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300 N.E. 2 ND Ave. Rm.3506-24

Miami, Fla. 33132

(305) 237-3623 fax 237-3859 office hours: Tuesdays 3-5:30 p.m. or by appointment jcuevas@mdc.edu

TEXTBOOK: Business Law and the Legal Environment, Anderson, Fox and Twomey

(19 th

Edition) Please visit the website for the book and download the powerpoint slides b/c t hey are a great source of information and can also be used as a study guide. The website is: http://anderson.westbuslaw.com/

WebTutor Advantage on WebCT, Twomey/Jennings/Fox(This is your access code.)

ISBN: 0-324-23233-0

COURSE OBJECTIVE: To provide an overview of law in the business environment and to develop an understanding of the language and concepts which govern contract law. The course will focus on the regulatory framework within which daily business transactions are handled.

This will include the laws, which govern the creation of contracts and the resolution of disputes when contracts are breached as well as other introductory legal concepts.

INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: Lecture, class discussion, question and answer, role play, and group activities will be employed. You are responsible for all the topics, which are covered in class, as well as, reading and writing assignments. Critical thinking will be required in order to perform well in class.


1-9 An overview of the legal environment with an emphasis on how business disputes can proceed through the state and federal court systems.


12-20 A comprehensive look at contract law stressing an understanding of agreement, contractual capacity, consideration, legality, breach, interpretation and professional liability.

There is a WebCT companion to this class – this is the method of which projects and assignments will be disseminated. Therefore, you need access to a computer – if you do not have one at home, I invite you to utilize the computers in the Computer Lab located in Building 2 at Wolfson Campus.

We will all participate in presentations of current events – extracted from the media (Internet, Television, and

Newspaper). Activities in class are designed to revolve around local and personal issues. Daily assignments will be given from the textbook and handouts provided by the instructor. You are responsible for all topics covered in class, and all reading and writing assignments. Critical thinking will be required in order to perform well in this class.

WEBCT Access

You must sign up for the WebCT companion to this course. To do so you go to the following address: http://webct4a.mdc.edu

Choose: Create my WebCt. Suggestion: use the same username and password that you use for your MDC account – it is easier to remember.


Create a log in – use your first and last name as your user name-no spaces


Log in using the username and password you just created


You are now on your personal WebCT folder – choose ADD A COURSE


You will now be on a screen that offers you courses to select – select VIEW BY CATEGORY link and scroll down to the LEGAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM – choose update link.


The screen will take you to a list of LAP courses – choose BUL 2241 Danixia Cuevas (ADD A



When you get to the next screen DO NOT type in your name and password – select: REGISTER – you will be added to the course – now select GO TO COURSE…explore….I will give further instructions as we go along in class.




Class attendance is mandatory and participation is important and expected. You are expected to come to class on time and be present for the entire class session. Attendance will be taken at each class. Attendance is worth 5 percent of your total grade. If you are absent two classes, you will be dropped from the course. You do not need to call me to let me know that you will be absent from class.

If you miss class, it is your responsibility to obtain any and all information that was distributed by contacting a classmate, alternatively, you can call me at my office. If you call me at my office, leave your full name, state which class you are in and leave a day and telephone number where I can reach you.


Arriving to class more than 30 minutes late or leaving early will be marked as an absence. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to speak to your classmates in order to find out about the missed class or work.


You may be given in class assignments throughout the semester. These assignments are your opportunity to improve your grades. Each in class assignment will be worth 1 point. These assignments will not under any circumstances be accepted late. If you miss a class, you loose the opportunity to improve your grade.


You will be assigned chapters to read. I will call on you randomly and ask you questions. Class participation will count for 5 percent of your final term grade.


An exception may be made for documented emergencies, you must contact me as soon as possible so that alternative arrangements can be made to take the test. Remember makeup tests are at my discretion and will only be given with documentation substantiating an emergency.


Your final term grade will be based on the following:

5%=Class Participation


30%=Project #1(Research paper; powerpoint and verbal presentation Ch.7)

30%=Project #2 (On chapters 12-20)

20%=Quizzes (There will be 4 quizzes, each worth 5%)

10%=Essay answers to questions from Chapters 1-12


Total = 100%

Grades are not negotiable. If you feel that you may demonstrate that you l earned more than is evident in a specific assignment or product for the course, you may request reconsideration based on performance at a new and improved level of content, skill or strategy mastery.

I do not give extra credit. I do not allow for students to re-do a project.




You will be required to research a law that relates to the business areas covered in

Chapters 7: The Legal Environment of International Trade. This is a vast area so start by choosing a sub-topic of your preference from that chapter and write a paper on the International

Business Law consequences of any of the following international laws, treaties or international trade organizations: GATT; WTO; CISG; UNCTAD; EU;NAFTA; IMF; OPENC or ICANN.

You may also research any aspect of internal law i.e. human rights issues; intellectual property issues etc.Once you select one of the subtopic research areas above begin conducting research about that topic. In doing research you can analyze a case or discuss a business law related to the topics listed above. In order to complete this paper you may have to conduct research in a law library or an internet related legal research site. Your references must also appear in the body of the paper where they are appropriate, whether you are quoting directly or indirectly from the source. Because this research paper is on international business law you must use some international resources like the International Herald Tribune or overseas newspapers. Therefore, almost all of your paper should be referenced or footnoted. Check with your instructor if you are not sure how to write a formal paper. If you use a regular printed document, be sure to include the title, the author, the pages, the date and the publisher in your reference. If you are using the internet, be sure the complete internet address is given on your reference page. I will check the internet references, and if I cannot pull them up on my computer to see where your work came from, the reference will not count, and points sill be deducted from your paper. If no references appear in your paper, it will be considered as plagiarized and a “0” will be assigned to your paper. Your grade will be based not only on the content of the analysis but also on the writing itself. Diction, style, grammar, spelling and organization are key elements in this assignment.

Write simply and clearly. Prepare a cover page. Use MLA format. I will give you instructions as to how you can turn in your paper to Turnitin.com.

An "A" Essay:

Has a discernable thesis and the essay fully addresses the topic; the thesis is defendable, clearly explained, and supported in the body of the essay

Substantial depth and breadth

Expresses ideas clearly


Addresses the audience to which it is intended

Demonstrates logical organization

Is fully developed and detailed with arguments supported by persuasive reasoning

Has a variety of sentence patterns, smooth transitions between ideas, excellent diction

Has few, if any, errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling

A "B" Essay:

States a clear thesis and the essay addresses the topic, although not completely; the thesis may be clear and well-argued, but could use additional support or development

Shows some depth and complexity of thought

Expresses ideas clearly

Demonstrates effective organization

Demonstrates balance between evidence and analysis for the most part, but balance may be weak in places

Has an effective style (some variety of sentence patterns, transitions between ideas, accurate diction)

Has few errors in grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling

A "C" Essay:

Has a thesis that may not be entirely clear and the essay does not fully address the topic

Demonstrates insufficient awareness of the issues to be addressed; may treat the topic too simplistically or repeat same arguments over again

Communicates ideas clearly for the most part, but may have some lapses in clarity

Recognizable organization, but not completely clear or effective

Is unevenly developed; writer may offer sufficient reasoning or evidence for some legal issues but ignore or fail to develop ideas on others



PROJECT NUMBER TWO: You will be assigned to work in groups of 2. You will be given a contracts fact pattern to review, analyze and answer in a written format. I will distribute the assignment in class.






F=below 60


I will not accept late projects. For this reason, you are put on notice in the beginning of the semester about the project due dates. If for some reason, you have an extenuating circumstance and you cannot submit the project on the due date, you must call me at my office and advise me that you cannot turn the project in on the due date. You then will have upto one week past the due date to submit your project. I will under no circumstances accept projects beyond this deadline date. Your project grade will be reduced by 5 points for every day that the project is late. An extenuating circumstance is defined as an unexpected serious medical emergency, which is substantiated through medical documentation; or serious illness or death of a family member.


I reserve the right to give unannounced quizzes. If you are not here on the day that I give you a quiz, you get a zero for the quiz. Remember quizzes count towards your grade! I will not under any circumstances give make-up quizzes. Although, quiz dates will be announced in class, I reserve the right to give announced quizzes. I will distribute the quiz at the beginning of class, you will be allotted a certain amount of time to take the quiz. If you arrive to class late, you will be given the same amount of time that the other students had to take the quiz.


Chapters 1-2 & 4

Chapters 6,8 &9

Chapter 12-13

Chapter 14-15

I will distribute 10 essay questions during the first day of class which relate to chapters 1-12.

You will be required to write essay answers to these questions. These essay questions will be worth 10% of your overall final term grade. You must type your answers to each question in a short answer essay format. In your response you need to state the theory of law that you are relying upon to answer the question and you must explain how the facts of your case apply to that legal theory.


A grade of Incomplete will only be given for medical reasons, death in the family, or personal emergencies that are documented and approved by the instructor and program director. Only students who are doing satisfactory work are eligible. A contract which specifies the remaining work to be completed must be signed by the student and instructor prior to the end of the term.

Incomplete work must be completed by the end of the next term with the instructor who awarded the grade. An Incomplete grade can only be given when a student has completed 75% of the class.

Please refer to the Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. If I find any student cheating on an exam; homework assignment; project or any other coursework. I will follow the Academic

Dishonesty Procedure 4035 and can impose the following Level I sanctions:” Change of Grade on an item in question”; “Grade of zero on item in question”; “A lower grade for the course”; “A grade of F for the course”; “Record a change of grade from W to F for a course” or “Removal from the course”. (Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook page 21). Level II sanctions can be imposed by the Chair and Level III sanctions can be imposed by the Academic Hearing


All students must submit individual work. No student is allowed to submit work for my class that was previously used in another class. If a student engages in this type of academic dishonesty, I will follow Academic Procedure 4035. Students are not allowed to work collectively unless expressly authorized by the professor in a given project.



Students not completing the course for any reason are required to submit official drop notices to the Registrar’s Office by the due date. Failure to comply with this procedure may result in receiving a letter grade of “F”.


This course syllabus is subject to change due to time constraints, policy changes, or for any other reason that may be to the student’s benefit (in the professional judgement of the instructor).



Please turn off all beepers and cell phones during class time.

Retain a copy of all of the projects which you submit.

The professor reserves the right to make changes or modifications to this syllabus as may be deemed necessary and proper.

