Garaux’s 9 C.P. Fall ’13 Week 10 10/28-11/1 Objectives/Goals: Students Will… Analyze interactions between characters in literary text and how the interactions affect plot. Identify and analyze how an author uses figurative language, sound, devices and literary techniques to shape plot, set meaning and develop tone. Write responses to literature that extend beyond the summary and support references to the text, other works, other authors or to personal knowledge Use documented textual evidence to justify interpretations of literature or to support a research topic Class Activities/Assessments: Monday, 10/28 Review the prompt Show the sample Students use dictionaries and their packets to work on the body paragraphs Homework: Grammar Practice pg 1192 Tuesday, 10/29 Students continue to work on their body outlines Notes on writing the intro and the concluding paragraphs Students finish their outlines Homework: Finish Outlines Wednesday, 10/30 Go over the format for typing up an essay Review some of the dos and don’ts of writing an essay How and where to save your work How to print If you don’t finish Students type up their essays and turn them in Students research the origins of Halloween and complete the KWL chart Homework: Grammar Practice pg 1193 Thursday, 10/31 Finish typing essay; re-read, correct; staple, turn in Students research the origins of Halloween and complete the KWL chart when they are done typing The students that finisgh the KWL chart can pass back papers, while others continue to type The Odyssey is an epic poem; like a ballad it tells a story; it has rhyme and rhythm; repetition, character development, etc.. Homework: The Grammar Practice pg 1194 Friday, 11/1 Students come up to the table to obtain a copy of the three materials needed for today and to turn in their homework, KWL page, and/or essay if they still need to turn that in Collect and then go over the KWL page The Odyssey is an epic poem; like a ballad it tells a story; it has rhyme and rhythm; repetition, character development, etc.. Pass back the poetry packets Define perfect rhyme, end rhyme, rhyme scheme, repetition, rhythm… Look at the first 5 lines in “Ulalume” and discuss the rhyme scheme, repetition and rhythm To celebrate Halloween, legend, and superstition; there is one concerning a headless horseman, who rides night by night cutting off people’s heads until it finds one that can replace it’s own. Students read about “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” Watch clip from the 1999 film version of the story: Sleepy Hollow (1/10) Movie CLIP - Death of the Hessian Horseman UKGYUQE&v=g9vPtCW9pJ8 Students write a ballad about a Headless Horseman Did they predict what would happen accurately? Students check by reading a condensed version of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” Wrap up passing back papers Before the bell rings: 1. Take a copy of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” from the front table 2. Take handout with the word Ballad across the top 3. Take a copy of the poetry practice labeled Poetry Practice 4. Turn in last night’s hmk + the KWL page from yesterday (even if you didn’t finish it. This assignment is bonus). Place both of them in the Block 1 IN drawer 5. Also, if you are turning in your essay, staple it on top of the outline and place it in the box. “To: Ulalume” A ballad by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) The skies they were ashen and sober The leaves they were crisped and sere The leaves they were withering and sere; It was night in the lonesome October Of my most immemorial year Monday, 11/4 Explain how rappers have changed rhyme. They try to keep with the rhyme scheme, but they are thinking on their feet (don’t go back to re-write stuff) and they are speaking so fast that the sounds tend to blur together. They can get away with half rhyme. Define ½ rhyme Read and listen to the lyrics for “The Hipphophipotomus vs. The Rhymnocerus.” Look for examples of Rhyme and label the Rhyme scheme Students complete the Rhyme page in their packets after discussing the many ways someone might break up with you. Listen to “Ex-Girlfriends” to see if your answers are right. Very briefly discuss rhythm and complete the rhythm page in your packet Homework: Finish Rhyme and Rhythm page Friday, 11/1 Though poetry is short, one thing that makes it so difficult is that it is full of meaning and this meaning is often difficult to figure out and it is different for everyone. One thing that makes it different for everyone is that we all come from different backgrounds with different experiences. Some of us are young (in terms of our experiences and maturity; not our ages) and some of us are old. These things make it either difficult or easy to interpret poems. Yet, once we have the interpretation; no matter a person’s level of experience, we all can relate. It comes back to the collective unconscious stuff we have been speaking on. We are going to read a poem that deals with a subject we are all familiar with, but its power comes from having a deeper understanding/experience with the subject. To give us that deeper place to come from (the necessary experience) we are going to read a part of a book and watch a few parts of a movie that come from the book, Into the Wild. Give a brief backdrop to the book and read the first chapter While we watch the film; look for things Chris says, thinks, does, things that happen to him, influences, his experiences. Take in notes Discuss these things as we watch the film