Brave New World- Chapters 1-3

“O Brave New World!”
Brave New World- Chapters 1-3
1. Define the following terms:
Bokanovsky process
Neopavlovian Conditioning
2. Describe the following social classes with at least three examples. Be sure to cover how they are formed into their
3. The world is dominated by whom? What is their motto?
4. Where does this novel begin?
5. What is taking place at the beginning?
6. What is the reason behind the formation of the social classes? Will the humans automatically accept or reject their
given class?
7. What happens in the game of Centrifugal Bumble-puppy?
8. What does the director say about Ford? What Ford is he referring to?
9. What do we learn about Lenina Crowne and Bernard Marx?
Brave New World- Ch. 4-6
Chapter 4:
1. Why does Bernard act with embarrassment when Lenina publicly accepts his invitation to the reservation?
2. Where does Lenina go after she speaks with Bernard? Why does Bernard feel terrible?
3. Why does Bernard feel uncomfortable with his size?
4. Who is Helmholtz? What does he do? What is his size and caste?
Chapter 5:
1. Describe the date between Lenina and Henry? Why so much soma?
2. What does Bernard have to do every other Thursday? Why so much soma?
Chapter 6:
1. Describe the wrestling match trip between Lenina and Bernard. What ends up happening that Bernard didn’t want to
happen in earlier chapters? How does he react the next day?
2. Why does Bernard go see the Director? What does the Director confide in Bernard?
3. What does the Director threaten to do to Bernard? Why?
4. Describe the Reservation.
5. Why does Bernard call Helmholtz? What does Helmholtz tell Bernard?
Brave New World- Chapters 7-10
Chapter 7:
1. Describe the community celebration at the Reservation.
2. Who do Bernard and Lenina meet at the Reservation? For what reason are they surprised when they meet him?
3. Why does Linda say is the reason she gave birth to John? What customs did she try to take from the “Other Place” to
the Reservation? When she did, how did the natives react?
Chapter 8:
1. Does John speak highly of or down upon the “Other Place”? What did Pope do to Linda?
2. What did Pope give John to read? Why did he take such a liking to what he was given? Don’t you just wish you could
read that author all the time as well? 
3. What does Bernard ask John to do? What is Bernard’s motive for doing this?
“O Brave New World!”
Chapter 9:
1. While Lenina is on a soma holiday to escape the “horrors” of the Reservation, what does Bernard do?
2. Why does John go to see Lenina? What does he read to her? What emotion do you think he is feeling for Lenina?
Chapter 10:
1. What does the Director tell Henry he plans to do to Bernard? In front of whom? Why does this not seem like a big deal
to members of this society?
2. What does the Director accuse Bernard of when he comes back?
3. When Bernard presents Linda and John to the Director and the others, what does Linda reveal? Then, what does John
do in front of the others?
Brave New World- Chapters 11-15
Chapter 11:
1. What happens to the Director? Why does John become popular? What happens to Linda?
2. What happens to Bernard’s life? How does Helmholtz react to this?
3. How does John find “civilized infantility”? What does Mond think about this?
4. What is John’s view of the factory? What line does he use?
5. Describe the date Lenina has with John? Why is the ending so awkward? What does John end up reading?
Chapter 12:
1. What does John refuse to do for Bernard at the beginning of this chapter? What happens to Bernard?
2. How does Helmholtz treat Bernard? What is the cause of trouble for Helmholtz?
3. How do Helmholtz and John get along? What do they have in common? What does Helmholtz find funny?
Chapter 13:
1. What does Lenina confess to Fanny? When Lenina and John finally get together, what does John do that causes Lenina
to become uneasy?
2. What does Lenina finally try to do with John? What is the end result?
Chapter 14:
1. Where is John going at the beginning of the chapter? How does John react when the boys insult his mother? Why
would he do so?
2. Who does Linda mistake her son for? What does John do to the Bokanovsky’s twins? What happens to Linda?
Chapter 15:
1. After reciting The Tempest, what does John ask the twins to stop taking? What are his reasons?
2. What does John do to the soma rations? What ends up happening? Who also becomes involved?
3. How do the police quiet the riot?
4. Who ends up going with the police?
Brave New World- Chapter 16
1. How does John feel about Civilization? What does he like?
2. What has Mond read that surprises John?
3. What reasons does Mond give for old, classic literature give for it to be banned? Why does this need to happen for
society to florish?
4. Again- what is been sacrificed for happiness? What does John think this creates?
5. Advancements in what have furthered this society?
6. A class in middle school has also been sacrificed for the people? Why?
7. What is going to happen to Helmholtz and Bernard? How do they react? Are these reactions consistent with their
“O Brave New World!”
Brave New World- Chapter 17
1. This whole chapter is about another facet of today’s society that has been sacrificed for happiness. What is it?
2. What are the names of the three books Mond shows John? Why don’t they give them to the people?
3. According to Mond, why don’t the people of the World State need God?
4. What does Mond blame for the lack of God in society?
5. How does Mond describe Soma? Why does he describe it as so?
6. Why did they get rid of everything unpleasant?
7. According to the Savage, what do people need?
8. How does Mond describe VPS? What is it used for? What does it suppress?
9. Mond says that John is claiming the right to be what? Do the people of the World State have this choice?
10. Why does Mond say “You’re Welcome”?
11. According to this chapter, what are some of the reasons people turn to religion?
12. Who says “But I don’t want comfort, I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness.
I want sin.” Why?
Brave New World- Chapter 18
Chapter 18- Plot Questions
1. Where are Helmholtz and Bernard going? How has Bernard changed from his overreaction in chapter 16? What
emotion are the three men sharing?
2. What does John drink to purify himself? From whom does he get the idea for the drink?
3. Where does John want to go? Why can’t he go?
4. To where does he move? Why is he there/what is he doing there? Describe the location.
5. What type of food does he end up buying? Does he plan to eat it? The fact that he owns this type of food without
knowing demonstrates what?
6. What is John doing while whittling the bow? What problem does it find with this? What does he do in response?
7. To what has he dedicated his time (concerning civilization)?
8. What attracts the Delta twins to John? What was the result?
9. What is the name of the reporter? What does he want to know? What is John’s response?
10. What happens to the other reporters when they meet John? What do they try to get John to take and why?
11. Who does John think of when he is working in his garden? What is his response to this? Are we seeing a trend?
12. Who was watching him whip himself? What is the job of this person? What does he turn this vision into?
13. After this becomes a major hit, many people come and visit John. What do they want to see?
14. Who ends up coming to the lighthouse during the mass visit of invaders?
15. When John runs after Lenina, what do the people mistake it for?
16. Once they witness John’s beating, what do they start to do? What do they confuse this purification with?
17. Afterwards, we find hat the crowd and John were affected by what? This lead John and company to do what?
18. What happens to John? Why are the finders confused?