One Flew Over the Cuckoo`s Nest

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Group Project
AP Lit & Comp (Gately)
Each group will be assigned one of the following topics. You will have class time to research your topic, compile your
findings and analysis, and then present your work to the class.
1. Machines
2. Religious Imagery
3. Nature
4. Portrayal of Women
5. The Fog Machine
6. Humor, Satire, Laughter
Each group must compile their findings in a handout to be copied and distributed to the entire class. Requirements:
Trace your assigned topic throughout the novel by finding key passages in the beginning, middle, and end of the
novel. Find at least five significant passages. For each passage, provide the speaker, context, and an analysis that
examines how that topic is being presented at that moment—does the passage indicate a change or point to a
pattern or both?
Two brief excerpts (a paragraph or so) of literary criticism that explores your topic. Be sure to include
appropriate citations.
An overall summary or analysis of your topic in which you discuss the significance of your topic/motif/symbol to
the meaning of the work as a whole (consider what theme is suggested). This analysis should be approximately
250-300 words.
After you are finished, you will present your findings to your peers by leading class discussion. Each member of the
group must participate. Your group will be assessed on the thoroughness of your investigation and analysis, the clarity
and detail of your handout, and the quality of your presentation to the class. Remember: Be insightful. Complexity is
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Group Project
AP Lit & Comp (Gately)
Each group will be assigned one of the following topics. You will have class time to research your topic, compile your
findings and analysis, and then present your work to the class.
1. Machines
2. Religious Imagery
3. Nature
4. Portrayal of Women
5. The Fog Machine
6. Humor, Satire, Laughter
Each group must compile their findings in a handout to be copied and distributed to the entire class. Requirements:
Trace your assigned topic throughout the novel by finding key passages in the beginning, middle, and end of the
novel. Find at least five significant passages. For each passage, provide the speaker, context, and an analysis that
examines how that topic is being presented at that moment—does the passage indicate a change or point to a
pattern or both?
Two brief excerpts (a paragraph or so) of literary criticism that explores your topic. Be sure to include
appropriate citations.
An overall summary or analysis of your topic in which you discuss the significance of your topic/motif/symbol to
the meaning of the work as a whole (consider what theme is suggested). This analysis should be approximately
250-300 words.
After you are finished, you will present your findings to your peers by leading class discussion. Each member of the
group must participate. Your group will be assessed on the thoroughness of your investigation and analysis, the clarity
and detail of your handout, and the quality of your presentation to the class. Remember: Be insightful. Complexity is