Advanced Placement European History

Advanced Placement European History
Texts; A History of Western Society; McKay Hill Buckler 5th Edition; Houghton Mifflin Company; 1995
A History of the Modern World; Palmer 9th Edition; McGraw Hill; 2002
Supplemental Text; Western Civilization; Images and Interpretations; Volume 2;Second Edition; Edited
By, Dennis Sherman; Alfred A. Knopf Publishing; 1987
Syllabus Unit I and Unit II
A. Unit Introduction; The Rise of Europe
Week 1
Lecture 1; Reading; Prelude to Modern History
Geography, Map of Europe
Lecture 2; Ancient Times, Greece, Rome and Christianity
Lecture 3; Early Middle Ages
Lecture 4; High Middle Ages, Secular and The Church
Reading; Thomas Aquinas
Evaluation; Introduction Quiz and Map of Europe Quiz
B. Unit II; The Renaissance and Reformation
Week 2-4
Lecture 1; Prelude To Disaster; Black Death; Hundred Years War
Chapter 12 pages 371-383
Lecture 2; Decline of the Church’s Prestige; The Life of the People
Vernacular Literature
Chapter 12 pages 383-397
Lecture 3; Intellectual Hallmarks of the Renaissance; Art and the Artist;
Social Change
Chapter 13 pages 408-423
Reading; The Prince
The Renaissance in the North
Chapter 13 pages 423-426
Lecture 4; Politics and the State in the Renaissance
Chapter 13 pages 426-433
Lecture 5; The Condition of the Church
Chapter 14 pages 439-443
Lecture 6; Martin Luther and the Birth of Protestantism
Chapter 14 pages 443-451
Lecture 7; Germany and the Protestant Reformation; The Growth of the
Protestant Reformation
Chapter 14 pages 452-465
Map 1550
Lecture 8;
The Catholic Counter Reformation
Chapter 14 pages 465-471
Evaluation; Unit Test Chapter 12, 13, and 14 and Map 1550
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit III
Economic Renewal and Wars of Religion; 1560-1648
Week 5-6
Lecture 1; Discovery, Reconnaissance, and Expansion; Later Explorers
Chapter 15 pages 477-489
Lecture 2; Changing Attitudes; Literature and Art
Chapter 15 Pages 504-515
Lecture 3; Politics, Religion, and War; Sections; The Netherlands Under
Charles V; The Revolt Of the Netherlands (1566-1587); Philip II and the
Spanish Armada
Chapter 15 pages 493-499
Lecture 4; Map 1648
Lecture 5; Politics, Religion, and War; Sections; The Origins of Difficulties in
France (1515-1559); Religious Riots and Civil War in France;
Chapter 15 pages 490-493
Absolutism; Section; The Foundations of French Absolutism; Sully
and Richelieu
Chapter 16 pages 524-“The Fronde” 527
Lecture 6; Politics, Religion, and War; Sections; The Thirty Years’ War;
Germany After the Thirty Years’ War
Chapter 15 pages 499-504
Unit Test; Chapter 15
DBQ; “The Poor” Analyze attitudes toward and responses to “the poor” in
Europe between approximately 1450 and 1700.
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit IV
The Establishment of West-European Leadership
Week 7-8
Lecture 1; Introduction; Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe
Chapter 16 pages 523-524
Absolutism; Section; The Decline of Absolutist Spain in the
Seventeenth Century
Chapter 16 pages 540-542
Lecture 2; Constitutionalism; Section; The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth
Chapter 16 pages 549-552
Lecture 3; Constitutionalism; Sections; The Decline of Royal Absolution in
England (1603-1649); Puritanical Absolutism in England: Cromwell and
the Protectorate
Chapter 16 pages 542-546
Lecture 4; Constitutionalism; Sections; The Restoration of the English Monarchy;
The Triumph of England’s Parliament: Constitutional Monarchy and
Cabinet Government
Chapter 16 pages 546-549
Lecture 5; Absolutism; Re-read Section; Introduction and The Foundations of
French Absolutism; Chapter 16 pages 524-529
Absolutism; Sections; The Absolute Monarchy of Louis XIV; Financial
and Economic Management Under Louis XIV: Colbert; The Revocation
of the Edict of Nantes; French Classicism
Chapter 16 pages 529-536
Lecture 6; Absolutism; Section; Louis XIV’s Wars
Chapter 16 pages 536-540
Unit Test; Chapter 16
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit V and Unit VI
A. The Transformation of Eastern Europe; 1648-1740
Week 9
Lecture 1; Introduction; Absolutism in Eastern Europe to 1740; Lords and peasants
in Eastern Europe
Chapter 17 pages 559-563
Lecture 2; The Rise of Austria and Prussia; Section; Austria and the Ottoman
Chapter 17 pages 563-566
Lecture 3; The Rise of Austria and Prussia; Section; Prussia in the 17 Century
The Consolidation of Prussian Absolutism
Chapter 17 pages 566-571
Lecture 4; The Development of Russia; Absolutism and the Baroque
Chapter 17 pages 571-584
Evaluation; Unit Test; Chapter 17
B. The Struggle for Wealth and Empire
Week 10
Lecture 1; The Changing Life of the People
Chapter 20
Lecture 2; Building the Atlantic Economy
Chapter 19 pages 640-649
Lecture 3; Western Europe After Utrecht; War of Austrian Succession;
Seven Years War; Peace of Paris
Reading; 18th Century Warfare
Evaluation; Map; The World in 1763; Pages 551,642,644 Western Society CR3
Pages 276 Palmer
Unit Test including reading Chapter 20
DBQ “Rituals and Festivals”
Using specific examples from the documents, analyze the
purposes that rituals and festivals served in traditional
European life.
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit VII and Unit VIII
The Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment
Week 11-12
Lecture 1; The Scientific Revolution
Chapter 18 pages 589-599
Lecture 2; The Enlightenment, Sections; The Emergence of the Enlightenment;
The Philosophes and the Public; The Later Enlightenment; Urban
Culture and Public Opinion
Chapter 18 pages 599-609
Lecture 3; The Enlightenment and Absolutism; Sections; Absolutism in Central
and Eastern Europe; Frederick the Great of Prussia; The Austrian CR1
Hapsburgs; Absolutism in France
Chapter 18 pages 609-611
Pages 614-616
Lecture 4; The Enlightenment and Absolutism; Section; Catherine the Great
of Russia
Chapter 18 pages 611-614
Lecture 5; The Enlightenment and Absolutism; Section; The Overall Influence
of the Enlightenment
Chapter 18 pages 616-618
Readings and questions Western Civilization due (see below)
Readings; Western Civilization; Images and Interpretations
Kant; What is Enlightenment? Page 63
Diderot; Prospectus for the Encyclopedia of Arts and Sciences; Page 66
Voltaire; The Philosophical Dictionary; The English Model; Page 70
Wollstonecraft; A Vindication of the Rights of Women; Page 75
Rousseau; The Social Contract; Page 75
Joseph II; Propaganda and the Enlightened Monarchy; Page 79
Questions on handout
Unit Test; Chapter 18
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Advanced Placement European History
Unit IX Syllabus
The French Revolution
Week 13-14
Lecture 1; The Revolution in Politics, 1775-1815; Liberty and Equality; Sections;
The Roots of Liberalism; The Attraction of Liberalism
Chapter 21 pages 691-694
The French Revolution, 1789-1791; Sections; The Breakdown of the
Old Order; Legal Orders and Social Realities
Chapter 21 pages 698-700
Readings; Western Civilization
Travels in France; page 93
The Cashiers, Discontents of the Third Estate; page 95
Sieyes; What is the Third Estate? page 96
Abolition of The Feudal System; page 97
Lecture 2; The French Revolution, 1789-1791; Sections; The Formation of the
National Assembly; The Revolt of the Poor and the Oppressed;
A Limited Monarchy
Chapter 21 pages 700-707
Lecture 3; World War and Republican France, 1791-1799; Sections; Foreign
Reactions and the Beginning of War; The Second Revolution;
Chapter 21 pages 707-711
Lecture 4; World War and the Republican France, 1791-1799; Section; Total War
And the Terror;
Chapter 21 pages 711-714
Lecture 5; World War and Republican France, 1791-1799; Section; The
Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory, 1794-1799; The Napoleonic
Era, 1799-1815; Section; Napoleon’s Rule of France
Chapter 21 pages 714-717
Review Chart
Readings; Western Civilization
Robespierre; page 102
Joliclerc; page 104
Bertray; page 105
Unit Test
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Advanced Placement European History
Unit X Syllabus
Napoleonic Europe
Week 15
Lecture 1; The Napoleonic Era; 1799-1815; Section; Napoleon’s Wars and
Foreign Policy
Chapter 21 pages 717-722
Map; Europe Under Napoleon
Lecture 2; The National Movements
Notes Only
Lecture 3; The Peace Settlement; Section; The European Balance of Power
Chapter 23 pages 758-761
Evaluation; Test; Unit X
Map; Europe Under Napoleon
Class Assignment on Congress of Vienna; Palmer
DBQ; “Anti Semitism”
Analyze various Europeans’ attitudes about and treatment of
Jews from the 16th through the 18th centuries.
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Advanced Placement European History
Unit XI Syllabus
Reaction verses Progress 1815-1848
Week 16-17
Lecture 1; Agriculture and the Land
Chapter 19 pages 624-632
Chapter 22
Readings; Western Civilization
Sybil, or The Two Nations; Disraeli page 163
Self-Help; Middle Class Attitudes; Smiles page 165
Visual Sources; pages 170-175
Lecture 2; The Peace Settlement; Sections; Intervention and Repression;
Metternich and Conservatism
Chapter 23 pages 761-763
Radical Ideas and Early Socialism
Chapter 23 pages 763-770
The Romantic Movement
Chapter 23 pages 770-776
Reading; Handout on the “isms”
Readings; Western Civilization
The Genius of Christianity; Chateaubriand page 145
The Tables Turned; Wordsworth page 147
Abby Graveyard in the Snow; Friedrich page 148
Lecture 3; Reaction after 1815
Readings; Western Civilization
The Carlsbad Decrees, 1819; page 136
Secret Memorandum to Tsar Alexander I; page 134
Lecture 4; Reforms and Revolutions
Chapter 23 pages 776-782
Reading; Western Civilization
The First Chartist Petition; Demands for Change in England CR3
page 142
“ Ism” Quiz
Unit Test
End of First Semester; Exams
Week 18
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Second Semester
Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit XII and XIII
Unit XII
Revolution and the Reimposition of Order 1848-1870
Assignment and Class Discussion Based on Study Guide of Topics:
The Birth of Marxian Socialism; pages 769-770
The Revolutions of 1848; pages 782-783
A Democratic Republic in France; pages 783-786
The Austrian Empire in 1848; pages 786-788
Prussia and the Frankfurt Assembly; pages 788-790
Week 1
Western Civilization Readings
Communist Manifesto page 222
Visual Sources
The Hatch Family; The Upper Middle Class page 232
The Lunch Hour; The Working Class page 233-234
Evaluation; Test Unit XII
Completed Study Guide Questions
DBQ; “Greek Independence”
Analyze the ways in which various people viewed the character and condition of
Greeks in the Ottoman Empire during the Greek movement for independence in
the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Unit XIII The Consolidation of Large Nation-States
Week 2-3
Lecture 1; The Idea of the Nation State; Cavour and Italian Unification
Napoleon III in France;
Chapter 25 pages 831-834
Nation Building in Italy and Germany
Chapter 25 pages 834-837
Reading Western Civilization
The Duties of Man pages 190-192
Lecture 2; Nation Building in Italy and Germany
Chapter 25 pages 837-842
Reading Western Civilization
Speeches on Pragmatism
And State Socialism, pages 187-190
Lecture 3; The Modernization of Russia
Chapter 25 pages 846-850
Evaluation; Unit XIII Test
Chapter 25
Reading included on test Chapter 24
Map; Europe Following the Treaty of Frankfurt, 1871
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit XIV and Unit XV
Unit XIV The Responsive National State, 1871-1914
Week 4
Lecture 1; Advance of Democracy; France, Britain, Germany
Chapter 25 pages 850-857
Handout; British Politics and Reform
Lecture 2; Marxism and the Socialist Movement
Chapter 25 pages 857-860
Lecture 3; Science, Philosophy, the Arts and Religion
Notes Only
Unit XV
Week 5
Lecture 1; Imperialism; It’s Nature and Causes
Chapter 26
Lecture 2; Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire
Chapter 26
Lecture 3; Partition of Africa
Chapter 26
Western Civilization
Judaism In Music pages 230-231
Programme of Social Democratic Party of Germany p.225-26
Fabian Essays page 227
The White Man’s Burden page 198-200
Imperialism Glorified page 200-201
Imperialism in Africa page 202-204
Evaluation; Unit XIV and XV Test
Reading Palmer Chapters 74-77
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit XVI and XVII
Unit XVI The First World War
Week 6-7
Lecture 1; The Alliance System and Outbreak of the War
Chapter 27; The First World War; Sections; The Bismarckian System of
Alliances; The Rival Blocs, The Outbreak of War, Reflections on the
Origins of the War; pages 899-907
Lecture 2; The Armed Stalemate
Chapter 27; Sections; The First Battle of the Marne; Stalemate and
Slaughter, The Widening War; pages 907-911
Lecture 3; Closing of the Eastern Front, Social Impact of the War, Collapse of the
German and Austrian Empires
Chapter 27; Sections; Mobilizing for Total War, The Social Impact,
Growing Political Tensions; pages 911-917
Lecture 4; The Peace Settlement
Chapter 27; Sections; The End of the War, Revolution in Germany,
The Treaty of Versailles, American Rejection of the Versailles Treaty;
Pages 924-930
Evaluation; Test Unit XVI Chapter 27
DBQ “Civil Peace”
Describe and analyze changing views toward the concept of a “civil peace” in
Germany from 1914 to 1918.
The Russian Revolution
Week 8
Lecture 1; The Fall of Imperial Russia, The Provisional Government
Chapter 27 pages 917-919
Lecture 2; Lenin and Bolshevik Revolution, Trotsky and the Seizure of Power,
Dictatorship and Civil War
Chapter 27 pages 919-924
Lecture 3; From Lenin to Stalin
Chapter 29 pages 971-973
Lecture 4; Five Years Plans, Stalinist Society
Chapter 29 pages 974-978
Evaluation; Test Russian Revolution
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit XVIII, Unit XIX, Unit XX
The Apparent Victory of Democracy
Week 9
Lecture 1; Germany’s Weimar Republic, The Dawes Plan, Spirit of Locarno
Palmer; Chapter 19 Section 97 and 98 pages 743-764
Lecture 2; Great Depression
Palmer; Chapter 19 Section 100 pages 764-772
Unit XIX
Democracy and Dictatorship
Week 10-11
Lecture 1; Great Britain and France Adjustments of Democracy
Palmer; Chapter 20 Section 102 pages 777-785
Lecture 2; Italian Fascism
Palmer; Chapter 20 Section 103 pages 785-790
Nazi Germany’s Third Reich
Palmer; Chapter 20 Section 104 pages 790-800
Unit XX
World War II
Week 12-13
Lecture 1; The Weakness of the Democracies; Again to War
Palmer; Chapter 21 Section 105 pages 801-809
Lecture 2; The Years of Axis Triumph; The Western-Soviet Victory
Palmer; Chapter 21 Sections 106 and 107 pages 809-828
Assignment; Time Line Exercise
Lecture 3; The Foundations of the Peace
Palmer; Chapter 21 Section 108 pages 828-832
Evaluation; Test Units XVIII, XIX and XX
Palmer Chapters 19, 20 and 21
Buckler Chapters 28 and 29
DBQ; “Totalitarianism”
What were the key concepts of the authoritarian governments and rulers and
why were they so appealing in the interwar years (1919-1930)?
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Advanced Placement European History
Syllabus Unit XXI
A.P. Test Review
Unit XXI
The Contemporary Age; Cold War, Communism and Colonial
Revolution Week 14
Lecture 1; Cold War; Unites Nations; Recovery of Western Europe
Palmer; Chapter 22 Section 109 and 110
Lecture 2; Soviet Union, Post Stalin and Eastern Europe
Palmer; Chapter 22 Section 113
Lecture 3; Empires into Nations; Asia, Africa and the Middle East
Palmer; Chapter 23 Sections 115, 116 and 117
Video and Study Guide Lessons; Europe after the Cold War
Week 15
Peabody Award Series includes experts from the Dean Rusk Tapes, Secretaries of
State and Defense meetings and the 1992 meeting of World Leaders
Assignments; Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
The Fall of Eastern European Communism
The European Union
Nationalism in Europe
Evaluation; Unit XXI Test
Completed Study Guides From Europe after the Cold War lessons
A.P. Review Packet; Required as Evaluation and Preparation for A.P. Test
Week 16-17
Second Semester Exams
Week 18
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Unit Essays; Students will prepare to write one essay from the following for
each unit test.
CR 4
Unit II
1. To what extent is the term “Renaissance” a valid concept for a distinct period in
modern European history?
2. What were the responses of Catholic authorities in the 16th century to the
challenges posed by the Lutheran reformation?
3. “Luther was both a conservative and a radical.” Analyze this statement regarding
his response to political and social questions of his day.
Unit III
1. “The Thirty Years War began as a religious, civil war and ended as a political,
international war.” Comment on the validity of this statement.
2. The economic history of 16th century Europe was marked by a shift from feudalism
and town centered economy to capitalism and nation-centered economy. Discuss this
change with regards to the new economic policy of the time and expanding world
3. Philip II of Spain regarded himself as the self appointed savior of Catholicism in
Europe. Is this an accurate description of Philip II and was he successful in his
attempts to bring Europe back under the control of the Pope?
Unit IV
1. Describe the ship money case as an illustration of the underlying causes for the
British Civil War.
2. How is the Irish Penal Code and example of the control landowners had on
Parliament after 1688?
3. During the 17th century, France, England and the Netherlands developed distinctly
different political institutions. Briefly outline the structure of these institutions and
point out the differences.
Unit V
1. Analyze the major ways through which Peter The Great sought to reform his
society and its institutions in order to strengthen Russia and its’ position in Europe.
2. Analyze the purpose of the Pragmatic Sanction and determine whether the outcome
of the Sanction was worth the concessions made by Charles VI.
3. Analyze the extent to which Prussia’s political, economic and social makeup was
determined by the military.
Unit VI
1. Analyze those factors that helped a “global economy” dominate Western Europe in
the 18th century.
2. Analyze the similarities and differences of the response to the financial disasters
known as the “Bubbles” in Great Britain and France.
3. The lives of the common people in the 18th century were embedded with a rich
complex of family organization, community practices, and everyday experiences.
Describe marriage and the family; attitudes toward children; and diet and nutrition
among the popular class during the 18th century.
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Unit VII and Unit VIII
1. The philosophy of natural law held that, what is right, is that which is natural.
How did Thomas Hobbes and John Locke use this philosophy to justify two
completely different forms of government?
2. Define “Enlightened Despotism” and evaluate to what degree Catherine the Great,
Maria Theresa, Joseph II and Frederick the Great fit this definition.
Unit IX
1. “Political leaders committed to radical or extremist goals often exerted
authoritarian control in the name of higher values.” Support or refute this statement
with reference to the political and cultural policies of Robespierre during the French
Unit X
1. Napoleon is often seen as the last of the enlightened despots. Assess this analysis
with regard to any of the other 18th century despots.
Unit XI and Unit XII
1. Explain Palmer’s use of the title “The Dike and the Flood” to characterize Europe
after 1815 and describe this situation in regards to one country of Europe.
1. Otto von Bismarck is considered to be the classic example of a practitioner of
realpolitik. Analyze the validity of this statement in reference to this domestic and
foreign policies.
Unit XIV and Unit XV
1. Using specific examples, discuss the nature and causes of 19th century Imperialism.
Unit XVI
1. Complex issues and underlying problems of Imperialism, Nationalism, and
Militarism can be seen as causes for WWI. Analyze the validity of this statement
with specific examples from 1890 to 1914.
Unit XVIII and XIX and XX
1. Analyze how the Versailles Treaty became a major contributor to WWII in the
areas of reparations, irredentism, and disarmament.
2. How was Mussolini’s corporate state organized?
3. How did Hitler use propaganda to manipulate public opinion?
Unit XXI
1. What decisions were made at the Teheran and Yalta conferences that contributed to
the Cold War?
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