500 Short Fiction Finals Review Terms from Story and Structure- you need to be able to define, explain, identify and analyze them Diction Syntax Tone Plot Structure Conflict Protagonist Antagonist Suspense Mystery Dilemma Surprise Happy ending Unhappy ending Indeterminate ending Artistic unity Plot manipulation Dues ex machinaChanceCoincidenceCharacterizationDirect presentation of characterIndirect presentation of characterDramatizing characterFlat charactersRound characters- Stock charactersStatic charactersDeveloping/dynamic characterEpiphanyThemeCommerical ThemeLiterary Theme- (it may help to re-read the six principles of theme from that chapter, but it’s not necessary to memorize each one) Point of view Omniscient point of view Third person limited point of view Stream of Consciousness First person point of view Objective/dramatic Point of View Why does the author’s choice of Point of View matter? Symbol- (be familiar with the warnings for symbol interpretation in this chapter) AllegoryFantasy What is the difference between allegory and symbol? What does it mean to suspend your disbelief? How is “normal” fiction different from fantasy? Critical Theory- Know at least 3 of the 9 ways to analyze literature 1. Formalist 6. Gender/minority 2. Structuralist 7. Archetypal 3. Deconstructionist 8. Post-modern 4. Marxist 9. Historical/Biographical 5. Psychoanalysis Vocab Words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Hubris Abjure Adroit Ascetic Assiduous Baffle Chicanery Choice word Belie corporeal Corpulent Deleterious Desultory Dexterous Diffident Effulgent 17. Epiphany 18. Epitome 19. Equinox 20. Ersatz 21. Facetious 22. fraught 23. gamin 24. Gauche 25. Gerrymander 26. hackneyed 27. Homogeneous 28. Incognito 29. Incontrovertible 30. Inculcate 31. Indubitable 32. Indubitably 33. Insouciant 34. intrepid 35. Irony 36. jocular 37. Kinetic 38. Kowtow 39. Laissez faire 40. Lemming 41. Loathe42. Loquacious 43. Lugubrious 44. Mortify 45. Nihilism 46. Oblique 47. Omnipotent 48. Paradigm 49. Pecuniary 50. Piquant 51. Potent 52. Quotidian 53. rancorous 54. Reciprocal 55. Sanguine 56. scabrous 57. Supercilious58. Tautology 59. Tempestuous 60. Usurp 61. Vacuous 62. Winnow 63. yearn 64. Yeoman List of Stories “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”- Gabriel Garcia Marquez “Baker’s Helper”- Cynthia Anderson “Birthday Party” – Katherine Brush “Birthday Party”- Katherine Brush “Bullhead” “Everyday Use”- Alice Walker “Harrison Bergeron” Kurt Vonnegut “Hunters in the Snow”- Tobias Wolff “Life after High School”- Joyce Carol Oates “Mandela was Late” – Peter Mehlman “Once Upon a Time”- Nadine Gordimer “Plague of Tics” – Dave Sedaris “Reunion”- John Cheever “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World”Gabriel Garcia Marquez “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”- Katherine Anne Porter “The Kugelmass Episode”- Woody Allen “The Swimmer”- John Cheever