Name: Hour: Date: Oral Book Report ORAL BOOK REPORT Each student is required to give ONE ORAL BOOK REPORT PER TRIMESTER! The book must be from independent reading (not read in the classroom) and a novel (100 pages or more) that is appropriate and at the middle school reading level. PRESENTATION INFORMATION 1. BOOK TITLE 2. AUTHOR 3. LIST MAIN CHARACTERS AND DESCRIBE THEM 4. GIVE A DETAILED SUMMARY OF WHAT HAPPENS IN THE STORY 5. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF THE BOOK AND WHY? 6. READ AN PARAGRAPH OR TWO FROM THE BOOK (NO MORE THAN ONE PAGE) 7. PROVIDE A VISUAL AIDE VISUAL AIDE OPTIONS 1. Create your own book cover. Include the title, author, small summary (on the front), and your rating of the book out of 5 stars. Be sure to include an original visual (picture) and don’t copy the actual book cover. 2. Plot graph with illustrations. MUST HAVE PICTURES! 3. Diorama depicting a 3-D scene from the book 4. Student Idea! Just run the idea by me first. 80 Points Total Name: Hour: Date: BOOK TITLE _____ / 3 AUTHOR _____ / 2 SUMMARY _____ / 20 MAIN CHARACTERS _____ / 5 FAVORITE PART _____ / 5 READ FROM BOOK _____ / 5 EYE CONTACT _____ / 5 VOICE _____ / 5 ENTHUSIASM _____ / 5 BODY LANGUAGE _____ / 5 Oral Book Report ORAL BOOK REPORT RUBRIC Speaker does not mention the title. 0 Speaker does not mention the author. 0 Speaker does not Speaker does not give a complete give a complete summary of the summary of the book – includes book – includes very few details. some details. Speaker mentions the title. 3 Speaker mentions the author. Speaker gives a partial summary of the book – includes some details. 2 Speaker gives a complete summary of the book – includes some details. 1 2 3 4 Speaker does not list characters or does not give descriptions. Speaker gives a complete summary of the book – includes several important details. 17 18 19 20 Speaker gives a list of all main characters with full descriptions. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Speaker gives a Speaker gives a Speaker gives a list of most of the list of all the list of all the main characters, main characters, main characters, but no but only describes but only a vague descriptions. some of them. description. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Speaker does not share his or her Speaker shares his or her Speaker shares his or her favorite favorite part. favorite part but does not part with a full explanation why. explain why. 0 2 5 Speaker does not read from the Speaker reads a part from the Speaker reads a part from the book. book, but it does not encourage book that encourages others to others to read this novel. read this novel. 0 2 5 Speaker does not Speaker rarely Speaker looks at Speaker looks at Speaker looks at look at audience looks at audience audience half the audience most of audience entire time the time time 0 1 2 3 4 5 Very Difficult to Difficult to hear Somewhat hard to Mostly easy to Loud and clear, hear and or understand hear or hear or easy to understand understand understand understand 1 Speaker sounds bored 2 1 Visual is hard to see, speaker slouches and makes many distracting movements FLUENCY _____ / 5 1 Speaker is distracted, laughing, rushing, and/or has many fillers. VISIAL AIDE _____ / 15 1 Visual aide does not meet requirements, shows little effort, is messy, or too small. 1 2 3 4 5 3 Speaker sounds somewhat interested in book 3 Visual is occasionally hard to see, speaker makes some distracting movements. 3 Speaker is occasionally distracted, has some pauses, is slightly rushed, uses some fillers. 3 Visual aide meets most of the requirements, shows some effort, and is neat. 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL: _____ / 80 Points 4 5 Speaker shows great enthusiasm for the book 5 Visual is always easy to see, speaker has good posture, makes no distracting movements 5 Student is not distracted, no pauses, well-paced, no fillers. 5 Visual aide meets all requirements, shows great effort, and is neat. 11 12 13 14 15