People and Perspectives of the Plains

People and Perspectives of the Plains
2009 GPHC Conference
April 3-5, 2009
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Friday, April 3:
1:00-6:30 pm: Registration, Neihardt Residence Center Blue TV Lounge
2:00 pm: CAT exploration begins (meet in the Neihardt Blue TV Lounge)
4:30 pm: CAT exploration de-briefing, Neihardt Blue TV Lounge
5:00 pm: tour of Neihardt, NCHC offices (tentative)
6:30 pm: “Good Fresh Local”, by the Cather-Pound-Neihardt Dining Staff
7:30 pm: Speaker: Sandi Zellmer, UNL Law School faculty member, on water usage, policy and law
8:30-10:30 pm: Student party, Neihardt
Saturday, April 4
All sessions will be held in Andrews Hall
8:00 – 8:50 am
Paper Sessions
Session 1A
Room 103
Trisha Yarbrough, Shayla Sams
East Central University
Is a Summer Reading Program Worth it?
Our Honors Program began an optional summer reading and online discussion program in 2008. Our panel
will discuss the relative merits of participating in the summer or waiting until the fall to read and discuss the
required Honors seminar book.
Session 1B
Room 120
Ann Koopmann
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Round Table: Advising the Honors Student Effectively
As we all know, Honors students require special advising. A discussion of some of the challenges and rewards
will ensue.
Session 1C
Room 121
Julian Lawson
Lone Star College-North Harris
Conducting a Comprehensive Field Inspection Report
This project will demonstrate three circumstances of building codes compliance using Lone Star College –
North Harris as the subject matter. In my application of the codes, I addressed the issues of user safety,
universal access and potential property loss.
Laura Cuesta
Lone Star College-North Harris
Application of Building Codes and Inspection Standards
For this architectural engineering project, I performed a code inspection of a large urban college campus. I will
present the importance of implementing and considering the building codes and standards from the beginning
of the design process.
Amber Cannon
East Central University
The GreenStar Ag Management System from John Deere
This article is an in depth summary of the benefits as well as technical specifications of the new GreenStar and
Apex technology developed by John Deere Co. for precision farming and agricultural management that
provides for a more ecological and economical approach to farming.
Session 1D
Room 122
Katherine Daniel
Lone Star College-Montgomery
‘Hi: My Name is Nietzsche and I’m an Addict’
This presentation demonstrates how history repeats itself through philosophy using the philosophy of
Friedrich Nietzsche and the 12 step program of Narcotics Anonymous. This will include a discussion about the
two as well as a dramatic enactment of a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.
Lawson Hembree
John Brown University
A New Approach to At-Risk Youth: The Challenge Course Experience
The number of “at-risk” youth is on the rise. One way to approach helping these youths is using experiential
education programs such as challenge courses to teach them teamwork, obedience, and other valuable life
skills. Challenge course settings provide opportunities to overcome physical obstacles, and the lessons learned
can be taken and applied to the youths’ everyday lives.
Mona Easterling
Tulsa Community College
Awareness of Emotions and their Expression
Scientists have studied correlations between facial expression and emotion. Seven universal facial expressions
transcend language and culture: anger, sadness, fear, surprise, disgust, contempt, and happiness. This
presentation focuses on improving communication in a variety of situations. Evidence suggests understanding
emotional attitude can benefit your health and help you reach your goals.
Session 1E
Room 146
Kelsey Balzer
John Brown University
Boe Award Winner
When the Telegram Arrives: Idealism and Disillusionment in the Great War
Word came by a telephone call, family and friends, or a telegram, and it came many times. Countless British
citizens experienced a single moment acknowledging the death of a loved one. When the dreaded news
arrived, three main groups of Britain were challenged in their philosophy and loyalty to the Great War: the
soldier, the civilian, and the nation as a whole. The following rigorous study will analyze numerous primary
sources in order to gain a firsthand perspective of the British transformation from unyielding patriotism to
destructive disillusionment.
Gang Chen
Oklahoma City University
The research paper focuses on current issues in the Kingdom of Denmark, including topics such as Islam,
terrorism, immigration and so on. The paper is personally supported by the head of the communication
Sector of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark.
Sarah Minott
Southwest Baptist University
“Hero’s Honor”: The Battle of Hastings, A.D. 1066
“Hero’s Honor” follows the fictional lives of three young people caught up in a violent world of greed. My
extensive research reflects the causes, effects, and rationale behind one of the defining moments of the
Middle Ages—the Norman invasion of England. The invasion changed the English way of life, which
therefore changed the world we know today. This new work, including many documented occurrences
and people, is written for middle level readers to extend their historical concept of the Middle Ages and
provide a literary framework for a time historical authors often overlook.
Session 1F
Room 102
Ben Klar
John Brown University
Focusing on the Middle: Examining the Chiastic Structure of Lamentations in Search of God's Faithfulness
Although an Old Testament work written during Israel’s darkest hours, the structure of the book of
Lamentations reveals God to be our source of hope. Even where God may seem absent, we can have
assurance that he is present.
Brianna Knott
John Brown University
Sovereignty of God in Daniel
Sovereignty is a key attribute of God. The following result was found after carefully studying the overarching
theme of the Sovereignty of God in Daniel. God is sovereign over human history and the lives of individuals.
This concept is crucial to the theme of the Bible.
Christa Packard
John Brown University
Daniel and Joseph: Striking Parallels of God's Sovereignty
The purpose of this paper is to show the striking comparisons between the narratives of Joseph and Daniel in
the Old Testament. The audience ought to become aware how the two stories support their claim of God's
Saturday, April 4
9:00 – 9:50 am
Paper Sessions
Session 2A
Room 103
Patrice Berger
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Round Table discussion: Preserving the Integrity of an Honors Program in Times of Budgetary Crisis
This timely topic will, we hope, generate a good deal of discussion and perhaps some suggestions for all of us
as we cope collectively with budget restrictions and cuts.
Session 2B
Room 120
Daisy Vagas
Lee College
Seeking Humanity in the Divine
Traditional works of art have depicted Mary as a perfect and chaste being. However, this leads society to
valued women for their purity, not their humanity. The paintings addressed in this presentation recognize
Mary’s humanity and eliminate expectations held for women by establishing human connections through
human value.
Mallory Beyer
Oral Roberts University
Redemptive Art: An Empowering Approach to Art
This paper examines the redemptive value of art programs implemented into long-term care facilities for
elderly residents. As a result of a service learning project rooted in aesthetics and social work values, I
show art creatively put into action to improve the lives of others.
Alan Garcia
Lee College
Jack Johnson, The Great Black Hope: Fiction versus Reality
In the early 1900s Jack Johnson, an African-American prize fighter from Galveston, Texas, thumbed his nose at
white America by violating every possible law, tradition and custom of the Jim Crow society. This paper
examines the controversial life of Jack Johnson and compares the reality of the man with his portrayal in the
Lawrence Turman-Martin Ritt film, The Great White Hope.
Session 2C
Room 121
James Washington
Lone Star College-North Harris
Dinosaur Evolution and Diversity of the Mesozoic
This study correlates vertebrate paleontology with the continental locations and Geologic Time. Plots of
species, locations and time, indicate the expansion and diversity of dinosaurs has been greatly affected by the
dramatic change in plants.
Richard Roper
Lubbock Christian University
A Study of the Effects of Escherichia coli Introduced into West Texas Playa Lakes through Migratory Birds on
the Quality of Regional Well Water
This paper includes the initial literature research results along with the subsequent field and laboratory testing
results that were performed on environmental samples taken from multiple West Texas playa lakes and
several wells surrounding them. Results, findings and conclusions will be presented.
Session 2D
Room 122
Danielle Wilson
John Brown University
A Linguistic Revolution: How Technospeak Will Revolutionize the English Language
Research shows that Technospeak, the language of technology, has positively affected the English language.
Items of technology, such as the cell phone, have become a part of the everyday life of society. As a result,
people are becoming more exposed than ever to the English language.
James Prochaska
Lee College
Stop Thinking! You'll Get Us All Killed! Anti-Intellectualism In the 1950's and Its Influence on
Literature of the Time
This work is a research paper that details the antiintellectualism of the 1950's and its effects on contemporary
literature of the time through an in-depth analysis of Walter Miller's A Canticle for Leibowitz and the works of
New Left Historians Eric Goldman and Howard Zinn.
Benjamin Nicolls
East Central University
Fictional Representations of Criminal Minds
This paper focuses primarily on Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and explores the psychology of the
criminal mind. It compares Raskolnikov to Poe’s frenzied narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart and Camus’ calmer
Meursault from The Stranger.
Session 2E
Room 146
Daniel McEndarfer
Tulsa Community College
The Benefits of Oral History Relating to the Honors Scholar
An ordinary humanities assignment to interview an elderly individual inspired the presenter and transformed
his perspective on the value of the oral history process. A renewed connection with the past, an enlarged
perspective on the present, and better understanding of the future are a few of the benefits attained.
Katy Taylor
Texas Tech
Community as a Foundation of the Texas Tech University Honors College First Year Experience Program
This presentation offers a discussion of the incorporation of a Communication, Civility, and Ethics course as a
paradigm for the goals of the Texas Tech University Honors College First Year Experience program. The
pedagogy of this course will be explored as a foundation of a dedicated Honors College community.
Session 2F
Room 102
Emily Nuss
John Brown University
St. Cyprian and the Unity of the Church
St. Cyprian, bishop in Carthage in the mid-3rd century, was the first to the first to define clearly the structure
and role of the church. In my paper, I discuss his theory of unity according to its historical context, while
exploring the theory’s modern implications.
Candie Solis
Lee College
Man Overboard! Puritans and the History of Divine Providence
The literature of the period of early American settlement reveals the importance placed on The Bible as
a guide for making life decisions and as a source of explanation for life events. Through Puritan eyes,
history unfolded as the chronology of God’s willing intervention in everyday occurrences – both good
and bad.
Sarah Loewen
John Brown University
The Mennonite Faith: Over Four Centuries of Change
This paper will examine changes which have occurred in the Mennonite Churches since the beginning of the
Anabaptist movement during the 1600s. The audience will understand the differences between the early
Mennonite church and that of today, and the effects of returning to Menno’s original ideal.
Saturday, April 4
10:00 – 10:50 am
Paper Sessions
Session 3A
Room 103
Kathey Walker, Jessica Mallard
West Texas A & M
Great Plains Honors Council: Institutional Survey, Year Two
West Texas A&M University will host an open discussion with attendees concerning the GPHC Institutional
Survey of Programs and Colleges. We hope to further refine the survey and discuss potential use of the
dataset .
Session 3B
Room 120
Spencer Peterson
John Brown University
A Cauldron, Slowly Boiling: The Story of a German Foot Soldier at the Battle of Stalingrad
“A Cauldron, Slowly Boiling,” details the waning hours of the Battle of Stalingrad through the thoughts and
words of a German foot soldier facing unavoidable death, or perhaps even worse, years of imprisonment in a
Russian gulag.
Paul Yu
John Brown University
A Film Adaptation and Interpretation of Gail Godwin's “A Sorrowful Woman”
The project details a student filmmaker’s creative experience of adapting Gail Godwin’s “A Sorrowful Woman”
into a short film. The presentation will include a discussion of the theory of film adaptation and the
advantages of filmmaking as an effective medium of expression for young artists.
Sheila Madonia
Park University
Etched Memories
This presentation is a compilation of mixed media and non-fiction memoir, including genealogical research.
“Etched Memories” features short narrative, poetry, letter and journal entries. Each of the components
supports the overall theme of love, loss and secrets, and highlights those moments of life which occur
between the click of the shutter and the flash.
Session 3C
Room 121
Kale Regier
John Brown University
It's all 1's and 0's: Building the Perfect Lock
“It's all 1's and 0's”. That is the premise for digital systems. I created a four number (bit) digital lock. I would
like to show you that understanding computer programming is not only for geniuses and geeks, but that you
use it quite often.
Ryan Thomas
John Brown University
Cybernetics: Good or Evil?
Cybernetics—the merging of man and machine—is one of the most rapidly advancing technologies of our day.
However, a problem occurs when crossing the line between human restoration and enhancement. How do
these two areas of focus conflict with each other, and are there any possible resolutions?
Session 3D
Room 122
Elizabeth Jackson
Lone Star College-Montgomery
‘The Byronic Hero’
The project takes a look at Lord Byron's portrayal of the Byronic Hero in his work "Manfred". It shows
Manfred as a flawed hero, and the idea that every hero, superhuman or not, is in every respect flawed or
cursed. The paper also shows that Byron’s flawed hero did not stop with Romanticism, but is reflected in the
superhero characters of today like Superman, Iron Man, and the Hulk.
Kayleigh Overman
Lone Star College Montgomery
Boe Award Winner
The Glorious Paradox: The Role of Free Will in Milton’s Paradise Lost
Shouldn’t the roles of hero and villain be plain in any text? It seems natural that the reader knows whom to
hail as the “good guy” and whom to blame as the “bad guy.” However, many critics of Paradise Lost have
spent much time and rhetorical energy in a debate concerning the real hero of this work. I contend that in
order for the hero to be identified, one must find the villain. Through discovering the relationship between
hero and villain in Paradise Lost, one can clearly see the logic of Milton’s justification of “the ways of God to
Sarah Sadowsky
Boe Award Winner
Emporia State University
Marry Prudently and with Affection
The influence of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813) and Susan Ferrier’s Marriage (1818) transcended the
common belief that the novels were simple commentaries of social behaviors to change the laws of marriage
in England.
Session 3E
Room 146
Jennie Crall
John Brown University
Clashing Parties: Sources of Political Polarization in the US Congress
Congress has been slowly evolving into a highly polarized body. This presentation examines reasons for why
this has occurred through the research and work of Nelson Polsby. Issues such as congressional workloads,
social contexts, realignment, technology, and redistricting, as well as overall changes in institutionalism and
partisanship will be discussed.
Bill Benda
Texas Tech
The Fireside Chats
As the America looks towards its new leader with hopes of reviving the economy and uniting the nation, it is
necessary to analyze how a former president faced with the same challenges conquered this task. The Fireside
Chats fortified the American spirit and garnered support for the revolutionary New Deal.
Jessica LeMirand
Angelo State University
WASPS of World War II: Challenging the Traditional Gender Roles of America during Wartime
This research paper uses newspapers, letters, and interviews to determine how and to what extent the
Women Airforce Service Pilots at Avenger Field challenged the traditional gender expectations of their time.
By evaluating these women’s thoughts and considering their narratives, this research recognizes and validates
the effect WWII WASPS had on broadening gender roles.
Session 3F
Room 102
Callie Buchholtz
John Brown University
C.S. Lewis and Creation: Unpacking The Nephew's Magician
In The Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis writes a story to develop how Genesis’ creation account is interpreted.
Lewis searches out the guilt of sin in man, the responsibilities man holds toward creation, and the gift of the
image of God.
Kristen Vander-Plas
Lubbock Christian University
Is It God’s Fault?
This presentation confronts topics of unfair punishment of the righteous, “why bad things happen to good
people,” and, specifically, God’s role in tragedies. Assisted by Scripture and the theories of C.S. Lewis and
Boethius, God’s “side” is argued and He is justified in His responses and actions.
Taylor Stamps
John Brown University
Interpretations of Ezekiel's Temple Vision: Historic, Metaphoric, or Literal?
The Biblical text of Ezekiel 40-48 describes a heavenly vision of a Jewish temple. Several explanations exist as
to the meaning of this temple vision, and this project will delve into these interpretations, illustrating the pros
and cons of each.
Saturday, April 4
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Poster Session
Second floor hallway
Lindsay Griffith
John Brown University
Synthesis of Sclerophytim Analogs Displaying Cancer-Inhibiting Properties
Sclerophytins are molecules which display cancer-inhibiting properties. Synthesis of this molecule requires
many steps, including the formation of anti-alcohol 3a. Studying the methods used to make anti-alcohol 3a, a
molecule similar in structure was formed and analyzed to compare the properties of the new molecule and
the anti-alcohol 3a.
Stephanie Ford
Tulsa Community College
Listen Up and Turn It Down: How Loud Noise Damages the Human Ear
With technological advancements from big-screen hi-def televisions to iPod nanos, our world is becoming
louder than ever. Noise exposure, now the leading cause of hearing loss, often leads to irreparable nerve
damage. This presentation will examine the causal link between loud noise and physiological damage to the
delicate hearing mechanism.
Amie Lloyd
Tulsa Community College
Dyscalculia, a math-specific learning disability, bears many similarities to its better-known counterpart,
dyslexia, and affects nearly as many people. The purpose of this study is to explore the latest dyscalculia
research and to raise consciousness of this disability in educators, parents and students.
Molly Richardson
Tulsa Community College
Earthship Sweet Earthship: Early Construction Techniques Meet New Sustainable Technology to Create Selfsustaining Wonder Homes
Earthships, sustainable houses that use indigenous and recycled materials and rely on natural energy sources
in order to be off the “grid,” are affordable and relatively easy for the average citizen to construct. This
presentation explores their advantages and disadvantages, and identifies principles that can be incorporated
into more traditional abodes.
Sasha Craig
Neosho County Community College
Genocide: Oops I said it. Why is this such a bad word? When committed acts are intended to destroy , in
whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group; call it what it is: genocide.
Britney Neubecker
Neosho County Community College
Web Labs versus Simulated Lab Experiments: Which One Yields the Greater Amount of Learning?
This project is about wet labs (traditional labs done in a laboratory), web simulations (lab experiments done on
the computer), and the amount of learning gained from both of these. Tests will discover if web simulations
allow a greater amount of learning than do the traditional wet labs.
Kelli Shay
Neosho County Community College
Beach Erosion
A short film of what beach erosion is, what causes beach erosion, how it affects the environment, and what
can be done to prevent it.
Kelsey Eastman
Neosho County Community College
Horses: The Unsung Heroes of North America
Horses are more than just the four legged creatures of childhood dreams. They were, at one point, man’s
greatest technological advancement. From the Native Americans to handicapped children, horses have helped
people in many important ways,making them the unsung heroes of North America.
Nathan Slaughter
Neosho County Community College
Ancient Greek Influence on Our Modern Society
This poster presentation describes the power of the Ancient Greeks in their thoughts and methods. Though
the centuries-old society has changed, it still manifests itself today and influences our present culture.
Paula Webb
Neosho County Community College
Nursing Students: Clinical Experience or Simulation Labs: Which is Better?
This research project is designed to determine whether clinical experience or simulation labs are better for
developing critical thinking skills in student nurses. The methodology involved compiling information taken
from surveys.
Sarah Crawford
Neosho County Community College
Honeybees: The Key To Life?
Honeybees are disappearing or dying off and the reason eludes scientists. Honeybees play an important part
in life on Earth, and awareness of the problem is critical, so we can determine a solution.
Ashwathi S. Mohan
Texas A & M
A Cell-Specific Approach for Targeted Therapy of Oral Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer is expected to cause 13,000 deaths this year due to the lack of
efficient treatment methods. Using the Squamous Cell Carcinoma-specific peptide, ASMP1 and
liposomes encapsulated with chemotherapeutic drugs, a cancer-specific treatment can be
developed. Calcein liposomes were developed in this study using the lipids DPPC, DMPG, and
mPEG. When tested in SCC Head and Neck Cancer cells, the internalization of the liposomes
was observed at all concentrations of liposomes tested. With the post-insertion of ASMP1, a cellspecific
treatment for Head and Neck cancer can be achieved.
Areeba Anam
West Texas A & M
Texas Lesser Sirens: Differentiation in Mitochondrial Sequences
The taxonomy of Lesser Sirens in Texas is in question and no consensus has been reached. We applied
mitochondrial DNA sequencing to compare samples from South Texas with a reference sample from Eastern
Emily Herb
West Texas A & M
Mobil-Eyes Iris Scanner
This interactive presentation will demonstrate the ongoing research project being conducted on the MobilEyes Iris Scanner. Researchers are testing the reliability and accuracy of the device as a means of
identification. Observers are welcome to participate as test subjects in this ongoing research project.
Jesse Jones
West Texas A & M
International Piracy
This presentation examines the problem of international piracy from historical, analytical and legal
perspectives. Current problems such as jurisdiction and current applicable international law as well as
solutions to piracy will be addressed.
Rachel Ledbetter
West Texas A & M
Abandoned Teachers
This project examines how many teachers are leaving, why, what we can do to improve the quality of
teachers, and how we can encourage them to stay.
Andrew McGuinnis
West Texas A & M
Evaluation of a Novel Fatigue Perception Instrument
Many people do not receive adequate sleep and suffer from fatigue. There is no accurate defining line or
trusted standard test which identifies fatigue. The purpose of this research was to explore the possibility of
developing a fatigue instrument which would correlate statistically with currently proposed tests for fatigue or
be more accurate.
Brandli Stitzel
West Texas A & M
An Overview of Wind Energy Development in Texas
This research analyzes reports on wind energy development in Texas. It provides an overview of the current
state of wind energy use and creation. The research concludes with an description of the potential impact of
wind energy in the future.
Bianca Vasquez, Jessica Alvarado, Ryan Curiel, Flor Salas, Maya Maison, Arlene Carrillo, Loren Torres
Our Lady of the Lake University
Poster: The Sisters of Divine Providence and South Texas
A survey and study of the historical foundations of the Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence, who
arrived in South Texas in the late 19th century to found an academy for girls, which later expanded to Our Lady
of the Lake University.
Alcides Amador, Lorena Reyna
University of Texas-Pan American
Novel diastereoselective synthesis of both (Z) and (E)-trisubstituted alkenes containing phenyl, thienyl and
Previous studies indicate migration of a phenyl group, allowing for diastereoselective synthesis of (E) and (Z)
trisubstituted alkenes with phenyl and napthyl or thienyl moieties, was not possible. Yet, addition of selective
reactants achieves migration of the phenyl group. The aromaticsubstituted stereodefined alkenes synthesized
may likely exhibit anticancer activities.
Dana Barnes
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Stress-Induced Changes in Eating Behaviors in College Students: A Naturalistic Study of Hormonal Reactivity,
Trait Influences and Gender Differences
Psychological stress has been shown to affect the way people eat, in terms of both overall caloric intake and
shift in food choice. The present study investigated the role of hormone reactivity, trait eating behaviors and
gender differences as possible determinants of changes in total calorie consumption.
Benjamin Hage
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Fluorescence Microscopic Studies of CdSe Nanoparticles in Thin Films
This research project involved studying how CdSe nanoparticles were distributed in thin films using a
fluorescence microscope. Differences in intensity of fluorescence of the nanoparticles under ultraviolet light
in different regions of the films were used to tell how the particles were distributed.
Robert Jacobberger
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Synthesis of Rare-Earth Hexaboride Nanowires by Chemical Vapor Deposition
We report a general chemical vapor deposition method to synthesize a variety of single crystalline nanowires
of LaB6, NdB6, YB6, PrB6, SmB6, GdB6, CeB6, DyB6, HoB6 and TbB6 via the vapor-liquid-solid growth mechanism
J. Travis Johnston
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sorting Signed Permutations via Cut-and-Paste Operations
We consider the problem of determining the maximum number of cut-and-paste operations required to
transform a signed permutation of n elements into the identity. This question is motivated by its applications
to evolutionary biology, where the problem becomes measuring evolutionary distance between genomes.
Megan Langford
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sexual Health Knowledge within the Latino Community of Lincoln, Nebraska
This project is an investigation of the misconceptions held by Latinos in the Lincoln, Nebraska area about
sexual health. Based upon the results of questionnaires distributed through community organizations, the
misconceptions have been assessed, and a learning tool has been proposed as a method to improve the sexual
health knowledge of Latinos.
Stephanie Vander-Plas
Lubbock Christian University
Darkened Eyes: A Look into the Effects of Retinitis Pigmentosa
This presentation discusses the disease Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a rare disease of the retina, and will serve to
explain the effects, population, and various strains of the disease. While the prognosis for this diagnosis is
grim, there are many opportunities for individuals with RP to live independently.
Jordan Hearod
East Central University
Using the Debye-Sears Effect to Measure the Velocity of Sound in Saltwater at Varying Temperatures
This experiment will employ the use of ultrasound waves, which create a grating viewed as diffracted slits in
water. Measurements will be taken from the diffraction patterns and used to calculate the wavelength of the
ultrasound wave. The wavelength and frequency will be used to calculate the velocity of the sound wave at
varying temperatures.
Joseph Jacobi
East Central University
Using the Debye-Sears Effect to Measure the Velocity of Sound in Varying Concentrations of Saltwater Held
at Constant Temperature
This experiment uses ultrasound waves and lasers to determine whether the concentration of salt in water will
affect the velocity of sound within a solution, and if so, how much variation in velocity occurs.
Morgan Sennett
East Central University
Experimental Verification of Light Intensity on Stopping Potential and Photoelectric Current while
Demonstrating Malus’ Law.
The effect of light intensity on stopping potential and photoelectric current was tested using polarizers placed
between a light filter and a light source. The results should demonstrate light intensity does not affect
stopping potential or threshold frequency, and by plotting the intensity versus the angle, Malus’ law should be
Courtney Woodson
East Central University
Nurses’ Perception of Independence: Valuing Self-Governance in the Nursing Profession
Does working independently and interdependently in nursing help to improve patient care, or could it harm
the image of professional nursing? Many nurses feel strongly about the need to be able to be a patient
advocate while at the same time making critical patient decisions. However, some may argue that nurses are
not competent enough to make vital judgments on the patients’ behalf.
Aniesa Slack
Emporia State University
Negligible Differences in Expression of Regulatory T-Cell Genes in the Small Intestine of Cystic Fibrosis Mice
Foxp3 plays a central role in Treg differentiation and/or function. Its gene expression and protein abundance in
the small intestine of CF and wildtype mice were measured. Results indicate the rarity of Treg cells in the
mouse small intestine and suggest that Foxp3 expression is altered only slightly in CF-mouse.
Saturday, April 4
11:00 – 11:50 am
GPHC Business Meeting
Bailey Library, second floor
Saturday, April 4
11:00 – 11:50 am
Paper Session
Session 4A
Room 102
Sarah Davis
John Brown University
Godly Play and Special Needs
Through researching the history and principles of Godly Play and guiding principles for teaching children with
special needs in Christian settings and observing Godly Play lessons in various settings, this project aims to
provide suggestions for how Godly Play can uniquely teach and minister to children with special needs.
Alexander Villalobos
Northeast Texas Community College
Modern Messiah: How Vernon W. Howell Became David Koresh
This look at Vernon W. Howell and how he became David Koresh examines how messianism develops in the
modern context. The absence of a viable father and son relationship is central, and Koresh’s life confirms that.
Howell also found in pop-culture a potent road to stardom. By becoming a pseudo- rock-star and a populist
theologian, he created his own divinity while he destroyed other authorities in the minds of his followers.
Steffi Thames
John Brown University
Hidden for a Purpose: A Look at the Justification of the Canonicity of the Book of Esther
The spiritual implications of the book of Esther defend its canonicity, proving that spiritual truths within the
book are hidden for a purpose.
Saturday, April 4
1:00 – 1:50 pm
Paper Sessions
Session 5A
Room 103
Laura Damuth
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
Writing letters of recommendation is one of the “privileges” of Honors administrators and faculty. A good
letter of recommendation is specific to the audience and topic, details student work and abilities clearly, and is
often time-consuming and challenging to produce. Suggestions for writing effective letters and examples of
helpful . . . and not helpful letters and strategies are offered.
Session 5B
Room 120
Brandon Knight
John Brown University
Overuse of a Miracle
Alexander Fleming, the creator of the very first antibiotic, once cautioned that the abuse of antibiotics could
result in antibiotic resistant bacteria. Sadly, the medical community did not heed Fleming’s warning. This
paper will talk about the ramifications of this decision along with possible solutions to the problem.
Jill Hulse
Emporia State University
Got Milk?
“Got Milk?” is an informative research paper about osteoporosis. It includes the importance of calcium in the
diet, a description of the disease and what it does to the body, possible outcomes of the disease,
and how it can affect people’s lives.
Theresa Uy, Jesus Garza
Lone Star College-North Harris
An Examination of Diabetes and the Role of the American Diabetes Association
The presentation will focus on the etiology, signs, symptoms, effects, and prevention of Type I and Type II
Diabetes. Finally, the role of the American Diabetes Association along with an explanation of our experience
with the American Diabetes Association during our 25 hours of community service will be discussed.
Session 5C
Room 121
Brooke Hale
Northeast Texas Community College
Boe Award Winner
Texas in the Civil War: Rewritten
The worst mistake Texas ever made was to join the Southern Confederacy. Texas’ unique minority profile, its
tradition of abolishing slavery, and the patriotism of Governor Sam Houston all made secession less likely. The
actual course of history is surprising, and shows what might have happened if Texas had stayed in the Union. I
conclude that Jefferson Davis was wrong to have contemplated a defensible Confederacy without Texas.
Michael Alexander
West Texas A & M
Post-Civil War Economy
This presentation is an analysis of the changes that occurred in the Southern economy following the Civil War
in the areas of agriculture, credit and infrastructures.
Lauren Stapley
John Brown University
The Tension between Self and Society
Which comes first, reformation of the individual or reformation of society, and does one proceed from the other?
And can one coexist apart from the other one? Such are the questions to be explored within the context of 19th
Century New England, specifically the ideologies of the Transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson, as he promotes
the reformation of the self before societal reformation.
Session 5D
Room 122
Clara Ramirez
Northeast Texas Community College
Tejano Paradigm: A Story of Patriotic Integration
The Tejano Paradigm is a model of integration based on the experience of Texas-Mexicans. Unlike other
models of Hispanic integration that have stressed racial assimilation, Chicano- styled resistance to Western
narratives, or “cosmic- race” mixing, this paradigm stresses patriotic sacrifice as a means to national harmony
and bicultural acceptance.
Amanda Miller
John Brown University
Kristy's Beauty Salon: An Ethnographic Study
In an ethnographical study, Kristy's Beauty Salon in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, is revealed to be a relaxed work
place rented by professional, independent, 21st century women with a strong sense of community. This
ethnographic exploration seeks to evaluate modern ideals for women and beauty and the importance of
Blaise Adams
West Texas A & M
The Spread of Japonism in Europe and North America
This presentation is an analysis of specific individuals in relation to their contributions to the proliferation of
Session 5E
Room 146
Ryan Roemmich, Ashley Lowry, Katie Kidwell, Sarah Synovec
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Honors Peer Mentor Program
This panel will present the Honors Peer Mentor Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Current Honors
Mentors will discuss selection process, training, and the eight-week curriculum of the mentoring program.
Session 5F
Room 102
James Cooke
John Brown University
Boe Award Winner
The phenomena of the Madhhab: The origins, practices and development of the Sunni Islamic legal system.
Islamic Law represents a fully developed system of legal interpretation, and arose from a
long history steeped in the Islamic tradition. In particular, the phenomenon of the ‘Madhhab’—
or legal school—represents an intricate system of legal understanding that encompasses all
aspects of life. Unlike a 'Western' perspective on law, where religious and secular law are
separate, Islamic law unifies the two spheres. The result is a complex system that integrates
everything from government to daily life. This paper specifically examines the origins of Sunni
Islamic Law, the creation of various 'madhhabs', and the broader implications to society.
Montana Carson
Neosho County Community College
Judaism, Christianity, Islam: One God? A Comparison of Modern Western Religions
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are three of the largest Western religions, yet they constantly war with each
other. My work shows that they all worship the same God and that their fighting and violence is pointless.
Amanda Seeman
McMurry University
Religion of the Ancient Hopi
This paper explores the ancient beliefs, of the Native American tribe, the Hopi. It examaines the beliefs that
have shaped the Hopis of past and present.
Saturday, April 4
2:00 – 2:50 pm
Paper Sessions
Session 6A
Room 103
Virginia McCoombs, Regina Bennett
Oklahoma City University
Honors Connections to Campus-Wide Reading Program
The Oklahoma City University Honors Program actively participates in the University’s campus-wide and newstudent-orientation reading program to enhance the experience of Honors students and the campus at-large.
Current Honors students research the texts in order to contextualize the readings for new students.
Session 6B
Room 120
Kathey Walker, Jessica Mallard
West Texas A & M
The Benefits of Using a Research Project and Poster Presentation Assignment in the Honors I Course
This presentation illustrates the importance of utilizing a research component culminating with student poster
presentations in a first semester Honors I course. The research component walks students through specific
assignments which ultimately provides participants with a foundational understanding of the research process
and the importance of sharing the knowledge learned.
Session 6C
Room 121
Linda Hudson
Tulsa Community College
Women Who Led the Way
The social structure of sixteenth-century Europe allowed women limited opportunities; they served largely as
managers of their households. Late 17th and early 18th century female writers challenged the conventional
roles of women by questioning traditional marriage relationships, advocating equal access to education, and
confronting the status quo of female subordination.
Haley Watkins
Texas A & M
Boe Award Winner
Constructing a “Sense of Place”: A Case Study in the Portraiture of Elite Jewish
Women in Colonial British America
This study focuses on the portraiture of Abigaill Levy Franks as representative of elite
Jewish women in colonial New York. The paper discusses various ways Jewish women maintained their
religious identity and/or negotiated an equal social footing in a colony dominated by non-Jewish forces.
Encouraged by religious tolerance and physical proximity, Jewish émigrés intermingled with
Christians, and their American-born children sometimes intermarried, resulting in differing
generational modes of self-representation – i.e., of crafting a viable identity be it Jewish, JewishAmerican, or [Christian] American.
Chelsea Humphrey
Midwestern State Univeristy
A Woman’s Touch
By analyzing the paths of heroes such as Enkidu in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Odysseus in The Odyssey, and Yvain
in Chrétien's Arthurian Romances, we find that there is not a more civilizing encounter than that of a woman's
Session 6D
Room 122
Katherine Allin
Alvin Community College
The Hollywood Cowboy: Truth or Tall Tales?
This multimedia presentation was designed to teach secondary students about the American herdsmen using
something familiar: images of the cowboy that Hollywood has created. By scrutinizing six common myths
surrounding the cowboy, the audience will discover historical facts surrounding one of the most recognizable
and popular icons of American culture.
Shqipe Dauti-Prather
Lone Star College-North Harris
Racial Ramifications of Obesity
According to extensive research, there is an increase in obesity among young adults due to inactivity, changes
in eating behavior, and an increase in life stresses that occurs during young adulthood. My study looks at racial
differences in responses to a questionnaire that investigates these issues.
Esther Francis
Park University
Discussion Group to Improve Communication between Head Start Family Advocates
Family Advocates is an 8-week test pilot discussion group for Mid-America Head Start in Kansas City, MO. The
discussion is recorded, and a report will be compiled and presented to Mid-America Head Start consisting of
general suggestions for improvement from the family advocates.
Session 6E
Room 146
Melinda Roberts
John Brown University
Obedient Martyrs or Innocent Victims: An Explication of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech “Eulogy for the
Martyred Children”
Were the four young girls who died in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama
obedient martyrs to the cause of African American freedom or were they simply innocent victims of a heinous
crime? This explication of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “Eulogy for the Martyred Children” examines his eulogy,
and through analysis of King’s use of rhetoric and language, attempts to show that King believed that the girls
willingly gave their lives for freedom.
Emily Germany
McMurry University
A Date With Destiny
The women of the Women’s Army Corps in World War II made significant contributions to the country. These
strong women allowed the men of the armed forces to leave desk jobs and head for the front lines. Without
these women, the war may have destroyed more lives or ended differently .
Johanna Merwin
John Brown University
The Church Subculture: An Ethnography
The American Church, with all its denominations, has become a subculture maintaining its own language,
rituals, and personalities. It is no longer inviting to outsiders but estranging. However, there is hope for the
church to break from the boundaries of its subculture and fulfill its purpose.
Session 6F
Room 102
Carolyn Jones
John Brown University
Sustainable Solutions for Clean Water in Uganda
Severe clean water shortages affect regions of the third-world country of Uganda, resulting in malnutrition,
illness, and often death. This presentation incorporates facts and photographs to explain the problem, suggest
a solution, and inform the audience about personal opportunities to aid and join the solution.
Michelle Lee
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
HIV/AIDS Knowledge in Tanzania, Africa – Is American Aid Helping?
This paper will examine HIV/AIDS knowledge in Tanzania, Africa through the results of questionnaires
distributed in the Massai region of rural Tanzania, inspect the role of the US in educating people about and
reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, and address the areas which need improvement.
Jesse Jones
West Texas A & M
Christianity in the Third Reich
This paper examines the role of Christianity in the Third Reich, both the Protestant and Catholic perspectives
and historical background, examining how the Nazi regime twisted Christian ideals and German Nationalism
into a party platform that enabled them to establish a totalitarian regime.
Saturday, April 4
3:00 pm: board buses in front of Morrill Hall for East Campus and museums
5:30 pm: congregate in East Campus Union, Great Plains Room: Boe award presentations
6:30: Valentino’s pizza, UNL Dairy Store ice cream sundae bar
7:30 pm: Pippa White’s one woman performance Far As The Eye Can See
8:30 pm: board buses in East Campus Union parking lot to return to City Campus
Sunday, April 5: