Telemachus Quotes- The Odyssey

Telemachus Quotes- The Odyssey
1. “Courteous Telemachus” – Talking to Athene dressed up as
Mentes. Book 1 line 213.
2. “You are no longer a child: you must put childish thoughts
away” – Athene dressed up as Mentes, talking to Telemachus.
Book 1 line 295.
3. “What a tall and splendid man you have grown! – Must be as
brave as Orestes”. - Athene dressed up as Mentes, talking to
Telemachus. Book 1 line 295.
4. “Athene endowed him with such supernatural grace hat all
eyes were turned on him in admiration when he came up” Talking to men at assembly. Book 2 line 11.
5. “Yet I would willingly fight if I had the strength” Telemachus is openly weak. Doesn’t have strength. Book 2 line 61.
6. “He burst into tears and flung the staff on the ground” –
Telemachus talking to men at the Assembly. Book 2 line 80.
7. “You will neither a coward nor a fool in the future” – Athene
to Telemachus. Giving him confidence dressed as Meno. Book 2 line
8. “But you must swear to me that you won’t tell my good
mother for a dozen days… We don’t want tears to spoil her
lovely cheeks” – Telemachus loves his mother. Talking to
Eurycleia. Book 2 line 373.
“I have no practice in making speeches”- Talking to Athene
dressed as Mentor. Shows his weakness. Development of
Telemachus. Quite childish. Book 3 line 25.
10. “Plucked up the courage to make him a spirited reply” –
Talking to Nestor. Still a bit weak. Book 2 line 78.
11. “You talk exactly as he did” – Nestor to Telemachus about
Odysseus. Book 3 line 121.
12. “There is no chance that you will ever be a coward, you
already have you quardian gods on your side” – Nestor to
Telemachus, gives him confidence. Book 3 line 380.
13. “My childhood is a thing of the past” – Telemachus is
embarrassed about his previous behaviour and tells the suitor
Ctesippus this. Book 3 line 10.
14. “Could not help admiring the neat way in which he set
them up” – When Telemachus digs a single long trench for all
the axes. The suitors say this. Book 21 line 122
15. “I suppose I shall always be a coward and a weakling. Or
perhaps I’m too young, not sure enough yet of my own
strength to defend myself against anyone wo may come to
pick a quarrel with me”- Telemachus plays up on the suitors
perceptions of himself.
16. “Whose conversation gives us as much pleasure as we
would get from listening to a god”- Nestor’s son Peisistratus
about Telemachus to Menelaus. Book 4 line 160.
17. “I like the way you talk, dear boy: One can see that you
have the right blood in your veins” - Menelaus to Telemachus.
Book 4 line 160.
18. “Please let me return to my own country; I’m longing to be
home” – Telemachus to Menelaus. Telemachus is more
confident, well spoken and assertive. Development of character.
Book 15 line 65.
19. “I shall certainly not bar you from my good ship, if you
wish to sail with us” – Telemachus to Theoclymenus
(murderer). Good example of hospitality. Telemachus welcomes
20. “You will come to know in due course what I am made of,
and I am certainly not stupid” – Telemachus to Odysseus. He
has developed as a character. He is getting involved in revenge.
21. “You’re back Telemachus! Light of my eyes” – Penelope to
Telemachus. Penelope loves Telemachus.
22. “It amazed them that Telemachus should have the
audacity to address them in this style”- The suitors are
shocked at the development of Telemachus.
23. “Telemachus killed Euryades” – Telemachus has matured and
supports his father in battle. Book 22 line 268.