Freak the Mighty Chapter Notes: Summary & Analysis

Freak the Mighty – Chapter Notes
Chapter 12 – “Killer Kane, Killer Kane, Had a Kid Who Got No Brain”
 Freak and Ma laugh about Loretta and Iggy
 Freak and Max are in all classes together
 Freak and Max march around the classroom, chanting “Freak the Mighty”
Chapter 13 – “American Chop Suey”
 Max goes to the principal’s office – she mentions his father – he freaks out
 Freak chokes  goes to hospital
 Max says Kevin had a terrible day
Chapter 14 – “Cross My Heart and Hope to Die”
Freak will die eventually if he doesn’t get a new body
Freak tells Max that studies are being done so he can get a new better body
Max’s dad is up for parole
Grim and Gram talk about getting a gun – they are worried about Killer Kane
Chapter 15 – “What Came Down the Chimney”
 Max and Freak have a great Christmas eve with their families
o Freak gives Max a homemade dictionary
o Max gives Freak a universal (Leatherman) tool
 Max’s dad sneaks into the house and tells Max, “I came back, like a promised.”
Chapter 16 – “A Chip Off the Old Block”
 Max’s father takes Max to Iggy and Loretta Lee’s apartment
 Loretta Lee and Iggy are involved.
Chapter 17 – “By All That’s Holy”
Killer Kane ties Max up so he won’t escape
Max and his father are staying in an old lady’s apartment
Killer Kane swears on a Bible that he didn’t kill Max’s mom
Killer Kane tells Max that he sent presents to Max, but Grim and Gram kept them
Chapter 18 – “Never Trust a Cripple”
 Kane plans to head south to be a preacher, and Max will collect money
 The cops check out Iggy’s apartment – Freak tells them where to go
Chapter 19 – “Into the Black Down Under”
 Max is tied up and gagged
 Loretta Lee comes to rescue Max
 Killer Kane is strangling Loretta Lee
Chapter 20 – “Freak the Mighty Strikes Again”
 Max tries to save Loretta Lee and remembers Killer Kane killing his mother
 Killer Kane tries to kill Max
 Freak rescues Max by shooting Killer Kane with “sulfuric acid” (turns out to be
curry powder, soap, and vinegar
 Freak carries Max out
 Loretta Lee is safe
Chapter 21 – “The Accident of Nature”
 Max goes to the police station, where he tells his story over and over
 Max sleeps upstairs in his house
 Max worries about being like Killer Kane
Chapter 22 – “Remembering is Just an Invention of the Mind”
 June – school is out
 Freak has his birthday – gets a computer
 Freak has a seizure and goes to the hospital
Chapter 23 – “The Empty Book”
 Max visits Freak in the hospital
 Freak gives Max a diary so he can write down their adventures
Chapter 24 – “The Return of Kicker”
 Max goes to the hospital early in the morning to visit Freak and learns that he has
 Max is hysterical, and the police put handcuffs on him
 Freak’s doctor talks to Max and explains that Freak knew he was going to die and
there were never plans for a bionic body
Chapter 25 – “What Loretta Said”
 Max hides in the down under for days; he misses Freak’s funeral
 Max sees Loretta, and she asks Max what he has been doing. When he replies,
“Nothing,” she says “Nothing is a drag, kid. Think about it.”
 That night, Max goes home and writes down the whole truth about Freak and Max