UPS Response to Customer Survey 2009

UPS Customer Satisfaction Survey report
An overview of the responses to the 2008 UPS Customer Satisfaction Survey with details of the responses and/or actions to be taken by the UPS team.
Requests for expansion of available data
UPS response and/or action to be taken
A pivot table on coursework direct admissions using Callista Admissions and
eAdmissions data.
Update the custom Bachelor Pass Admissions Pathways pivot table
A bachelor pass admissions pivot table was first released by UPS in May 2008. It
provides information on both VTAC and direct admissions. UPS are currently
updating and revising this pivot table to include more detail on the entry
pathways used by direct admission students. This will be released in April 2009
together with a GPG/HDR admissions pivot table.
Run Preliminary Enrolments and Load Pivot tables on a more regular basis
Data to be updated as soon as possible after finalisation.
Update the custom Coursework Unit Offerings 2005-2007 pivot table
Academic Performance, Graduates and Staff Monash pivot tables updated
earlier with preliminary data.
Ability for staff to select the data attributes first and for the system on the fly
to generate a query behind the scenes and for the pivot table to be formed
automatically based on user selections for the row, column and page
Allow for the release of de-identified "raw" data files to facilitate the analysis
of certain research scenarios that are not easily derived from the pivot table
data or Kronos.
Greater access to historical data, beyond a 5 year window.
UPS holds data back to 2000. There is a size issue with including all this data in
the pivot tables. Earlier historical data can be accessed via the UPS data
warehouse or through a direct request to UPS.
Inclusion of regional boundaries, eg local government area, statistical local
area, statistical division.
The local government area is included in the Enrolment pivot tables. Additional
variables are contained in the UPS data warehouse, but due to size restrictions
for the pivot tables additional variables cannot be added.
Historical pathway data to be available.
As this data is not on Callista it is not possible to provide.
Is it possible to include the Faculty Key Performance Indicator reports on the
UPS website?
The reports are on the UPS website at
University Planning and Statistics
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Quality)
A timetable of all pivot table updates will be published in 2009. This will give the
earliest date that various pivot tables can be published.
A regular semester-based update of Academic Performance will be provided via
the Business Intelligence Project. UPS will continue to maintain an annualised
update of data provided to DEEWR.
Graduate data is available only on an annual basis and UPS is working with HR
to provide preliminary staff data.
UPS has been developing a data warehouse which will be made available to key
faculty and campus super users. While the level of click and point won't be as
sophisticated as suggested, it will allow variables from across the pivot tables to
be combined as well as providing access to a range of variables that are not
included in the pivot tables.
UPS Customer Satisfaction Survey report
Requests for improvement of information and/or definitions
UPS response and/or action to be taken
Historical data to include old counting methods or notes on how the new
reporting procedures would relate to historical data.
Explanations of the subsections of the pivot tables
This information is contained in a data dictionary that is being developed.
Progressively during 2009, pivot tables will be rolled out with functionality that
allows users to double click on a variable name to activate a pop-up window
which provides definitions, etc.
A resource that outlines the data available at UPS, with some examples to
describe how to best use the data services using common scenarios.
A data dictionary listing all variables held by UPS together with their meanings
and the tables in which the variable appears is being developed. A manual
containing examples is planned.
Information on changes to how stats are reported and how this impacts on
the new figures.
There is an "Update" link on the pivot table webpage which provides information
on business changes. This information will also be added to the data dictionary.
UPS response and/or action to be taken
More frequent training sessions.
Training session on the Gippsland campus
A schedule of training sessions for the year has been developed and is on the
UPS website at
Separate arrangements will be made to hold one session at Gippsland.
Kronos system
Suggested improvements to the Kronos system
UPS response and/or action to be taken
Load projections at the School level
Taught load projections will be available at School/Department level in 2009.
Better understanding of the data, variables
Explanations provided on the effect of selecting different parameters
During 2009 the following support will become available: training, improved
glossary of terms and a manual based on specific user group needs.
Related Kronos information to UPS enrolment pivot tables for comparisons,
planning and monitoring
Addition to glossary a definition of what constitutes a valid "enrolment" ie
what conditions need to be met in Callista for the data to appear in Kronos
This information will be added in 2009.
Add saved parameter sets like the Callista reporting system
There is no funding for further developments in Kronos at this time.
Select more than one date when running a Kronos report, eg from 1 Jan to
25 Jan 09
University Planning and Statistics
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Quality)