QUIZ CHPS. 5 - 8
DATE __________________ MODS. _________
MATCHING: You may use a name more than once.
_____1. a foil to Maudie Atkinson
A. Atticus
_____2. a foot-washing Baptist
B. Miss Maudie
_____3. fills up the hole in the tree with cement
C. Jem
_____4. climbed out the window of a burning house
D. Mr. Nathan Radley
_____5. covers Scout with a blanket during the fire
E. Boo Radley
F. Stephanie Crawford
G. Mr. Avery
_____6. Mrs. Radley died that winter.
_____7. Maudie was upset about the cold weather and snow.
_____8. Atticus and Stephanie Crawford have similar attitudes and values.
_____9. By the end of chapter 8, Jem has met Boo and realizes he is not a monster.
____10. The children’s snowman looked like Mr. Avery.
____11. Dill continues to be an imaginative storyteller
____12. As Jem matures, his sexist attitude decreases.
____13. Jem cries when the knot hole is filled with cement because he will not get anymore presents.
On the line before each quotation, write the letter of the character who says it.
A. Calpurnia
B. Atticus
C. Miss Maudie
D. Mr. Avery
E. Stephanie Crawford
F. Mrs. Dubose
G. Scout
H. Jem
_____14. “Stephanie Crawford even told me once she woke up in the middle of the night and found him
looking in the window at her. I said, ‘What did you do, Stephanie, move over in the bed and
make room for him?’ That shut her up for a while.”
_____15. “I’m going to tell you something and tell you one time: stop tormenting that man.”
_____16. “. . . if I had gone alone to the Radley Place at two in the morning, my funeral would have
been held the next afternoon.”
_____17. “. . . you’re getting more like a girl every day!”
_____18. “. . . it is written on the Rosetta Stone that when children disobey their parents, smoke
cigarettes, and make war on each other, the seasons will change.”
19. - 20. Give one explanation of the symbolism of the snowman which the children made.
QUIZ CHPS. 5 - 8
DATE __________________ MODS. _________
MATCHING: You may use an answer more than once.
_____1. a foil to Maudie Atkinson
A. Atticus
_____2. a foot-washing Baptist
B. Stephanie Crawford
_____3. fills up the hole in the tree with cement
C. Mr. Avery
_____4. blames the bad weather on the children’s behavior
D. Mr. Nathan Radley
_____5. covers Scout with a blanket during the fire
E. Boo Radley
_____6. Mrs. Radley died that winter.
_____7. Maudie was upset about the cold weather and snow.
_____8. Atticus and Stephanie Crawford have similar attitudes and values.
_____9. By the end of chapter 8, Jem's perception of Boo has changed.
____10. The children’s snowman looked like Mr. Avery.
MATCHING: Write the letter of the word that fits in the given sentence.
_____11. It is ________ to me that you could come to class without your book.
A. quell
_____12. His ________ in wrestling was amazing.
B. benevolence
_____13. She proved her _______ by giving the student an “A”.
C. ascertain
_____14. It was impossible to ______ the rowdy group of students.
D. incomprehensible
_____15. We must ______ why so many students failed the test.
E. Prowess
SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS -Write answers on the back
16. - 17. What has Jem discovered about Boo Radley, and why did he cry when the hole in the tree was
filled with cement? (2 pt)
18. - 20. Explain the symbolism of the snowman which the children made.