History of Political Parties: 1789 – 1912 AP U.S. History EARLY REPUBLIC 1789 – 1792 – No Parties JEFFERSONIAN ERA 1796 – 1816 – Democratic Republicans and Federalists - Federalists stand for strong central government and loose interpretation of constitution, DemRep. stand for states rights and strict interpretation - starts with J. Adams defeating Jefferson - Revolution of 1800 – Democratic Republicans win for first time with Jefferson, represents first big shift in power ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS 1820-1824 –Democratic Republicans JACKSONIAN ERA 1828-1832 – Democrats and National Republicans - Jackson begins the Democratic Party (but how much did Jackson really stand for the common man and democracy?) 1836 – Democrats and Whigs - Whigs historically stood against the King in England, Whig party formed in America in opposition to “King Jackson” ANTEBELLUM ERA 1840-1844 – Democrats, Whigs, and Liberty - Liberty party was anti-slavery (basically free-soil) but not abolitionists. 1848 – 1852 – Democrats, Whigs, and Free-soil - Free-soil was not abolitionists, but instead was against the spread of slavery 1856 – Democratic, Republican, American - The American party were nativists (against immigration), also known as the “Know Nothings” CIVIL WAR 1860 – Republican and Democrat - This is the Republican Party we know today started with Lincoln. Things stay pretty much Dem. vs Rep. for awhile… PROGRESSIVE ERA 1892 – 1900 – Democratic, Republican, and Populist - Populists supported the interest of farmers and laborers (mainly farmers) - Important to note that the populist party merged with the Democrats (Democratic Peoples Party or Democratic-Populist) in 1896 and 1900 with William Jennings Bryan as their candidate 1904 – 1908 – Democratic, Republican, and Socialist - Socialist candidate (Eugene V. Debs) represented socialist movement – government control of business in order to promote equal distribution of wealth 1912 – Democratic, Republican, Socialist, and Progressive - Progressive party started with Theodore Roosevelt – he returns from safari in Africa disgruntled by Taft’s conservative presidency, after losing the Republican nomination to Taft, he forms his own Progressive Party (also known as the Bull-Moose Party) NEW DEAL 1932 – 1940 – Democratic and Republican party SHIFT - It is during this era that the Democratic party evolves into the party we know it as today. Under F.D.R’s administration the Democratic party begins to stand for government regulation of the economy. - The Republicans in contrast supported smaller government and laissez-faire economics (just compare how Hoover and FDR each addressed the Depression…) - Also during this era, African Americans begin to shift their support from the Republican Party (the party of Abraham Lincoln) to the Democratic Party.