
II. Greek - Etruscan – Roman: Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following Roman monuments contains a
relief panel depicting Roman soldiers carrying spoils
from the Temple in Jerusalem?
A. Arch of Titus
B. Trajan’s Column
C. Pantheon
D. Ara Pacis
Question 6 and 7 are based on Figure 2
2. Which of the following is part of the entablature of a
Classical temple?
A. capital
B. pediment
C. frieze
D. cult statue
Questions 3-5 are based on Figure 1
Fig. 2
6. This building was erected on the site where
A. Athena and Poseidon battled
B. Zeus punished Ixion
C. the great plays of ancient Greece were
D. the Battle of Issus took place
Fig. 1
3. This arch commemorates
A. the Roman victory over the Parthians
B. Julius Caesar’s conquering of Gaul
C. Constantine’s victory at the Battle of The
Milvian Bridge
D. Octavian’s victory over Cleopatra
4. Much of the sculpture on this arch was
A. taken from older monuments
B. sculpted in Egypt
C. freestanding and later transferred to relief
D. made in the lost-wax process
5. The columns on the arch are referred to as
A. reserve
B. engaged
C. composite
D. piers
7. This building is called the
A. Parthenon
B. Choragic Monument of Lysikrates
C. Tholos sanctuary
D. Errechtheion
8. The impluvium is where Romans gathered
A. in the Forum to celebrate
B. for baths
C. to conduct business
D. water
9. Roman houses in Pompeii were painted with scenes
A. of mythological gods
B. of the afterlife
C. of the victories of Roman emperors
D. representing of a procession of Roman nobles
Question 10 is based on Figure 3
12. Depicted here are four
A. emperors
B. generals
C. soldiers
D. warrior angels
Question 13 is based on figure 5
Fig. 3
10. Which Roman Emperor is represented here?
A. Constantine
B. Marcus Aurelius
C. Nero
D. Caracalla
Fig. 5
13. What order is this capital from
A. Doric
B. Ionic
C. Corinthian
D. Tuscan
Question 14 is based on Figure 6
Questions 11 and 12 are based on figure 4
Fig. 6
14. The area in light grey in this diagram is an example
of a
A. pendentive
B. trigylph
C. spandrel
D. metope
Fig. 4
11. These sculptures are done in an imperial stone called
A. marble
B. granite
C. limestone
D. porphyry
15. All of the following are equestrian monuments
A. Marcus Aurelius
B. Gattamelata
C. Colleoni
D. Augustus of Primaporta
16. Praxitele’s sculptures are different from his
predecessors in Greek art, because he stressed
A. a more emotional and lively approach
B. powerful and overwhelming nudes
C. suggestive figures with lightly veiled bodies
D. the humanization of the gods
17. The Pergamom Altar depicts the battle between the
gods and the giants, but also symbolically represents the
A. building of the Acropolis
B. rise of Greek power under Alexander the
C. Greek defeat of the Persians
D. Roman defeat of the Greeks
20 The Romans often used this building form to
celebrate their victories
A. Temple
B. Basilica
C. Arch
D. Atrium
21. Which of the following best describes the Pax
A. Devastating plague
B. Period of peace and prosperity
C. Roman concert
D. Emperor’s home
Question 18 is based on figure 7
22. This technique created a sense of distance through
A. Sfumato
B. Linear perpective
C. Chiaroscuro
D. Atmosphereic perspective
23. This is an architectural detail often found inside a
Roman dome.
A. Barrel vault
B. Coffer
C. Atrium
D. Peristylum
Fig. 7
18. This building is typical of Roman structures built of
ashlar masonry in that it
A. carefully balances the stones one atop the
other without mortar
B. uses concrete to mold and form into special
C. uses three blocks of stone for each one that
was used before
D. is ideal for the corbelled arches used here
19. This type of vault is created by the intersection of
two barrel vaults.
A. Typmanum
B. Pendentive
C. Composite
D. Groin
24. Which of the following ended the persecution of the
A. Pax Romana
B. Edict of Milan
C. Council of Tetrachy
D. Battle of the Milvian Bridge
25. The name of the Roman upper class.
A. Patricians
B. Dacians
C. Councels
D. Orators
26. Romulus and Remus are best described as
A. Two of the Good emperors
B. Sons of Marcus Aureilius
C. Mythical founders of Rome
D. Brothers of Aeneas
27. Roman floors often had decorations in
A. mosaics
B. terra cotta
C. fresco
D. carved wood
28. Maison Caree is a Roman building located in which
of the following cities ?
A. Gaul
B. Paris
C. Jerusalem
D. Athens
36. All of the following Greek sculptors are correctly
paired with their statues EXCEPT
A. Polykleitos and Doryphoros
B. Praxitelles and Aphrodite of Knidos
C. Lysippos and Kritios Boy
D. Phidias and Athena Parthenos
29. The column of Trajan was built to commemorate
A. the building of the Roman forum
B. the destruction of Jerusalem
C. Trajan’s victory over the Dacians
D. Trajan’s accession to Emperor
Question 37-39 is based on figure 8
30. Much of our knowledge of ancient Greek sculpture
comes from
A. Etruscan tombs
B. Early Christian manuscripts
C. Roman copies
D. Byzantine mosaics
31. The statue by Polykleitos that the ancients thought
epitomized the ideals of Classical Greek sculpture is
called the
A. Kritios Boy
B. Doryphoros
C. Apoxyomenos
D. Discobolos
32. The first building og the Athenian Acropolis to be
completely built in the Ionic order was the
A. Stoa of Attalos
B. Parthenon
D. Temple of Athena Nike
33. All of the following are true of the Pantheon
A. it was dedicated to the goddess Athena
B. it was built of concrete and brick
C. it’s dome has an open occulus
D. it has a coffered ceiling
34. A free standing, draped female figure sculpted
during the Archaic period of Ancient Greece is
A. kouros
B. naos
C. kore
D. corfu
35. Which of the following is part of the entablature of a
Classical temple
A. Capital
B. Pediment
C. Architrave
D. Cult statue
Figure 8
37. This scene is part of a continuous band of sculpture
known as
A. an archivolt
B. a pediment
C. a frieze
D. an entablature
38. The figures were originally part of the
A. library at Alexandria
B. Parthenon in Athens
C. Pantheon in Rome
D. Altar of Zeus in Pergamon
39. The violent movement, swirling draperies and
emotional intensity indicate that the work is from the
A. Geometric period
B. Archaic period
C. Classical period
D. Hellenistic period
40. Which of the following is a characteristic of Roman
A. corbelled vaulting
B. cantilevers
C. arches and columns
D. fly buttresses
41. A voussoir would be found in
A. a Greek temple
B. a Roman aqueduct
C. a Sumerian ziggurat
D. an Egyptian temple
42. Which of the following Roman monuments contains
a relief panel depicting the sack of Jerusalem by the
A. Arch of Titus
B. Trajan’s Column
C. Pantheon
D. Ara Pacis
47. Which of the following was a Roman architect
whose work was rediscovered during the Renaissance?
A. Vasari
B. Polykleitos
C. Vitruvius
D. Alberti
Question 43-46 is based on figure 8
48. Which of the following Roman structures was NOT
built to glorify the achievements of an emperor?
A. Ara Pacis
B. Trajan’s Column
C. Arch of Constantine
D. Catacombs
Question 49 – 52 is based on figure 9
Figure 8
43. The statue is a portrait of Augustus as a
A. victorious athlete
B. celebrated author
C. devout priest
D. victorious general
44. Like other Roman statues and relief sculpture, this
work is primarily intended to
A. mold public opinion
B. honor the gods
C. promote artistic creativity
D. provide a realistic portrait of the emperor
Figure 9
49. The medium of the work is
A. tempera
B. oil
C. fresco
D. mosaic
50. The work once decorated the
A. Altar of Zeus at Pergamon
B. Walls of the Colosseum in Rome
C. Lighthouse in Alexandria
D. Floor of a Roman villa in Pompeii
45. The figure of Cupid at Augustus’s foot is intended to
proclaim his
A. love of classical mythology
B. divine lineage
C. victory over Antony and Cleopatra
D. hope for a large family
51. It is widely believed that this work is
A. faithful copy of a Hellenistic panel painting
B. derived from an Etruscan sarcophagus
C. based upon a Greek vase painting
D. derived from a Persian carpet design
46. The statue is based closely on
A. Polyeuktos’s Demosthenes
B. Polykleitos’s Doryphoros
C. Lysippos’s Weary Hercules
D. Praxiteles Hermes and the Infant Dionysos
52. The subject of the work is
A. a battle between Augustus and Mark Antony
B. the assassination of Julius Caesar
C. a battle between Alexander the Great and
Darius III
D. the battle between the gods and the giants
Question 53-56 is based on figure 10
Figure 10
53. This work was sculpted by
A. Myron
B. Polykleitos
C. Phidias
D. Praxiteles
54. Which of the following statements about the statue is
NOT accurate
A. it was originally called the Canon
B. it was created during Archaic period
C. was intended to illustrate the ideal male body
D. the original was cast in bronze
55. The influence of this statue can clearly be seen in
which of the following
A. Augustus Prima porta
B. Colossal Head of Constantine
C. Equestrian Statue of Charlemagne
D. Moses by Michelangelo
56. The statue uses a relaxed stance called
A. chiaroscuro
B. contraposto
C. canonization
D, chaktra