The Russell Home for Atypical Children 510 Holden Avenue, Orlando, Florida USA 32839 ph: 407-855-8063 Christmas Gift Suggestion List 2006 This year's wish list shows the toys and other items most desired by the children at the Russell Home. These are only suggestions. The children will love anything! Please wrap your gift(s) in colorful gift wrap paper with the intended child’s name on it. Or if you wish, you may simply place a small tag on the package identifying the contents of your gift and whether it's best suited for a Boy or Girl to make it easier for the Russell Home staff to distribute them appropriately. Of course, General household items, cleaning supplies, and food items are always needed, too! These are merely suggestions. You are welcome to use your own judgment for gifts. The children watch TV like all children do and want everything they see, so you can’t miss pleasing them. If you have any questions, please call us at 407-855-8063 or email us at Thank you again for being so thoughtful. - Janet Dixon, Director, The Russell Home for Atypical Children CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS WISH LIST 2006 NURSERY Michael Huggies size 5 diapers, Jazz CD, Toys R’ Us gift card Amy Pajamas size 5 toddler, housecoat/robe, soft blanket (yellow for crib) Bobby colored light toy for crib, elastic wais sweat pants (boys size 8/10), white t-shirts (size 12/14) David elastic waist sweat pants (size 10/12 boys), white t-shirts (size 8/10), toys that make noise to hold in hand Marisol small CD player for crib, CD’s (sounds and music), elastic waist sweat pants (adult size XL), and soft cotton t-shirts Susie Nightgown (adult size 8), under shirts (size S), DVD’s for children with music in them. BOYS Paul Trucks, nosy toddler toys, elastic waist sweat pants (size 10/12), t-shirts (size 10/12) Billy AM/FM radio with head set, ball cap, XL sports jacket, Deal or No Deal hand held game, batteries AA, duffle bag with his name on it Warren Blue bike (like a beach bike, nothing with gears), black guitar (reg size), duffle bag with his name on it, black working boots (size 11), hand held Nintendo game Michael A. XL warm coat, toboggan with gloves, Deal or No Deal hand held game, duffle bag with his name on it Newton Hand held CD player with ear phones, CD’s, duffle bag with his name on it, black working boots (size 9), pre-paid phone (Boost) flip top with card Johnny Small child guitar, backpack, walkie talkies, duffle bag with his name on it Benji Sunglasses, VHS/DVD combo, music CD (he loves MoTown music), sports posters (Orlando Magic), hand held Nintendo game Kenny Elastic waist pants (size 36 mens), Etch N Sketch, AM/FM radio, anything with airplanes (books, pictures) GIRLS Lisa Baby doll, doll stuff, AM/FM radio, walkie talkies for girls, hand held Deal or No Deal game, duffle bag with her name on it Jackie Peg board puzzles, AM/FM radio, elastic slacks w/tops (size 10/12 girls) Mary Play jewelry, purse, dress up stuff, perfume and lotions and nail polish Robin Books (catalogs with pictures), pens, size 2X shirts, perfume Jenny Soft blanket/throw for her to wrap up in while she rocks in her chair, Footie PJ’s size small adult, soft toys and pillow for her bed Ann 19” TV CD/DVD with remote, make up (earth tone colors), CD new Alan Jackson Marilyn Dominos, glider swing for patio for her to enjoy outside, Lego’s (large) Kim Purse, nightgown and robe that match with slippers (size 2X), sunglasses with a case to protect them (she had a Cornea transplant and can’t take the sun) Sheree Baby Skate doll, beach ball, XL coat w/toboggan and gloves, Big Red chew gum STOCKING WISH LIST We would like to thank you so much for keeping us in mind as the holiday season approaches. The following items are things that our residents would be able to use and need on a day to day basis. These are things that we use daily and tend to be over looked when gifts are being given. Our residents have varying abilities and needs and we’ve listed individual items for them as well as some overall items that everyone could use. If you have any questions feel free to contact us here at the Russell Home. Thank you again for thinking of us. - Kelly Organ NURSERY Baza Sween Cream, q-tips, hair accessories for the girls, spray deodorant, Bath and Body Works lotion and body spray (they are hypoallergenic), Vaseline, chap stick, Kersey knit sheets (4 twin & 1 crib) Amy Bobby David Marisol Susie colored girls socks size 4T colored boys socks size 6-9 and a small musical crib toy colored boys socks size 6-9 colored girls socks size 6T and a small musical crib toy colored girls socks size 6T and children’s books for us to read to her BOYS DORM Cologne, spray deodorant, chap stick, sun block, soft/chocolate candies, AA batteries, moisturizing lotion Warren Newton Michael Johnny Billy Paul work gloves and find a word puzzle work gloves baseball cap flash light, measuring tape baseball cap kaleidoscope, plastic toy truck GIRLS DORM Spray deodorant, Bath and Body Works body wash, body spray, and lotion (they are hypoallergenic), nail polish, chap stick, AA batteries, hair accessories Lisa Jenny Robin Mary Jackie warm gloves (will wear them to work) white girls socks size 5 warm gloves play jewelry, warm gloves warm gloves, white girls socks size 6/7 SINGLE/SHARED ROOMS Amy Kim Marilyn Ann Sheree Kenny Benji Michael T warm gloves, coloring book and crayons anything Elvis colored girls socks size 6, plastic toy find a word puzzles, pens, warm gloves, lip gloss Big Red chewing gum, colored girls socks size 6 small airplane sunglasses colored boys socks size 3T, cocoa butter lotion, Jersey knit sheet (crib size) CLEANING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Bleach Brooms (wooden handles) Clorox Cleanup Spray Clorox Wipes Dust pans Glade Air Freshener Laundry Detergent Powder (Costco Large Tub, Tide, or Gain) Liquid Dish Detergent (No Germicide) Liquid Hand Soap Liquid laundry detergent Lysol Spray Disinfectant (Fresh Linen) Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner Mop bucket with wringer Mops (wooden handles with changeable string heads) Mr. Clean (blue or yellow) Paper towels Pledge furniture polish sray Q-Tips SOS scrub pads Trash bags (tall kitchen & large lawn bags) Windex MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS The following is a list of miscellaneous items that are always appreciated at the Russell Home: Aprons Baby dolls Barbie dolls Basketball Bath powders for the girls Bath soap Batteries, AA & AAA CD players with Headphones CD’s (country music and gospel) Chocolate fountain Dress maker sewing machine from Sears DVD movies - all kinds (non-violent) DVD player Fabric Softener Sheets Foam building blocks Food gift cards (Albertsons, Publix, WinnDixie) Football Gasoline pre-paid cards (for our vans) Gift cards - Publix or any food chain Gift cards for McDonalds, Dairy Queen, etc Glider swing for the back patio Gloves for winter time (boys & girls) Great Gift Bead Set Griddle for kitchen to make pancakes Hammock chair Jewelry for the girls (necklaces, bracelets, rings) Kodak premium picture paper Large Legos Paper towels, paper plates, paper cups Pillow top twin mattress covers Plastic Forks and Spoons Plastic storage tubs Pots and pans for kitchen Pretty hanging baskets for our front porch Remote control trucks/cars/planes Sewing basket with threads Spray deodorants for boys and girls Storage units, 5 shelf, 24" wide (such as at Home Depot) Styrofoam Dinner Plates, Small Plates, Bowls, Cups Summer Camp crafts Sunglasses Talking cash register Theme park passes (Disney, Universal, Sea World) Tic Tac Toss game with bean bags Toilet Paper Totally Me Nail Art Tupperware for kitchen Umbrellas VHS player for Nursery (singing VHS for children) Wake Me Up barking alarm clock Walkie Talkies Washable Tablecloths White copy paper FOOD ITEMS The following is a list of basic food items always in need at the Russell Home: BBQ Sauce Boost/Ensure Bottled water (small size for lunches) Canned Fruit, Large (peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, apple sauce) Canned Soups, Large (tomato, chicken noodle, clam chowder, vegetable, cream of chicken) Canned Vegetables, Large (peas, carrots) Capri Sun Cereal (regular and individual boxes) Cheese Chef Boyardee (spaghettios, ravioli, etc) Crystal Light Fruit juice Gatorade Hamburger buns Hamburger patties Hotdog buns Hotdogs Instant Potatoes Juice boxes Ketchup Kool-Aid Lunch meat (ham, turkey, bologna) Mac & Cheese, Family Size Kraft Deluxe Mayonnaise Mustard Oatmeal (Quaker Quick 1-Minute) Pasta Pickles Ranch dressing (Hidden Valley) Spaghetti sauce Splenda Sugar Tea bags If shopping is not convenient we gladly accept gift cards and will be happy to do the shopping. If you have any questions, please call us at 407-855-8063 or email us at Any and all items are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your loving kindness.