SOME OVERLOOKED ASPECTS OF THE RES JUDICATA DOCTRINE1 Experienced practitioners are familiar with the general principles which determine whether earlier proceedings have created cause of action or issue estoppels. However some aspects of the doctrine, of considerable practical importance, are often overlooked. The purpose of this paper is to collect some of these loose ends. When the decision at first instance is reversed we recognize instinctively that the appellate decision has become the sole source of any res judicata estoppels, and so the Court of Appeal held in P & O Nedlloyd BV v Arab Metals Co.2 But what if the decision below is affirmed? It is not immediately apparent that the appellate decision becomes the source of any res judicata estoppels. This been accepted in Australia since Wishart v Fraser3; but I could not include any relevant English authority in the 1996 edition of “Res Judicata”. 1 Based on a paper given to the Chancery Bar Association and the Anglo-Australasian Lawyers at Lincoln’s Inn on 5 May 2010. 2 [2006] EWCA Civ 1717, [2007] 1 WLR 2288, 2299-2301 at [25]-[29]. 3 [1941] HCA 8, 64 CLR 470, 478, 483. 1 Later I read Shedden v Patrick4. The appellant alleged that proceedings in Scotland on his behalf while an infant, which failed in the House of Lords in 1808, were vitiated by fraud. In 1848 he brought proceedings to have that decision set aside. He failed in the Court of Session and took the case to the House of Lords. The Law Lords questioned the competence of proceedings in a lower court to set aside a decision of the House. Lord Brougham, who had been junior counsel for the appellant's tutor in the earlier appeal, but had no qualms in sitting, had a clear view. During argument he referred to the earlier proceedings5: “The decree below has become a judgment of the House of Lords, which not only confirms it, but converts it into a judgment of its own.” He said later6: “The judgment of this House affirming that below makes the judgment below a judgment of this House.” There was no dissent from Lord Cottenham LC and Lord St Leonards. The point was not mentioned in the speeches but Lord Brougham was surely correct. The appeal was a rehearing and the appellate decision 4 (1853) 1 Macq 535. Ibid at 590. 6 Ibid at 599. 5 2 becomes the relevant one for the doctrine of precedent and for res judicata. The point was overlooked in Taylor v Lawrence7. In January 2001 the Court of Appeal dismissed the defendants’ appeal from the judgment for the plaintiffs in an action for trespass to land. The order was formally entered. In November 2001 the defendants applied to reopen the appeal relying on fresh evidence of the alleged ostensible bias of the trial judge. The application should have been dismissed as incompetent. The perfected order was final, the decision affirming the judgment below created a cause of action estoppel, and Arnold v National Westminster Bank plc established that such an estoppel was absolute. Lord Keith, who delivered the principal speech, said of cause of action estoppel8: “… the bar is absolute in relation to all points decided unless fraud or collusion is alleged … The discovery of new factual matter which could not have been found out by reasonable diligence for use in the earlier proceedings does not … permit the latter to be reopened.” Taylor v Lawrence provoked an avalanche of unmeritorious applications to reopen concluded appeals as Lord Justice Buxton recorded9. The 7 [2002] EWCA Civ 90, [2003] QB 528. [1991] 2 AC 93, 104. 9 (2009) 125 LQR 78. 8 3 Shedden v Patrick point would have been saved the Court a great deal of trouble. There is a substantial body of Privy Council authority, referred to in the 1996 and 2009 editions of Res Judicata, that issue estoppels may bind codefendants inter-se. Unfortunately those decisions were only reported in the Indian Appeals series. The principle comes as no surprise to an equity lawyer because Chancery procedure was based on this principle. Lord Macnaghten said in Duke of Bedford v Ellis10: “The old rule in the Court of Chancery was very simple … the Court required the presence of all parties interested in the matters in suit, in order that a final end might be made of the controversy.” The Privy Council cases can be traced to the decision of Wigram VC in Cottingham v Earl of Shrewsbury 11decided in the same year as Henderson v Henderson12. The mortgagor sued to redeem the mortgages on his estate and the question was whether there could be any issue between defendants when all were to be redeemed. The Vice-Chancellor said13: 10 [1901] AC 1, 8. (1843) 3 Hare 627. 12 (1843) 3 Hare 100. 13 (1843) 3 Hare 627, 638. 11 4 “If a Plaintiff cannot get at his right without trying and deciding a case between Co-defendants the Court will try and decide that case, and the Co-defendants will be bound. But, if the relief given to the Plaintiff does not require or involve a decision of any case between Co-defendants [they] will not be bound as between each other by any proceeding which may be necessary only to the decree the plaintiff obtains. “ His decision was affirmed by Lord Lyndhurst LC14. A trustee who brings proceedings for the construction of the trust instrument, or to determine some question of administration, must join all interested beneficiaries or ensure that they are represented by parties before the Court. Such proceedings would lack utility if the defendants were not bound inter-se. The point has been and continues to be overlooked. In North Wales Water Ltd v Binnie & Partners 15an explosion led to proceedings for personal injuries against the authority, its consulting engineers, and its contractor. The engineers were held solely to blame. When the authority sued the engineers for its property damage the latter attempted to relitigate the issue of negligence. The authority’s reply of issue estoppel or abuse of process was set down as a preliminary issue. Drake J, who was not referred to the Privy Council cases or the practice in Chancery, held16 that there was an issue estoppel because there was no practical difference 14 (1846) 15 LJ Ch (NS) 445. [1990] 3 All ER 547. 16 Ibid at p 561. 15 5 between the issues in the two cases. He added17 that even if there can be no issue estoppel unless the same duty was involved, there was still an issue estoppel because: “… the issues arising in the present action have already been decided and … in practical terms they have been decided between the parties.” Reinventing the wheel took three days. The possibility of issue estoppels between defendants was overlooked in dicta in Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Bairstow 18and Conlon v Simms19, although the question did not arise. A decision that further litigation is an abuse of process involves an evaluative judgment and Lord Bingham said in Johnson v Gore Wood & Co 20that it requires “a broad, merits-based approach.” A broad enquiry is also likely to be a long one. The evidence will be more extensive than that required for res judicata estoppel and there will be more scope for legal argument. In the interests of efficiency and certainty Courts should favour res judicata estoppels where principle or authority supports that approach. 17 Ibid at p 561. [2003] EWCA Civ 321, [2004] Ch 1 CA, 14 at [31]. 19 [2006] EWCA Civ 1749, [2008] 1 WLR 484 CA, 521 at [170]. 20 [2000] UK HL 65, [2002] 2 AC 1, 31 (Johnson). 18 6 In Gribbon v Lutton21 the Court of Appeal had to determine whether the party who interpleaded was bound by the decision between the claimants. Solicitors acting for a potential vendor received, as stakeholders, a “nonrefundable” deposit from a potential purchaser. The negotiations failed and both parties demanded the deposit. The solicitors interpleaded and a Recorder found for the potential purchaser. The potential vendor sued his solicitors for failing to arrange a stand-still contract which would have entitled him to the deposit. The solicitors persuaded a High Court Judge that the Recorder had been wrong, that there was no issue estoppel, and the vendor had been entitled to the deposit. The client’s appeal was allowed by majority. Two of the Judges held that there was no issue estoppel, but one of them found an abuse of process and Robert Walker LJ found there was an issue estoppel. Laddie J, with whom Pill LJ relevantly agreed, said22 that the solicitors were “never in any real sense parties” and23 that “an interpleader is only a convenient procedure for resolving the substantive dispute between vendor and purchaser” ignoring the fact that the claims were against the stakeholder. 21 [2001] EWCA Civ 1956, [2002] QB 902. Ibid 918 at [48]. 23 Ibid 919 at [53]. 22 7 Interpleader was a remedy in the auxiliary jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery to prevent a multiplicity of actions, an established ground of equitable jurisdiction24. There was no general remedy at law until the Interpleader Act 1831. As Robert Walker LJ said25, the point was covered by De La Rue v Hernu, Peron & Stockwell Ltd, which had not been cited, where Greene LJ said26: “As it is the essence of interpleader proceedings that the person who has interpleaded has no title himself he naturally drops out of the suit. But in effect the entire matter is tried out in the presence of all the parties concerned, and the real claimants are compelled to put forward their claims and have them adjudicated upon … that is not for their own benefit, it is for the relief of the person interpleading. … It is a method to enable the Court to decide the claims between two persons present at the proceedings, … so that the person interpleading will get the relief to which he is entitled … The object of interpleader relief is to enable a person who is harassed by claims made by two or more persons to be quieted … If he is in danger owing to the doubtful title, he is entitled to be quieted.” The party interpleading will only be quieted and, in the words of Lord Macnaghten, there will only be a final end to the controversy, if all parties are bound inter-se by the decision. In the words of Wigram VC, the party interpleading cannot get at his right to be quieted without deciding the case between the co-defendants in the interpleader proceedings. 24 Story on Equity Jurisprudence 11th ed (English) 1873 para 64k. [2002] QB 902, 923 at [70]. 26 [1936] 2 KB 164, 173, 174, 175. 25 8 The pre-Judicature Act courts with Probate jurisdiction, unlike the Court of Chancery, did not require all parties interested in the estate to be cited. In a given case there could be many wills, many beneficiaries and many next of kin. Grants of probate and administration operate in rem and, unless recalled, bind “the world”, that is all persons within the jurisdiction of the granting court. Those courts held that persons with an interest in the estate who had not been cited had a right to intervene. If they were aware of the proceedings, but chose not to intervene, they were bound as if they were actual parties, provided some one was litigating in the same interest. Other interested persons who had not been cited, and whose interest was not represented before the court, could still apply for the grant to be recalled. In Wytcherley v Andrews Lord Penzance said27: “… there is a practice in this Court, by which any person having an interest may make himself a party to the suit by intervening; and it was because of the existence of that practice that the Judges of the Prerogative Court held, that if the person, knowing what was passing, was content to stand by and see his battle fought by somebody else in the same interest, he should be bound by the result, and not be allowed to re-open the case. That principle is founded on justice and commonsense …”. 27 (1871) LR 2 P&D 327, 328-9. 9 His reference to “justice and commonsense” was to prove influential. A person who did not know he was interested was not bound28: Young v Holloway, but one who knowingly stood by is bound in all capacities29: Re Langton. In that case Diplock LJ said30: “This rule differs from the common law rule of estoppel per rem judicatam. It is peculiar to the Probate jurisdiction … “. He was attempting to shut the stable door, but under Lord Denning the horse had already bolted. In Nana Ofori Atta II v Nana Abu Bonsra II Lord Denning, giving the advice of the Privy Council in a land dispute case, referred to the judgment of Lord Penzance and continued31: “[Counsel] argued before their Lordships that the principle stated by Lord Penzance was confined to wills and representative actions and has never been extended further. No decision, however, was cited to their Lordships which confined the principle to wills and representative actions … But assuming, without deciding, that the English decisions have hitherto been so confined, their Lordships would point out that there is nothing in the principle itself which compels it to be limited to wills and representative actions. The principle, as Lord Penzance said, is founded on justice and commonsense.” 28 [1895] P 87. [1964] P 163 CA, 170-1. 30 Ibid at 179. 31 [1958] AC 95, 102 (Nana Ofori). 29 10 This decision was followed by the High Court of Australia in Administration of Papua and New Guinea v Daera Guba32; which also involved a land dispute. The principle was extended to joint tortfeasors in House of Spring Gardens Ltd v Waite33. Mr McLeod had been found liable in Ireland, with others, for misuse of confidential information and breach of copyright. An action brought by the others in Ireland to have the judgment set aside for fraud failed. The plaintiff sued on the Irish judgment and the defendants pleaded the same fraud. The High Court held that the defences were barred by an issue estoppel. Mr McLeod, who had not been a party to the fraud action, appealed on the ground that he could not be issue estopped. Stuart-Smith LJ, who gave the principal judgment, held that the appellant was bound. He referred to Nana Ofori and continued34: “It is true that in Re Langton35 both Danckwerts and Diplock LJJ suggested that this rule was peculiar to the Probate Division, but this was not necessary for the decision … and Nana Ofori … was not cited. The rule may have originated in the special position in Probate but I cannot see that justice and commonsense require it to be so confined. … All three defendants were joint tortfeasors … The judgment against them was joint and several. If the … action 32 [1973] HCA 59, 130 CLR 353, 403, 456. [1991] 1QB 241 CA. 34 Ibid at 253-4. 35 [1964] P 163. 33 11 to set aside [the] judgment had succeeded, [it] would have been set aside in toto … Mr McLeod was well aware of those proceedings. He could have applied to be joined in them, and no one could have opposed his application. He chose not to do so … he was content to sit back and leave others to fight the battle, at no expense to himself. In my judgment that is sufficient to make him privy to the estoppel …”. Fox LJ agreed while McCowan LJ held that the fraud defence was an abuse of process. The judgment of Stuart-Smith LJ was referred to with approval by Latham LJ in Powell v Wiltshire36, which involved title to an aircraft, and by Lewison J in Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation v Carvel 37 which involved mutual wills. In those cases persons who did not intervene were bound. The converse is also true and Tebutt v Haynes established that interveners are bound. The wife applied to the Family Division for the transfer of her husband's interest in a house. Her mother-in-law intervened to claim that she was the beneficial owner and her claim was upheld. The same dispute came before the Chancery Division, and the Court of Appeal held there was an issue estoppel although it was probably a cause of action estoppel. Lord Denning MR said38: 36 [2004] EWCA Civ 534,[2005] QB 117, 126 at [24], 26]. [2007] EWHC 1314 (Ch), [2008] Ch 395, 407 at [40]. 38 [1981] 2 All ER 238 CA, 242. 37 12 “The wife's claim before Hollings J was … for a transfer of property as between husband and wife. Nevertheless … there was an intervener. Mrs Tebbutt claimed … a considerable interest. Because she made that claim she was quite rightly brought in as an intervener. It seems to me that … if an intervener comes in making a claim for the property then it is within the jurisdiction of the judge to decide on the validity of the intervener’s claim. The judge ought to decide what are the rights and interests of all parties, not only of the intervener, but of the husband and wife respectively in the property.” The principle was overlooked in Iberian UK Ltd v BPB Industries plc39 where a party who intervened in competition proceedings in Europe was not able to enforce the issue estoppels. The plaintiff claimed damages under European law for the defendants’ abuse of their dominant position in the UK plasterboard market. The European Commission had found abuse and its decision was affirmed by the Court of First Instance and the European Court. The defendants’ claim that the plaintiff was not a party to the proceedings in Europe was decided on preliminary issues. Laddie J held40 that the plaintiff had not been a party but it was an abuse of process for the defendants to relitigate the issues. He said41: “Although the Commission could have initiated and pursued the complaint against the defendants by itself … it did not. … [I]t was not possible for the plaintiff to be more fully involved. It initiated the procedure, it formulated the allegations of abuse (even if they were added to by the Commission), it presented written submissions, answered the defendants’ responses and played a full 39 [1997] ICR 164. Ibid at 177. 41 Ibid at 179-80. 40 13 part in the oral hearing before the Commission. Subsequently it played an equally full part before the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice. … [I]n large part the proceedings involved a head to head dispute between the plaintiff and the defendants as to whether or not the defendants had abused their dominant position and, if so, whether that was likely to, and did in fact, distort competition … A layman who said that the plaintiff and the defendants were engaged in a major antitrust battle with each other in front of the Commission could not be accused of misunderstanding what was going on. He would be just as accurate if he said the same thing about the proceedings before the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice.” One would think that on those findings the plaintiff had made itself a party. The preliminary issues took four days. The point was again overlooked in Cambridge Gas Transportation Corp v Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Navigator Holdings plc42 where a party who knowingly stood by while others fought its battle was not bound by the judgment. Navigator was incorporated in the Isle of Man, and Cambridge which owned 70% of the shares in Navigator was incorporated in the Cayman Islands. Vela Energy Holdings Ltd (Vela) was incorporated in the Bahamas, and its Bahamian subsidiary owned all the shares in Cambridge. Mr Mahler, a Swiss resident, controlled Vela, Cambridge, and Navigator. 42 [2006] UK PC 26, [2007] 1 AC 508 (Cambridge). 14 Navigator, which was insolvent, applied to the Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of New York for a Ch 11 reorganisation. The Court rejected the debtor’s plan and approved the creditors’ under which the shares in Navigator were to be vested in the creditors’ committee. The New York court sent a letter of request to the Manx court seeking its assistance for this purpose. Cambridge argued that the Manx court could not vest its Navigator shares in the committee. The New York judgment was not in rem because the shares were not situated in the United States, and Cambridge was not bound in personam because it had not submitted to the New York jurisdiction. Lord Hoffmann said43: “This submission bore little relation to economic reality. The New York proceedings had been conducted on the basis that the contest was between rival plans put forward by the shareholders and the creditors. Vela, the parent company of Cambridge, participated in the Ch 11 proceedings and arranged the finance which was to have been the cornerstone of the shareholders’ plan. It is therefore not surprising that the New York court did not trouble to ask whether the voluntary petition presented by Navigator had the formal consent of its own stockholder company when that company was the creature of the real parties in interest who were actively participating in the proceedings. For Cambridge, which was no doubt administered by lawyers in Cayman on the instruction of Mr Mahler, the claim that it had not submitted to the jurisdiction was technical in the highest degree. Mr Mahler was, it appears, a director of Cambridge as well as Vela and the Navigator companies.” 43 Ibid pp 514-5 at [8]. 15 He continued44: “The [Manx Judge] found as a fact that although Vela had participated in the bankruptcy proceedings in New York, its subsidiary Cambridge had not submitted to the New York jurisdiction. This finding is somewhat surprising but was upheld by the Court of Appeal and the creditors’ committee, faced with concurrent findings of fact, have not appealed against it.” The Board nevertheless held that Cambridge was bound because bankruptcy and insolvency judgments had universal application. I have ventured to criticise this part of the decision elsewhere. The creditors did not argue that Cambridge was bound because it could have intervened to protect its property or was a privy of Vela, or Navigator, or both. The findings recorded by Lord Hoffmann established a basis for the first argument and the appeal of “justice and common sense” may again have been irresistible. Its application in Cambridge would have been supported by a decision of the Privy Council that had stood for 50 years, a unanimous decision of the High Court of Australia, and a decision of the Court of Appeal. An opportunity to develop and rationalise the law went begging. It is also surprising that the creditors did not argue that Cambridge was a privy of Navigator and Vela. Courts in several jurisdictions have held 44 Ibid p 515 at [10]. 16 that controlling shareholders and their companies are privies. One of the issues in Johnson was whether proceedings by a controlling shareholder were an abuse because they should have been included in earlier proceedings brought by his company against the defendants. Lord Bingham, who gave the principal judgment on this issue, refused to distinguish between the shareholder and his company for this purpose. He said45: “The first [subsidiary argument] was that the rule in Henderson … did not apply to Mr Johnson since he had not been the plaintiff in the first action … this argument was rightly rejected. A formulaic approach to application of the rule would be mistaken. [The company] was the corporate embodiment of Mr Johnson. He made decisions and gave instructions on its behalf. If he had wished to include his personal claim in the company’s action, or to issue proceedings in tandem with those of the company, he had power to do so.” There was no res judicata estoppel because the first action was settled. In Carl Zeiss Stiftung v Rayner & Keeler Ltd (No 2)46 Lord Reid said that res judicata estoppels bound privies in blood, title and interest. Privity by blood and title are well understood. The uncertainties lie in the outer limits of privity of interest. The core principle is that this exists where one claims under, through, or on behalf of a party bound. Thus a beneficiary claims under the trustees, new trustees claim under former 45 46 [2000] UK HL 65, [2002] 2 AC 1, 32. [1967] 1 AC 853, 909-10 (Carl Zeiss). 17 trustees, and a tenant claims under his landlord. However privity of interest may exist in other cases. In Carl Zeiss Lord Reid said47: “… privity of interest … can arise in many ways, but it seems to me to be essential that the person now to be estopped … must have had some kind of interest in the previous litigation or its subject matter.” Lord Guest said48: “Before a person can be privy to a party there must be community or privity of interest between them.” In Gleeson v J Wippell & Co Ltd 49Megarry VC proffered a test for privity of interest in such cases. The plaintiff had sued a company for breach of her copyright and failed. She then sued an unrelated company for a related breach of the same copyright. Its claim of privity based on a mere trading relationship with the earlier defendant rightly failed, and it did not invoke the extended doctrine. The Vice-Chancellor said50: “…the substratum of the doctrine is that a man ought not to be allowed to litigate a second time what has already been decided between himself and the other party to the litigation. This is in the interest both of the successful party and of the public. I cannot see that this provides any basis for a successful defendant to say that 47 Ibid at p 910. Ibid at p 936. 49 [1977] 1 WLR 510 (Gleeson), 50 Ibid at p 515. 48 18 the successful defence is a bar to the plaintiff suing some third party, or for that third party to say that the successful defence prevents the plaintiff from suing him, unless there is a sufficient degree of identity between the successful defendant and the third party. I do not say that one must be the alter ego of the other: but it does seem to me that, having due regard to the subject matter of the dispute, there must be a sufficient degree of identification between the two to make it just to hold that the decision to which one was a party should be binding in proceedings to which the other is a party. It is in that sense that I would regard the phrase ‘privity of interest’” (emphasis supplied). This test has been said to be indeterminate,51 it is undoubtedly circular, and it is not clear whether it is a test of privity or identity. It was applied by Lord Bingham in Johnson,52 but he was considering identity of parties for abuse of process, not privity of interest for res judicata estoppel. Megarry VC continued53: “A defendant ought to be able to put his own defence in his own way, and to call his own evidence. He ought not to be concluded by the failure of the defence and evidence adduced by another defendant in other proceedings unless his standing in those other proceedings justifies the conclusion that a decision against the defendant in them ought fairly and truly to be said to be in substance a decision against him” (emphasis supplied). This is a test of identity. Where a party on the record is suing or defending “on account of or for the benefit of another” the court can look 51 Trawl Industries of Australia Pty Limited v Effem Foods Pty Limited (1992) 36 FCR 406, 416 (Trawl)). 52 [2000] UK HL 65, [2002] 2 AC at p 32. 53 [1977] 1 WLR at p 516. 19 behind the record to identify the real party54, a test of substance, not form. In MCC Proceeds Inc v Lehmann Bros International (Europe) Ltd, an abuse of process case, Mummery LJ said55: “the focus should be on matters of substance not form.” The plaintiff’s predecessor failed in an action against a company to recover shares it had purchased from a subsidiary. The plaintiff then sued the subsidiary which, as a predecessor in title, did not claim under its purchaser, but Mummery LJ held that in substance the defendants were the same and the proceedings were an abuse of process. He said56: “… there was a community of interest between [the subsidiary] and [the parent] in respect of the … shares … … [The parent] had control of [the subsidiary] …” Litigation conducted, in the words of Lord Reid57, “for the benefit of another” could apply to companies litigating for the benefit of controlling shareholders. It is not clear whether the finding should be identity or privity and the categories may overlap. Cambridge provided a good opportunity for these questions to be explored. Vella, which intervened in the New York proceedings, was the ultimate holding company of Navigator and claimed through Cambridge. It opposed the creditors’ plan 54 Carl Zeiss [1967] 1 AC per Lord Reid at pp 911-2, and per Lord Wilberforce at p 969. [1998] 4 All ER 675 CA, 695, 56 Ibid at p 696. 57 Above n 54. 55 20 and defended Cambridge’s interest in its Navigator shares. The board of Navigator, appointed by Cambridge, authorised the Ch 11 proceedings and, as Lord Hoffmann said, did this with the approval of Cambridge. It was certainly arguable that Cambridge was a privy of Vella, or Navigator or both. Johnson established that the extended res judicata doctrine derived from Henderson58 is a category of abuse of process. In a well known passage Lord Bingham said59: “The bringing of a claim or the raising of a defence in later proceedings may, without more, amount to abuse if the court is satisfied … that the claim or defence should have been raised in the earlier proceedings if it was to be raised at all … It is, however, wrong to hold that because a matter could have been raised in earlier proceedings it should have been, so as to render the raising of it in later proceedings necessarily abusive. That is … too dogmatic an approach to what should … be a broad merits-based judgment which takes account of the public and private interests involved … [O]ne cannot formulate any hard and fast rule to determine whether, on given facts, abuse is to be found or not ,” The question is whether the claim or defence “should have been raised in the earlier proceedings”. Where, as in Johnson, the claimants have their own causes of action a finding of abuse is only open if the parties are in substance the same. Mr Johnson stood to benefit from his company’s 58 59 (1843) 3 Hare 100. [2000] UK HL 65, [2002] 2 AC 1, 31. 21 success in the first action, and may have been its privy, but this was not essential. What mattered was that he controlled both proceedings. Identity would surely have been found if he had sued first or if the second claimant had been another company of his, although in both cases the second claimant would not have been a privy of the first. The extended res judicata doctrine, as rationalised in Johnson, applies to the privies of those originally bound but only for causes of action or liabilities derived through, under, or on behalf of an original party. A party with its own cause of action or liability should not be affected unless the parties in substance are the same, or the earlier proceedings were conducted “on his behalf”, or there was a “community of interest”. A related question arose in the Federal Court of. A company sued the defendant for negligent misrepresentation and lost. Its directors and shareholders then sued the same defendant on the same misrepresentations for personal losses from share and loan capital invested in the company in reliance on those representations. The individuals did not claim through or under the company. It had not claimed under or in virtue of any legal right of its shareholders60 and had not derived any interest through them or otherwise represented their 60 Trawl (1992) 36 FCR 406, 412-3. 22 interests61. Defences of res judicata estoppel were therefore overruled. The decision of Gummow J, now a member of the High Court, was affirmed by the Full Federal Court62. The defendant did not raise a Henderson defence or rely on a wider basis for finding privity of interest perhaps because, as Gummow J found63, no single individual controlled the company. The Supreme Court of Ireland held in Belton v Carlow CC64 that a company and its controlling shareholders were not privies. Proceedings by the company to recover compensation from the Council for fire damage to its factory failed. The Council then sued the shareholders to recover compensation paid to the owner of an adjoining property damaged in the same fire and attempted to rely on issue estoppels. In the first case, brought by insurers in the company’s name, the High Court found that the fire had been deliberately lit by the shareholder directors. Keane J, who delivered the principal judgment in the second case, assumed65 that the shareholders had “some control over the [first] proceedings”. There was no conflict of interest which would require the company suing for subrogated insurers to be treated as a different party. 61 Ibid at p 415. (1993) 43 FCR 510. 63 (1992) 36 FCR at p 418. 64 [1997] 1 IR 172 SC. 65 Ibid at p 182. 62 23 Keane J held66 that there was no privity because the interests of the shareholders and the company in the first action were not the same, and the company had no interest in the second action. Any recovery in the first would have been held for the company and its insurers and the shareholders were not at risk as to costs. The real question however was whether the shareholders were privies of the company in the first action because a res judicata estoppel must be based on the earlier decision. As Lord Reid said in Carl Zeiss67 the privy “must have had some kind of interest in the previous litigation or its subject matter.” It did not matter that the company was not a privy of the shareholders in the second action, and privity need not be mutual. A tenant is always a privy of his landlord, but a landlord is not necessarily a privy of his tenant. In Stone & Rolls Ltd v Moore Stephens68 the House of Lords held that a one man company could not distance itself from his frauds to obtain an advantage from them. The Irish High Court decided in the first Carlow 66 Ibid at pp 181-2. [1967] 1 AC at p 910. 68 [2009] UK HL 39, [2009] 3 WLR 455 (Stone & Rolls). 67 24 case69 that the company could not distance itself from the arson of its shareholders. That being so the decision against the company should have been treated as a decision against them. The underlying question is whether a shareholder’s economic interest in the company’s litigation supports a finding of privity or whether the interest must be legal or proprietary. In Trawl Gummow J said:70 “… when finding the necessary privity in a successive or mutual relationship the courts have looked to legal rather than economic indicia as the criterion of operation of the privity doctrine.” Trawl’s success in the first action71 “might have had favourable economic consequences, in an imprecise way, for the other applicants” but its extent was “a matter of speculation”. In that case, as noted72, the company was not controlled by a single individual. The question is whether shareholders are privies of their companies or whether, for present purposes, identity of parties exists in such cases. Identity was said by Lord Reid and Lord Wilberforce to be a matter of substance, not form, and to exist where a party litigates for the benefit of 69 Above n 64. (1992) 36 FCR at 414. 71 Ibid at p 415. 72 Above n 63. 70 25 another73. Megarry VC said74 the question was whether “a decision against the [first] defendant … [is] fairly and truly … in substance a decision against” the second. In Johnson75 Lord Bingham found identity where the company was “the corporate embodiment” of the shareholder. In Stone & Rolls the majority held that a “one man company” could not sue its auditors for failing to detect his frauds. In the words of Lord Phillips76 the claim failed because “the company’s sole will and mind and beneficial owner” was a party to the frauds. His definition of a “one man company”77 included cases “where the shareholders together run the company”. Lord Walker noted78 that in Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan79 Lord Nicholls found that Mr Tan’s company had acted dishonestly because “[Mr Tan] was the company”. Lord Walker’s definition of a one man company80 included “cases where there is a single dominant shareholder-director even if there are other directors or shareholders” and “cases where two or more individual directors and shareholders are acting closely in concert.” 73 Above n 54. Above n 53. 75 Above n 45. 76 [2009] UK HL 39,[2009] 3 WLR 455, 483 at [86]. 77 Ibid pp 476-7 at [64]. 78 Ibid p 504 at [157]. 79 [1995] 2 AC 378, 397. 80 [2009] UKHL 39, [2009] 3 WLR 505 at [161]. 74 26 In Shah v Shah81 Roth J held that there was sufficient identity between a company, the defendant in the first action, and its controlling shareholder, a defendant in the second, to support a finding of abuse of process. In 2005 the claimant sued the company in the Employment Tribunal for constructive dismissal, allegedly instigated by the controlling shareholder, and lost. In 2007 he commenced an action under s 994 of the Companies Act 2006 (the unfair prejudice section) against his fellow shareholders based in part on the same allegations. Roth J dismissed this part of the case as an abuse82 and was inclined to the view that83 “there is sufficient identity … between [the controlling shareholder] and the company for the requirements of an issue estoppel to be satisfied”, citing Megarry VC in Gleeson.84 Caution must be exercised before finding privity based on a community of interest. Beneficiaries under a class gift claim under the same clause in the will and have equal interests but are not privies. All must be joined in proceedings to determine the rights of the class unless a representative order is made. The general point is illustrated by the two Re Waring cases85. The testator bequeathed two tax free annuities in the same [2010] EWHC 313 (Ch). I am indebted to Mr Andrew Walker of Maitland Chambers Lincoln’s Inn for a reference to this case. 82 Ibid at [85]. 83 Ibid at [87]. 84 [1977] 1 WLR 510, 515 above n 50. 85 [1942] Ch 126; [1948] Ch 221. 81 27 amount in the same terms. In the first case the Court of Appeal held that s 25 of the Finance Act 1941 reduced the annuities, but the decision was overruled by the House of Lords in another case. The annuitant living in enemy occupied Europe had not been a party to the 1942 proceedings and the Court had refused to make a representative order. In the second case Jenkins J held that the annuitant who had been a party was bound by the issue estoppel, but the other could take advantage of the decision of the House of Lords. The annuitants were not privies. Parties to different policies in the same terms over cargo in the same ship, parties to different charterparties with the same war or strike clause, and passengers injured in the same accident may all have identical rights. However each has his own independent right and interest, and they are not privies. K.R. Handley A Judge of the New South Wales Court of Appeal 28