Character Analysis Chart

Collect data for each of the character’s listed in the chart. Be sure that you provide direct quotes from the text as is
She was updated with the latest
Mostly dressed in white apparel
He was a football player in Yale.
trends mostly dresses in white with and always updated with fashion Because of which he was hulky
beautiful blonde hair.
and handsome.
He went to Yale and was a
former ex-football player there.
She is materialistic and admires
luxury. She has a specific way of
life, love and attention interests
Daisy wanted a luxurious and
wealthy life that she got by
marrying Tom but after his
mistreatment she feels that he
does not care for her and falls in
love with Gatsby who completes
the need of love in her life. She
achieves both true love along
with wealth and luxury.
She was a golf player and had
great emphasis on her sports
She spends most of her time in
socialistic activities, her life mostly
surround around partying
gossiping and drinking. One thing
that interests her besides these is
golf; she focuses on her sports
career a lot.
Jordan is very focused in her
career as a golf player , she can
go to any extent to get success in
golf . She is arrogant and proud
of her achievements in her life.
Football is one of Tom’s interests
as he himself has been a former
football player; he comes from a
wealthy family so wealth and
success also interests him.
Tom is a successful man and all
the wealth that he possesses
shows his success that he has
gained in his life. For Tom a good,
successful, luxurious life is what he
wants. He does not care much
about the others because his
fame and status fills up his needs
and demands.
Highly sophisticated and decent ,
she has a charming way of
conversing and her manners
attracted many young men.
She is a self centered and
cynical. She has a strong
personality ,she is respected and
trusted by most people around
Significant Quote
I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the
best thing a girl can be in this
world, a beautiful little fool.
Nick thought daisy to be flirtatious
and materialistic but very
beautiful and graceful.
Life starts all over again when it
gets crisp in the fall."
Nick’s Comment
Nick thinks that he has fallen in
love with Jordan, but later he
thinks she is careless and only
loves herself.
He is selfish and is known to be
sexist and racist. His rude
behavior with his wife is very
evident; he has hurt her
emotionally because he does not
give time to her.
He thinks she goes to see her
sister in New York. He's so dumb
he doesn't know he's alive.
Nick thinks Tom is selfish and
arrogant. He is dominant and
treats daisy very rudely.
He is a blonde, spiritless
but faintly handsome
man. He is also anemic.
He wears elegant suits ,
he has a very absurd yet
decent way of speech it
seems as if he thinks
about the words he uses
He is a handsome young
man. He is well suited
but does not dress very
lavishly to show off.
She has the thickest
figure, she has a faintly
soul and she is not very
beautiful from her
face.She dresses in
saturated colors and
tries to look more
Early 30’s
Early 30’s
The valley of ashes
The Valley Of Ashes
North Dakota
Worker at his garage
Works for a millionaire
and then takes training
in Louisville for the post
Educated at Yale and
runs a Bond business
of an officer. He
attended the Oxford
college in England
She desires wealth,
social status and power
as she is not of a very
high status she is from a
middle class
background and so a
better lifestyle interests
Accomplishments Myrtle wanted to fulfill
her desire of a wealthy
and luxurious life that
she could not spent with
her husband so she goes
after Tom to find that
comfort and she
succeeds in getting the
life she wants except
Tom does not treat her
with much respect but
she bears all his
mistreatment for the
luxurious life that she is
Myrtle is straightforward
and fleshy. She is very
materialistic and a
‘money lover’ that is the
reason why she chooses
to be with Tom instead
of her husband George.
He is interested in
looking after his wife and
he tries to improve his
financial constraints to
keep his wife happy.
His interest is in earning a
large fortune to attract
Daisy. He cares about a
lavish life. He is famous
for the parties he throws
for the people of
He is interested in
knowing people and
socializing. He is
interested in the fast life
of Newyork and in how
one copes with that
George Wilson owns a
garage and wants to
live a happy, ordinary
life with his wife but does
not succeed in it and
loses his wife to Tom.
Gatsby strived to work
hard and get a good
status in society. He had
idealized Tom and
wanted a life like his. He
was successful in life; he
was one of the richest
people famous and
known around New
York. Gatsby was a
determined man, he
wanted all of this for
Daisy and he achieved
it by hook and by crook.
Nick has achieved a
good career from Yale
but when he met
Gatsby he was lonely
and felt lost in life but
after meeting him he
has become more
judgmental and tries to
help out people when
they need him.
He is thought to be
boring and lifeless, he
owns a garage and is
mostly involved in work
he is middle class so he
lives a very simple life.
He is wealthy and rich
but at the same time he
can go to any extent to
earn a higher status in
society. He is dishonest
and a liar as he has
taken part is criminal
He is tolerant, cool
minded and a
trustworthy. He listens to
people and try to help
them out as much as he
Significant Quote
"I married him because I
thought he was a
gentleman...I thought he
knew something about
breeding, but he wasn't
fit to lick my shoe."
‘God knows what
you’ve been doing,
everything you’ve been
doing. You may fool me,
but you can’t fool
Your wife doesn’t love
you…..She’s never loved
you. She loves me.
Everyone suspects
himself of at least one of
the cardinal virtues, and
this is mine…I am one of
the few honest people
that I have ever known
Nick’s Comment
He thinks Myrtle is not as
beautiful as Daisy and
Tom choosing Myrtle
over Daisy is not the right
thing to do.
Nick thinks that George
deserves to be with
Myrtle because of his
love for her but he is
boring and lifeless
compared to Tom.
Nick thinks he is
dishonest, vulgar and a
could go to any extent
to get fame and wealth
to impress Daisy. From
Nick’s point of view this is
what makes him ‘great’.
Nick thinks he is
trustworthy and honest,
he thinks he is a good
secret keeper and does
not like people who try
to betray him or are
careless and fake.