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English 9
Semester 1 Exam
Study Guide
1) Consecrate- To set apart as holy
2) Pensive- deep in thought, dreamily thoughtful
3) Exhort- to urge strongly; to warn or appeal
4) Contemporary- existing or occurring at the same time
5) Despot- a ruler with absolute power or tyrannical control over a group of people
6) Cynical- doubtful of the sincerity of others’ motives; skeptical
7) Strife- conflict or struggle
8) Aver- to declare positively; to state as the truth
9) Vociferous- making one’s feelings known in a loud way
10) Belittle- to present or speak of as unimportant or of little value
12) Deem- to consider; to believe
12) Adroit- clever at dealing with difficult situations; adept; skillful
13) Definitive- supplying a final answer
14) Crusade- a prolonged, impassioned struggle for what is believed to be a just cause
15) Induct- to install in office, sometimes with a formal ceremony
16) Fluster- to agitate or confuse
17) Knave- a dishonest, lowly person
18) Litany-a long story or a long recital (of prayers)
19) Idyll- an episode or experience that is calm and carefree
20) Porous- Full of tiny holes or spaces; easily penetrated by gas or liquid
21) Adversity- misfortune; hardship
22) Credible- believable; reliable
23) Impair- to damage, weaken, or lessen
24) Blandishment- that which is intended to coax or persuade, such as flattery
25) Meteoric- coming to existence swiftly, suddenly, brightly like a meteor
-What is the name of the note taking method used at the beginning of the school year?
-What are the characteristics of this note taking method (where do you put notes, key terms,
summary, etc.)
-What is the definition for plot?
-Draw out and define an entire plot structure below:
-What is the definition of “theme”?
-What is an example of a possible “theme” in Romeo and Juliet?
-What is an informational text?
-Why is it important to read these types of texts?
-What types of people typically write informational texts?
-What are some examples of informational texts?
-What are the 4 Purposes for Writing an Informational Text?
-What is an author’s purpose and why is it important to understand?
-What is an intended audience and how can it be made clear in a text?
-Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
-What genre is Romeo and Juliet?
-What are the dates that the author of Romeo and Juliet lived?
-What is a thesis statement?
-Where does this statement belong? (In what paragraph)
-How do you properly conclude an essay?