Read section 3 of Hoover's response and answer the following questions:
1. Hoover believed the economy was _________________________. He looked to __________
__________________________to take care of the citizens.
2. What are Hoovervilles?
3. In 1932 he created the _______________________________(FRFC) whose
purpose was to
4. Define trickle down economy.
5. What was the bonus army?
How did Hoover deal with the bonus army?
Answer the following DBQ
Document 4
“The income of American families decreased by more than half from 1929 to 1932. President Herbert Hoover, who
blamed the Great Depression on international economic problems, advocated a policy of “rugged individualism” and
opposed government intervention to restore economy. But when Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president in 1933, he
instituted government programs to combat the Great Depression as part of his New Deal. When I went to college I studied
sociology. I was taught that hunger, squalor, dirt, and ignorance are the results of environment. Charity, therefore, is no
solution. We must change the environment. In order to do this we have settlement houses, playgrounds, and social
workers in the slums. In the past year and a half I have again revised my opinion. I am no longer one of us. For all my
education, my training in thrift, and cleanliness, I am become one of them. My condition is shared by a larger sector of the
population. From my new place in society I regard the problems and misery of the poor with new eyes.”
-Ann Rivington, "What If Our Check Does Not Come?", From: Living in Relief
6. What comparison is made between Hoover and Roosevelt? What does the author mean
by she states "I have become one of them"?
Answer the following questions from the American Pageant text.
Republican candidate____________________ Democratic Candidate__________________
8. FDR was the 5th cousin to _____________and________________of New York. Graduated from
_____________. He was ___feet tall, athletic, handsome some called him__________and witty. What
disease did he suffer?_________________
9. Another asset to FDR was ____________, his wife. She brought_______________to
Washington making her the most __________1st lady.
10. Quote form FDR-
11. What is the brain trust?
12. His plan was called the ______________ which promised a balanced budget.
13. Looking at the map, who won the
election?_________ And by how many
14. What was the shift in the election voting trends?
Watching the video above answer the following question.
14. What is the famous quote from FDR in this video?
15. Explain what the quote means.
16. What will FDR ask Congress for if the crisis does not pass?
17. The first thing he did was declare a ____________holiday on March 6-10 to open the banks on a
sounder basis.
18. What were the Hundred Days?
19. What were the 3 R's?
20. How did Congress work with FDR?
Document 2
Those families who had lived on a little piece of land, who had lived and died on forty acres, had eaten or starved on the
produce of forty acres, had now the whole West to rove in. And they scampered about, looking for work; and the highways
were streams of people, and the ditch banks were lines of people. . . . The great highways streamed with moving people. .
. . And this was good, for wages went down and prices stayed up. The great owners were glad. . . . And wages went down
and prices stayed up. And pretty soon now we'll have serfs again. . . .
And the little farmers . . . lost their farms, and they were taken by the great owners, the banks, and the companies.
. . . As time went on, there were fewer farms. The little farmers moved into town for a while and exhausted their credit,
exhausted their friends, their relatives. And then they too were on the highways. And the roads were crowded with men
ravenous for work, murderous for work. And the companies, the banks worked at their own doom and they did not know it.
The fields were fruitful, and starving men moved on the roads. . . .
The great companies did not know that the line between hunger and anger is a thin line. . . . On the highways the people
moved like ants and searched for work, for food. And the anger began to ferment.
The Grapes of Wrath
by John Steinbeck
What is the setting of this passage from The Grapes of Wrath?
Who are the main characters? What is their relationship?
What is the cause of the farmers’ anger?