
Writing Prompts, Major Paper #1
Directions: Choose ONE prompt from the choices below. Refer to class discussion, lecture notes (do not cite these),
clips from the DVD, and any other valid research sources to support your answer. Use 3rd pov, present tense. You must
have direct and paraphrased quotes. You must turn in a Works Cited page. You must list the Lovecraft book as one of
the entries in the Works Cited. The essay needs to be 3-5 pages in length, excluding the Works Cited. Follow all rules for
MLA formatting. The final draft needs to be accompanied by at least one rough draft. I am not required to see it, but it is
recommended. Turn in the final draft and all rough drafts in a two pocket folder, along with a copy of the rubric. Indicate
clearly which one is the final, and which is the rough draft. The final draft is due on September 22 at 5:30 pm, at the
beginning of class. You must turn in physical copies of the papers; no electronic copies will be accepted.
1.After learning about the life of HP Lovecraft, it’s been stated that he was xenophobic, so much so that it revealed itself
in some of his stories; some critics also claim that Lovecraft was beyond xenophobic, but just plain racist. Explain how
this is true and to what degree, by citing specific examples from “The Outsider,” “The Thing on The Doorstep,” and/or
“The Whisperer in Darkness.”
2.“The Outsider” is about a lonely, sub-creature (a monster) who has been isolated from popular society for an
indeterminate, but lengthy amount of time. Some critics have argued that the story is an example of Lovecraft’s tendency
to write semi-autobiographical material; other critics argue that this statement is too far -fetched. What do you think? Is
“The Outsider” a representation of how Lovecraft regarded himself privately? Explain by citing specific examples from
this and other stories, as well as from class material covered in class.
3.HP Lovecraft invented the phrase, cosmicism, where the universe is an expansive, mysterious, uncaring, and unfeeling
entity that does not care about humanity, where humanity is regarded as unimportant, insignificant, and weak. People’s
existence, their triumphs, successes, and strengths as a species, do not matter when compared to the massive and
powerful existence of the greater universe. In “The Whisperer in Darkness,” people are possessed and abducted by alien
creatures, and their brains are kept in cylinders. In what way(s) is this short story an example of how humanity is
regarded as insignificant? How is the universe, other unworldly creatures (aliens) and their technology, depicted as a
mighty and powerful presence in the universe, while humanity is regarded as insignificant?
4.The genres of horror, gothic horror, and science fiction often overlap, yet each genre is still capable of provoking fear in
readers in different ways. Horror usually elicits visceral imagery, gothic horror usually employs psychological and
physical terror, and science fiction usually depends on the unbelievable actually happening (time travel and intelligent
alien beings, for example). Explain how HP Lovecraft’s fiction is capable of embracing all three modes of horror by
referring to one or more of the stories discussed in class. Be sure to explain how his fiction fits into all three modes of
horror by citing specific examples from at least one story we’ve covered in class.
5.HP Lovecraft said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is
fear of the unknown.” And his brand of supernatural/horror/sci-fi/gothic horror are examples of this fear, the fear of the
unknown. His writing has been so influential that his works have influenced many modern day writers of fiction, film
makers, and even musicians. Explain how HP Lovecraft has been an influence to one or more modern day writers, film
makers, and/or musicians. How has Lovecraft influenced modern day fiction, movies, and/or music? Cite specific
examples, making sure to explain which aspects of Lovecraft’s writing have influenced which writer, film, and or musician
by also referring to the works that have been influenced by Lovecraft.
6.Some critics have claimed that HP Lovecraft is too melodramatic and difficult to read, some even claim that he is
amateurish in his attempts at being a writer, because he uses complicated sentence structure and arcane references to
people, places, and things, in addition to long, complex narrative structure. Yet, these same critics also praise Lovecraft
for being very influential for having a vision of the universe that is both frightening and intimidating, an idea that many
horror writers and filmmakers have used to create their own worlds of fright. Neil Gaiman, John Carpenter, and Stephen
King are examples of these critics who are both critical and supportive of Lovecraft’s fiction. Research either Gaiman,
Carpenter, and/or King, and explain how HP Lovecraft has influenced their works, but also explain how they criticize
Lovecraft’s work as well. Use specific examples from fiction, movies, and/or music that has been directly influenced by