"The Catcher in the Rye" Soundtrack Project - High School

The Catcher in the Rye
Soundtrack Project
When I first read The Catcher in the Rye, I became very excited about the idea of seeing the movie
version of this great novel. However, I was disappointed to find out that because J.D. Salinger hates
Hollywood so much, he would never allow for a film to be made of the movie. Perhaps one day, we will
be able to see Holden, Jane, and even good old Ackley kid up on the big screen.
Until then, we can imagine what a film adaptation may be like. I tend to think that the soundtrack
would be very important to the film. Holden’s wide range of emotions could be effectively conveyed by
a wide range of musical genres. For this project assignment, I would like for you to create a soundtrack
of ten songs that you feel would be particularly fitting for the novel. In a detailed paragraph, briefly
explain each song’s connection to a particular character, scene, or theme from the novel. Be sure to use
particular evidence and quotes from both the songs and the novel to support your rationale. Then
design some album artwork that you think would be fitting to accompany the playlist. For bonus points,
burn the songs to a CD or create a playlist on your iPod. We’ll have the opportunity to listen to some of
the songs in class, and discuss why the songs would be appropriate for the story.
So, to recap, you’ll need:
 Ten song choices (write the title and the artists)
 One quote from each song (and potentially quotes from the book)
 One brief description for why each song is relevant to the story
 Original album art work
 Bonus: a CD or a playlist on your iPod
Good luck and have fun!
Project due date: ____________________________________
Mr. Ambrose’s Song Example:
Song: “Lost in Hollywood,” by System of a Down
Sample Lyrics: “Phony people come to pray…You should have never trusted Hollywood…You
should have never gone to Hollywood.”
Connection to the Novel: Holden begins the novel by talking about how his brother D.B. was
someone he once respected, but how he is now off “selling out” in Hollywood. “Lost in
Hollywood” criticizes the “phoniness” of Hollywood, just as Holden does. The song expresses
regret about someone going to Hollywood; this is a regret that Holden – and Salinger – would
English 10
Mr. Ambrose
Mr. Ambrose’s Playlist for The Catcher in the Rye
“Lost in Hollywood,” System of a Down
“Phony people come to pray…you should have never trusted Hollywood…you should have never
gone to Hollywood.”
“Times Square Mind,” The Bright Side
“I’ve got Times Square in my mind…neon colored flashing lights around me all the time.”
“Carry You,” Dispatch
“She stands on the bridge…I will carry you.”
“Poison Oak,” Bright Eyes
“My clothes are soaking wet from your brother’s tears…the sound of loneliness makes me
“Numb/Encore,” Jay-Z featuring Linkin Park
“I don’t know what you’re expecting of me, put under the pressure of walking in your
shoes…every step that I take is another mistake to you.”
“If I Could Talk I’d Tell You,” The Lemonheads
“You are far and away my most imaginary friend.”
“Road to Joy,” Bright Eyes
“When you’re asked to fight a war that’s over nothing, you’d best be on the side that’s gonna
“Out Loud,” Dispatch
“You know I’d be proud…if you called my name out loud.”
“Bend and Not Break,” Dashboard Confessional
“I can fail before I even try.”
“It’s OK,” Pearl Jam
“This is my chance…this is my voice…there may be no tomorrow…this is my need…this is my
English 10
Mr. Ambrose