“The Odyssey”

“The Odyssey” Review Questions
Book 1
1. What had happened to the other men who had fought at Troy with Odysseus?
2. What 2 things did Aegisthus do that angered the gods?
3. Who is Athena concerned about when she speaks to Zeus?
4. Why is Poseidon “stiff and cold with anger”?
5. Athena disguises herself before she speaks to Telemachus? Who does she look like?
6. How does Telemachus greet the disguised Athena?
7. Telemachus says the suitors would “pray for more foot speed” if they ever saw Odysseus
land on Ithaca. What does he mean? What have the suitors been doing that would make
them wish this?
8. What does Athena tell Telemachus about Odysseus?
9. Summarize what Athena tells Telemachus to do- starting with “So it’s up to you”.
10. Telemachus tells the suitors that he prays “that Zeus grant me requital.” What does he
pray for?
Book 2
1. What does Telemachus tell the assembly?
2. What does Telemachus ask the suitors to do?
3. How does Antinous respond to Telemachus’ statements?
4. How has Penelope tricked the suitors?
5. What does Antinous want Telemachus to force his mother to do?
6. What does Telemachus pray to Zeus for?
7. How does Zeus show his support for Telemachus?
8. What does Athena say to Telemachus to encourage him?
9. What prediction does Athena make about the fate of the suitors?
10. What is Eurycleia afraid will happen after Telemachus leaves?
Book 3
1. Telemachus is worried about going to talk to Nestor. Why? (2 reasons)
2. What does Telemachus ask Nestor to tell him about Odysseus? Be specific.
3. What did Menelaus and Agamemnon disagree about?
4. Nestor tells Telemachus a story about Orestes avenging his father’s death. Answer the
following questions about the story.
1. Who are the 2 sons of Atreus?
2. Who killed Aegisthus and why?
3. What 2 people conspired to kill Agamemnon?
4. Why didn’t Menelaus kill Aegisthus himself?
5. What was the purpose of Nestor’s story to Telemachus?
6. Describe the sacrifice the men make to Athena.
Book 4
1. Where does Nestor send Telemachus?
2. What does Eteoneus say that makes Menelaus angry? How does Menelaus respond?
3. Why does Menelaus say he doesn’t enjoy his wealth?
4. What does Menelaus say that makes Telemachus cry?
Who recognizes Telemachus?
What “welcome home” would Menelaus have given Odysseus?
How does Helen change what the men are feeling?
Menelaus tells a story about how Odysseus saved the men in the Trojan horse.
Summarize the story.
9. How was Ajax killed?
10. How was Agamemnon killed?
11. Where was Odysseus when Proteus saw him? Why didn’t Odysseus leave this place?
12. What information about Telemachus did Noemon give the suitors?
13. What did the suitors plan to do to Telemachus when he returned?
14. How did Athena calm Penelope’s fears about Telemachus?
Book 5
1. Where does this book start? (the location)
2. Who is holding Odysseus prisoner?
3. What does Zeus order Hermes to do?
4. What was Odysseus doing when we first see him?
5. What does Hermes command Calypso to do?
6. How does Calypso respond?
7. What does Calypso promise Odysseus?
8. How does Poseidon react when he learns that Odysseus is sailing home?
9. How does Odysseus save himself from Poseidon’s wrath?
10. What did Odysseus do when he finally reached land?
Book 6
1. What does Athena tell Nausicaa to do in the morning?
2. What two favors does Odysseus ask Nausicaa for?
3. How does Athena change Odysseus?
4. Why doesn’t Nausicaa want Odysseus to ride in the cart with her the whole way back to