance of measuring, controlling, robotic and mechatronic systems, or
at in the making of new products having the a certain type of intelligence, e.g. ABS, EDS
systems, airbags in automobiles, various systems in consumer electronics and so on.
Process Mechanical Engineering – the graduates of the study program are able to analyze the
processes running in the process equipment from various spheres of industrial and foodprocessing production. They know the equipment for the processing and recycling of solid
and liquid waste. They have a command of the computer skills and they know how to read
technical documentation. They are able to control the process equipment, to manage it and to
manage the processes in it. They are able to communicate and cooperate with technologists,
chemical engineers – process operators, designers, managers and specialists of other
professions. They know the fundamentals of their study program, organization of work and
management, fundamentals of engineering machinery technologies. They will assert
themselves in various branches of industry at in the control of process equipment, waste water
cleaning plants, waste dump management, development of process equipment, investment
construction as well as officials of protection and monitoring of the environment.
Mechanical Manufacturing and Quality Management – the graduate will obtain knowledge
from the sphere of engineering machinery technologies, materials, production equipment,
metrology, standardization and testing, he/she has the basic knowledge about management of
enterprises and management of products quality, he/she is able to use information
technologies. He/she will assert him-/herself especially in industrial enterprises and operations
in the sphere of technical and technological preparation of production, technical inspection,
control and quality management, warehouse management, handling and transport. Also
he/she will assert him-/herself in marketing activities and management at the basic and
medium levels of management..
Energy Mechanical Engineering – the study is oriented towards a wide spectrum of
machinery which is used for production, transformation and accumulation of the various
forms of energy taking the ecological requirements into account. The graduates will obtain
professional and theoretical, as well as practical, knowledge about the structure and operation
of energy machinery. The graduate will be able to work in spheres connected with the
production, building and operation of energy systems and machinery. They will assert
themselves in various energy operations and design units in energy, gas and chemical
industriesy, as well as in the municipal sphere.
Engineer Level study
Automobiles, Ships and Combustion Motors – the graduate will obtain the a complete higher
education within the study branch of Motor vehicles, Rail Vehicles, Ships and Aircrafts, with
a possibility to obtain the a more precise profile of the offered optional subjects, projects and
thesis – for the sphere of motor vehicles, ships, aircrafts, combustion motors or application of
electronic systems of motor vehicles and motors. He/she will obtain knowledge from theory,
structure, testing and operation of transport machines, he/she will be able to solve
construction, design and development tasks with utilization of modern software products,
he/she will have knowledge from technical activity in production and operation, including
ecological, economic and energy connections for solutions in his/her profession. The graduate
will be prepared for immediate entry into the labour market and managerial tasks from shop
up to enterprise, he/she will assert him-/herself in the sector of automobile, ship, aircraft
production and energy machines from supplier of components, systems and modules up to
final producers and services.
Thermal energy machinery – the graduate will obtain the a higher-education qualification in
the second level oriented to the processes of acquiring, treatment, change, transport,
accumulation, distribution and consumption of various forms of energy on the basis of use
and utilization of fossil fuels and restorable types of energy. He/she will obtain also the
related knowledge from the point of view of economic and ecologic aspects of the branch.
He/she will obtain the qualification for the research, development, construction, designing,
production and operation of wide spectrum of power engineering (thermal power engineering,
hydroenergetics, drawing equipment, nuclear power engineering, metallurgical power
engineering, heat and ventilation, pressurized air techniques, heating systems, gasworks
systems, combustion turbines, cogeneration facilities, combustion motors, steam turbines,
heat plants, power stations, non-traditional sources of energy, thermal pumps, cooling
equipment, power engineering economics, designing, control). He/she will assert him-/herself
in the activities connected with the production, operation, designing, development and
efficiency improvement of energy systems and with a reduction of their energy
Hydraulic and pneumatic machinery – the graduate will obtain the a complete higher
education in the study of branch power engineering with orientation towards hydraulic and
pneumatic machinery. This orientation means an acquisition of deep knowledge from
hydroenergetics, drawing equipment of hydrostatic and pneumatic mechanisms. In addition,
the graduate has the knowledge from theory, construction, testing and operation of hydraulic
and pneumatic machinery. He/she is able to solve the construction, design and development
tasks with utilization of modern software products,products; he/she will have knowledge from
technical activity in production and operation. The graduate is aware about ecological,
economic and energy connections and about their solution in his/her profession. The graduate
will assert him-/herself in construction departments of production enterprises, designing
institutions especially in the spheres of activities connected with the problems of power
engineering. He/she may works as an expert in water constructional companies, departments
of the living environment and in other technical and administrative activities. The graduate is
able to work at all the levels of management and ensuring of production and operation and
also in the sphere of research.
Automated production systems – the graduate of the study program will apply the knowledge
obtained in productions utilizing modern means and methods, in own production as well as in
preparation of production, i.e. NC, CNC machines, industrial robots, directed transport,
CAD/CAM systems, CAQ and other CAxXx technologies. He/she has a good command of
programming and use of these means as well as designing of productions. The knowledge
obtained in this programme e, enables to him/her to manage demands laid on workers in
preparation and control of production at engineer level. These abilities are integrated with
knowledge of an economic nature, whichat enables to graduates to solve also the problems of
management and operation of machinery-engineering productions. All these activities he/she
will perform with a the support of CA technologies, methods of mathematical modelling,
simulation methods, logistics and mathematical optimization.
Production machinery – the graduate has knowledge, abilities and skills at handling the
construction and technological tasks of the development (retrofit) of production equipment.
He/she knows the theory, construction and technical and economic evaluation of production
machinery, tools, preparations, hydraulic mechanisms and flexible production systems.
He/she will handle the managing of tasks of mechanization and automation of production
facilities with the emphasis to on construction, calculations and technical documentation
needed for the manufacturing of production equipment. His/her assertion is as a constructor,
designer, calculator in technical as well as in technical and trading and investment spheres.
Chemical and food-processing machinery – the profile of the graduate consists of knowledge
of physical principles and theoretical fundamentals of phenomena in process equipment,
theoretical connections of phenomena at processing operations of a change of substances for
acquiring of their required properties, namely from mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, and
diffusion processes, from chemical reactors and bioreactors. The graduate knows the
constructions of apparatuses, machinery for the implementation of production operations for
the achievement of the required products. The graduate will learn the theory of processes
running in the process equipment and construction of units as well as particular construction
elements in itthem, which provide the suitable conditions for implementation of proposed
processes and operations. He/she is able to analyze, design, construct, operate, and maintain
not only particular machines, but also the complicated production systems and production
lines. He/she will assert him./herself as a calculator, constructor, and designer of production
processes, machinery, production lines for industrial practice.
Machinery for civil engineering, upgrading and agriculture – the graduate of the study
programme will obtain a good theoretical and methodological basis from applied scientific
discipline, practical experience and skills at designing and constructing of more complicated
units and handling the problems connected with the operation of constructional, upgrading
and agricultural machines. The graduates with knowledge of technologies applied at the
construction and manufacturing of these machines, utilizing the modern construction and
calculation methods, will assert themselves in engineering-machinery companies with
production of transport machinery, as well as in other branches of the economy, in small and
medium-sized firms where the transport machinery and its components are developed,
produced and operated. In addition, they will assert themselves as technical workers and
executives in the companies dealing with the import and service of transport machinery, as
well as by consulting, training and expertise activitiesy... They also may assert themselves as
workers of a scientific and research basis and in testing.
Automation and informatization of machines and processes – the graduate has intensified
knowledge from mathematic and physical fundamentals of automation and informatization,
advanced methods of management, optimization, methods of design of components of
systems of automated management, modelling and simulation of information provision of
management systems, intelligent management systems and industrial management systems,
handling of actual tasks of informatization and automation of machinery, technological and
production processes. He/she will be able to handle independently the tasks connected with
the analysis, design, operation and implementation of extensive information and
managementing systems. The graduate will assert him-/herself in the designing and operation
of automated and information equipment of machines and processes in industrial enterprises
and organizations, where information and managementing systems are used.
Applied mechanics – the profile of the graduate is created by theoretical knowledge from the
mechanics of a solid, mechanics of continuum, termomechanics and hydraulics. The
Orientation of a graduate is chosen in such a way so that he/she could have suitable
adaptability for various problems of a theoretical and application character in engineering
machinery. The graduate knows the analysis of structures dynamics, synthesis and proposing
of mechanisms and robots, the methodology of optimum dimensioning of machine component
parts, calculation of the life cycle and reliability of machines, theory of thermal calculations
and fundamentals of mechatronics. He/she knows the methods and means of engineering
experiment and research in the branch of applied mechanics.
Engineering technologies and materials – a the professional profile of a graduate is created by
knowledge about properties and use of traditional construction and tool materials, about a
wide variety of conventional and modern processing technologies (machining, mechanical
working, casting, welding and so on), about machines and tools for the implementation of
these technologies with emphasis to on the construction of the tools and construction of
technical equipment of special-purpose and universal production machines, flexible
automated production machines and assembly systems as well as for their control. A graduate
is a completely professionally, economically and ecologically educated engineer. He/she is
able to fulfil the functions in enterprises of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and
consumption industries, in evaluating and technical and managerial services, in the sphere of
production control, technical control and quality management.
Quality management in engineering companies – the graduate of the study programme will
assert him-/herself in the sphere of industry as well as services as an expert and manager at
higher and top levels of management, as quality manager, quality expert and quality auditor in
the processes of certification, especially in the firms oriented towards machine engineering
production. He/she will assert him-/herself also in the sphere of research and development of
new procedures and methods of production quality improvement. He/she is able to create
conceptually company quality strategies, to apply the managerial skills of the decisionmaking process in integrated management systems. He/she is able to use efficiently
information technologies, methods of statistical processing of data and apply a risk theory.
He/she has an the ability to handle the complicated technical and managerial problems and
dispositions for work in the top management of organizations.
Low-potential power engineering – a graduate will obtain the education needed for the
constructioning, production, designing and operation of heating, cooling, air and airconditioning equipment, heat and ventilation and mechanical equipment for air protection.
He/she will assert him-/herself at in the designing of heating, cooling, air and air-conditioning
equipment for the creation of thermal comfort in civil and industrial buildings and
technological environments, designing of utilization of non-traditional sources of energy, at in
the constructioning and application of thermal pumps and cogeneration units. In addition,
a graduate has the dispositions to act in the sphere of equipment of clean premises, cold
production equipment and its distribution for technological purposes and air-conditioning, as
well as in the sphere of industrial heat and ventilation and pneumatic transport. A graduate
will obtain an overview about economic and ecological aspects in the given spheres.
Mechatronics – This interdisciplinary study branch prepares experts directed to operation in
interdepartmental spheres of mechanical engineering, electronics and informatics. A graduate
is able to propose, construct and design junctions, machines, machinery and systems
characterized by high functional and handling accuracy. Their indivisible parts are subsystems
of management with application of elements of artificial intelligence, which represents the
systems with information interaction. The graduate knows the modern computer methods of
modelling, simulation, as well as new, non-traditional methods of synthesis... He/she will
assert him-/herself in scientific and research, development and designing organizations at
handling the problems of a proposal and development of products having various degrees of
intelligence for various branches of industry such as the automotive industry, consumer
equipment, as well as for applications of high-technology.