Macbeth Act I

Macbeth – Act I study guide
Text and History of the Play
1) How is this play meant to flatter King James I?
Act I, scene i
2) Give an example of alliteration from this scene.
3) What is the significance of “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”?
Act I, scene ii
4) Give the example of allusion from this scene.
5) For whom are Macbeth and Banquo fighting? Against whom are they fighting?
6) Why has the Thane of Cawdor been sentenced to die?
7) Although we have not yet met Macbeth, we have already learned about him as a character. How
would you describe him based on what we have heard thus far?
8) Why do you think we have not met him so far?
Act I, scene iii
9) Why do you think that Macbeth “starts” at the prediction of the witches?
10) Explain how Shakespeare connects Macbeth to the witches before they have even met.
11) Macbeth pictures an image in his mind about how he is to become king, what do you think it is?
Why? Why do you suppose he pictures this?
12) What possible ways are there for Macbeth to become king?
13) If you were told you were to get a coveted position (as Macbeth is told he is to be king), how would
you react? Why?
Act I, scene iv
14) What do you think about Macbeth’s reaction to Malcom’s being named Duncan’s successor?
Macbeth – Act I study guide
15) Historical evidence suggests that Scotland’s monarchy was elective and not inherited. Why would
Shakespeare make this change when he has taken pains to make Duncan a sympathetic character?
Act I, scene v
16) What is your impression of Lady Macbeth? Why? Be sure to cite evidence from the text.
17) How might you describe the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth? What reasons do you
have for your impression?
18) Why do you think Lady Macbeth says “unsex me here”? What might she mean?
Act I, scene vii
19) Describe what Lady Macbeth might consider to be a “man.”
20) According to the time and place the play is set, what do you think the normal concept might be of a
21) Do you think Lady Macbeth really had any children? If she did, why do you think we as readers have
not seen any children in the Macbeth household?
22) Do you really think Lady Macbeth could have done what she said in her speech to Macbeth? Explain
your answer and cite evidence to support your theory.
23) Of what we have read in the play thus far, what evidence may point to a previous desire by Macbeth
to become king?
24) How is Duncan a focal point for dramatic irony in this Act?
25) Cite the lines that suggest Macbeth had prior ambitions for the throne.