Two Kinds • Engelsk tekstopgave Niels Hansen 2b 20.8.2002 Two Kinds Section A The story is about a Chinese mother and daughter. After the mother has lost everything except her daughter. The mother took the Daughter with her, when she moved to America. The mother moved to America because, she thought it was possible to be rich and/or famous in America. The mother wanted that her daughter became a Chinese Shirley Temple. In the start they both were looking forward to the future fame. After some time the daughter decided, that she wouldn’t let her mother change her. Because she wouldn’t be what she wasn’t. The mother gave up, to make her daughter a Chi- nese Shirley Temple. Some months later The mother saw, a Chinese girl playing music in the tele- vision. The mother decided that her daughter should learn to play the piano. The daughter wouldn’t learn to play, because she knew that she couldn’t get Side 1 af 4 Two Kinds • Engelsk tekstopgave Niels Hansen 2b 20.8.2002 famous playing the piano. The mother found a deaf pianoteacher, and took the daughter to him. After some training she should play in a talent show. She played totally wrong, and the deaf pianoteacher was the only, who gave her an applause. After the fiasco she stopped playing the piano. Long time later the mother surprised her daughter, by offering her the piano, but the daughter wouldn’t take the piano. Section B The narrator, who is the daughter doesn’t like her mother, because after they have moved to “fantastic” America the mother mean, that her daughter can be rich or famous very easy in America. The mother forces her daughter to learn to play the piano and be a Chinese Shirley Temple. The narrator doesn’t want to play the piano or be a Chinese Shirley Temple, and the she doesn’t like her mother for that reason. I think that the Daughter obeyed her mother when they lived in China, But after they have moved to America she won’t obey her any- Side 2 af 4 Two Kinds • Engelsk tekstopgave Niels Hansen 2b 20.8.2002 more. The mother are from China, but she moved to America in 1949 after she had lost everything in China. She had lost her mother and father, her family home, her first husband, and two daughters, twin baby girls. The mother thinks, that everybody can be rich and famous in America if they really want to. And then she tries to make her daughter rich and famous, even though the daughter doesn’t mean that she can be perfect in anything, and she says that she isn’t a genius. The title of this short story is Two Kinds. I think that the story have that title because, the mother says that there is two kinds of children. The mother says that the two kinds are: Those who are obedient and those who follow their own minds. The mother says, that she only will have the first kind of daughter. Translation The time is in to get on the holiday of your live! Welcome to the picturesque Side 3 af 4 Two Kinds • Engelsk tekstopgave Niels Hansen 2b 20.8.2002 Malta, which always is worth a visit. The island is only waiting for you to dis- cover everything it can offer. Rent a car – the price is incredibly cheap – and take a trip in the unspoiled nature. Or visit one of the idyllic towns, where you can buy cheap antiques, when you have learned not to pay what first is request- ed. Send in the mentioned coupon and we will immediately send you further in- formation about the island, where your are going to spend your summer holi- days. Tastaturgenveje: Titel Opgave nr. Brødtekst 12/48 Brødtekst 12/48 indryk control + F1 control + F2 control + 1 control + 2 Tastaturgenvejene fungerer kun, hvis du slog makrobeskyttelsen fra, da du åbnede dette dokument! Side 4 af 4