
1. Compare the syntax of Antigone and Ismene in lines 1-10. What do
Antigone’s quick sentences reveal about her character? What does Ismene’s
longer paragraph reveal about her character?
Antigone is hasty and thinks with her heart. Ismene is rational and thinks with
her head.
2. After describing the details of Creon’s decree, Antigone presents the
alternatives to Ismene. (Line 25) What word with strong connotations does
Antigone use? Stoning What tone is conveyed through Antigone’s word choice?
Morbid tone
3. Antigone asserts, “Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way” (line 35).
What does this statement reveal about her character?
She stands up for what she believes in regardless of consequences.
4. What event does Ismene allude to in lines 36 –42?
The death of Oedipus (her father), her mother’s suicide and death of both her
5. In lines 45-52 what arguments does Ismene provide against Antigone’s plan?
 They would be put to death.
 We are only women, we can’t fight men.
 We must give into the law.
 I must yield to authority.
 It is dangerous to meddle.
6. What does Ismene’s choice of words, “meddle” reveal about her views of her
own role and ability to fight against Creon?
It is none of her business.
7. Which literary technique is used in Antigone’s statement that her “crime is
8. At line 60, Antigone provides her reasoning for burying Polyneices. What is it?
We die forever (she will always regret it, and he will never be properly buried and
will live forever as a disgrace).
9. In the next passage, what does Ismene reveal about her thoughts about the
Laws are made for the good of the public.
10. Antigone and Ismene’s contrast to one another causes them to be foils.
11. Compare Antigone’s tone to Ismene’s in the last passages of the scene.
Antigone’s tone is frustrated, while Ismene’s tone is admonitory.
1. What type of figurative language is used to describe “long blade of the sun…”?
metaphor What is the purpose of such a comparison?
The sun is compared to the blade of a knife to show its power.
2. As indicated in the quote, “Open, unlidded eye of golden day!” what type of
figurative language is used to describe the sun?
Apostrophe/ Epithet/ Metaphor
3. What effect has the bright morning light had on the attacking enemy of
It strikes down the enemy.
4. Polyneices is compared to what type of animal? What image is conveyed by
the comparison?
Wild eagle screaming; he is on the attack with no mercy.
5. The Theban guard, fending off Polyneices’ attack, is compared to what?
A dragon
6. The Choragus’ use of word like “bray, “bragging,” and “swaggering” reveal
what attitude toward the attacking troops?
They are arrogant and over-confident regarding victory.
7. The Choragus implies that the Thebans’ cause is more just than that of the
attacking troops through which quotes?
Yielded their clanging arms to the god.
8. Which god is referred to as the “god/That bends the battle-line and breaks it”?
Ares, the God of War
9. The repetition of the “b” sound in the same passage uses which sound device?
How does its use enhance the sound of combat, as described by the Choragus?
Alliteration; it quickens the combat making the audience anxious for the outcome.
10. What is the tone of lines 39-43? Which words and passages convey the
Joyous- beautiful, morning, victory, son, joy, dancing, sweet, praise
11. The chorus’ belief that Thebes will, “take leave of war” reflects what
There will be no more fighting.
12. Contrast the tones of the Prologue and the Parados.
Prologue- dark, foreboding
Parodos- educational, descriptive
Scene 1
1. What is the meaning of “auspicious,” as spoken by the Choragus’ speech?
Attended by favorable circumstances; prosperous, successful. What tone is
reflected through the choice of words?
2. What type of figurative language does Creon use to describe the welfare of
Figurative language to describe Thebes welfare: metaphor: Ship of State,
storms, safe harbor.
3. Why do you think Creon gives a review of history? (Lines 10 – 20)
He is not confident. He must remind people they have been loyal to their leaders
in the past and hope they will transfer loyalty to him.
4. Creon’s principles are given in lines 20 – 35. He has contempt for the kind of
governor who is afraid to do what he knows is best for the state, no use for who
sets private friendship above public welfare, and no dealings with an enemy of
the people.
5. Creon’s assertion that “Friends made at the risk of wrecking our ship are no
real friends at all” refers to whom?
He places public welfare above personal friends or family, so it refers to friends
or family that would be promoted when not in the best interest of the state.
6. What decision has Creon made regarding Eteocles’burial and Polyneices’
Eteocles will be buried and Polyneices left to rot.
7. How are Creon’s tones different at the end and beginning of his address to
the Chorus?
Creon starts out sounding very reasonable and humane but ends up sounding
vengeful and cruel.
8. Based on the Choragus’ response, what can you infer he feels about Creon’s
Choragos will obey it, but he doesn’t seem to like it. He doesn’t say all of Thebes
agrees with Creon, but instead he talks about “your will” and Creon’s right to
enforce it. He also asks that younger men carry out his will.
9. “Only a crazy man is in love with death” alludes to the upcoming actions of
which character?
Antigone, who is in love with the idea of dying for her cause.
10. Creon’s response in lines 63-65 that “Money talks…” reflects his belief that all
men are capable of what?
He has a suspicious nature. He is cynical about the honesty of others, ready to
believe that anyone can be bribed.
11. What does the Sentry’s rambling, bumbling speech provide after the somber
and serious passages preceding it?
The Sentry’s comic babbling breaks into the conflict that has been building
between Creon and the Choragus. Also, his informal speech contrasts with the
formality of the proceedings so far.
12. Although the Sentry does not know who buried Polyneices, nor does Creon,
the audience does. What type of irony is reflected through this knowledge?
Irony: Dramatic Irony
13. What effect does the Choragus’ implication that the gods have become
involved have on Creon? Why?
It angers him. It challenges his authority. Why would the gods sympathize with
the traitor, Polyneices. He is sure that the Gods would agree with him about his
view of Polyneices as a “bad man”. He is sure the Gods are on his side.
14. Creon’s response to the Choragus’ doubt reveals his true feeling about the
Theban elders. Which words reflect his true sentiments?
Doddering wrecks” “Senile opinion” – maybe some of them have been
“scheming” against him.
15. Creon believed that sentry had disobeyed his orders. Why?
For money
16. Of whom did he suspect the same fault earlier in the scene?
Earlier he was worried about stiff-necked anarchists plotting against him. Now
he is accusing the sentry of taking money to bury the corpse or protect the
person who did.
17. Based on Sophocles’ development of Creon at this point in the drama, what
seem to be his strengths and weaknesses?
Strength: his determination, his power, his ability to rule
Weaknesses: He is proud and easily angered; he is presumptuous, assuming
that he knows what the gods want.
18. What quality did the Sentry see in Creon, as revealed in the statement, “How
dreadful it is when the right judges judge wrong”?
Suspicious, cynical in misjudging an honest man
19. Did the Sentry plan or returning, as commanded by Creon? Why or why not?
He does not plan to return.
Ode 1
1. Summarize the main points of the Ode.
Nothing is more wonderful than man. Man has conquered the bird, the fish of the
sea, the mammals on land. His capacity to speak, think, persuade has enabled
him to conquer the elements, but he cannot conquer death. There is no
civilization without law. The Chorus will support Creon even if they are insulted
by him because they will not tolerate anarchy.
2. Who does the Chrous favor: the lawmaker or lawbreaker?
The chorus favors the lawmaker.
3. What opinion does the Chorus express regarding the importance of law in
If laws are broken, the city is broken.
4. If “law” refers to civil law, who is the anarchist?
Antigone is the anarchist in civil law
If “law” refers to the gods’ laws, who is the anarchist?
Creon is the anarchist if God’s law is supreme.
Scene 2
1. As the scene opens, the Sentry has reappeared. How has his attitude toward
Creon changed from the previous scene? Why?
He said he would never return to the palace, but he has because he has found
who has done this.
2. Who has the Sentry arrested as the culprit guilty of burying Polyneices?
3. In the passage used to describe the setting in which the Sentry discovered
Antigone, which rhetorical strategies were used? (Lines 25 – 35)
Uses description to show that an “act of God” occurred that was beyond their
4. To what does the Sentry compare Antigone upon finding her work undone? A
mother bird. What tone toward Antigone is conveyed through the comparison?
5. What do you notice about the action the Sentry describes in lines 25 – 45?
(Where does it take place?) How does this relate to the stage and set of ancient
It is god inspired. It relates to Greek Tragedies because usually Gods intervene.
6. On what basis does Antigone justify the burial of Polyneices?
It is an immortal unrecorded law of God.
7. Antigone’s assertion that Creon’s edict “was strong/ But all you strength is
weakness against itself” is best described by which literary technique?
8. Through Antigone’s words, Sophocles gives life to death, crime and anarchy.
Find examples that personify each in lines 65 – 95.
“Think Death less than a friend…”
“Crimes kept in the dark.”
“Barefaced anarchy”
9. The Chorus compares Antigone’s actions to those of which other character?
10. What is Creon inferring about Antigone through the comparisons to tough
iron and wild horses?
She is tough and is the first to react.
11. Summarize Creon’s views on family versus duty as expressed in line 82 – 85.
He is tied to duty over family.
12. According to Creon, whose crime is worse, Antigone’s or Ismene’s?
They are equal. Ismene’s mind is that of a traitor.
13. List two examples of figurative language that Antigone uses to express the
elders’ fear of Creon?
Lips frozen in fear- personification
Ah, the good fortune of kings; licensed to say and do what they please- sarcasm
14. Contrast Antigone and Creon’s view of honor and burial as revealed in lines
105 –115.
Antigone believes that all of the dead should be honored. Creon believes only
the just should be honored.
15. The Choragus compares Ismene’s sorrow to what?
A cloud that rains down gentle sorrow
Creon compares her actions to what?
A snake sucking blood (she is sucking order out of his house)
16. Find a quote that emphasizes Antigone’s rejection of Ismene’s belated
involvement in the “crime”.
“No more Ismene. You are alive, but I belong to death.”
17. What is a martyr? How does Antigone fit the description of a martyr?
Someone who dies for a cause; Antigone is willing to die for her belief that
everyone is entitled to proper burial.
18. Antigone and Ismene are cast as foils. How do the words of Creon and
Ismene in lines 148 – 151 reinforce this concept?
“One has lost her mind; the other/it seems, has never has a mind at all.”
19. What fact about the relationship between Antigone and Haemon does
Ismene reveal at line 154?
“But your son’s own bride!”
20. Ismene speaks to Creon’s son, Haemon, even though he is absent from the
scene. Which literary term reflects this type of address?
21. Creon rejects responsibility for Antigone’s death, instead casting the blame
on whom or what?
Ode 2
1. Summarize the main ideas of Ode 2.
God’s vengeance is terrible and the man who has never seen it is lucky. Sorrow
surrounding the house of Oedipus has loomed for years, and it still curses his
children. No pride on earth can stop the wrath of Zeus for those who are
arrogant. Most of the time, death causes problems, and the things that please
man often cause sorrow.
2. How does the sin of moral arrogance apply to both Antigone and Creon?
Creon- morally arrogant regarding his unwillingness to bend the law
Antigone- morally arrogant in her unwillingness weight the pros and cons of her
Scene 3
1. Creon’s belief that Haemon must either hate or love him reflects what quality
of his character?
He does not bend.
2. As reflected in lines 8-10, what is Haemon’s attitude toward his father?
Reverence. He respects his father’s wisdom.
3. Creon’s choice of words, “subordinate,” reflects what attitude toward the
father-son relationship?
His son is beneath him.
4. Which other words in the passage convey similar ideas?
Father’s will; dutiful; hating his father’s enemies; honor his father’s friends
5. Creon gives Haemon advice on dealing with women, even though he shows
little skill in doing the same. Which literary technique does this reflect?
6. What is Creon’s view of government, as stated at line 35?
Whoever is chosen to govern should be obeyed..
7. How can his views be applied to Antigone’s situation?
He is the leader; therefore, she should obey him.
8. As suggested in lines 40 – 50, of what two things does Creon seem to be
Anarchy and women
9. What are Haemon’s main ideas regarding public opinion?
The public doesn’t want Antigone killed. They speak behind Creon’s back and
say that no one has ever been killed for performing a kind deed.
10. What is Haemon’s tone toward his father in the speech beginning with
“Reason is God’s crowning gift…”?
Flattering; imploring
11. What types of comparisons does Haemon use in an attempt to sway his
father’s mind?
“The man who thinks he is always right turns out empty.”
“It is not reason never to yield to reason.”
“In flood time you can see how some trees bend…”
“Make you sheet fast, never slacken—and over you go…”
12. Creon refuses to listen to Haemon’s reasoning based on his youth and
emphasizes his disdain for Haemon’s lack of experience through what word?
boy What connotations are associated with this word?
Young; ignorant; foolish; overly passionate
What tone does it suggest?
13. According to Haemon, what is the role of the king; what is it according to
Haemon- listen to the needs and wants of the city
Creon- to make all of the decisions for the city
14. How does Haemon’s use of the word “desert” apply to Creon’s style of
If the state wants to die, they should follow him. He is leading himself to death
and the city will look for water elsewhere.
15. Creon’s exclamation that “Every word you (Haemon) say is for her!” might
reflect what character trait?
Lack of confidence; selfishness
16. How does Creon interpret Haemon’s statement that “her (Antigone’s) death
will cause another”?
He asks Haemon if he has lost his senses and if he is threatening him.
17. How has Haemon’s attitude toward his father changed since the scene’s
He began by trying to honor his father. He leaves in a fit of rage that his father is
so tyrannical.
18. How does Creon plan to free the State from any culpability in Antigone’s
He will take her to the wilderness and lock her in a stone vault where she will be
given food.
Ode 3
1. Ode 3 begins as an address to whom or what?
2. Love is characterized as what type of force?
3. Which words emphasize this idea?
Unconquerable; tremble before your glory; you have made; merciless