Living in the Burren during the Bronze Age.doc

Bronze Age
My name is Tara and I am 11. I have one brother and a mother and father.
I am a girl.
I live in a stone cave next to a turlough. It’s handy living next to a
turlough because we don’t have to go far to use the fulacht fia.
I spend most of my days chopping down trees. I use a bronze axe to chop
them down. Some other days I look around to find my father and when I
find him I watch him making his golden collar.
When it comes to five o’clock we go off looking for dinner then when we
catch and kill the animal, we bring it back to the fulacht fia. Then I go off
with my brother to get stones. My mother puts the stones over the fire
to heat them. Then my father uses two sticks to put them into the
fulacht fia. My mother and I then clean out the fulacht fia. My favourite
dinner is deer.
After we finished cleaning out the fulacht fia we usually go for a bath.
After the bath father and mother usually have a drink. Occasionally my
brother and I have a drink as well.
When it gets dark we back into our sheltered, cold, stone cave. We have a
lot of weapons in our cave. All of our furniture is made of wood. At night
father usually works on his golden collar again.
My father and my older brother are also building a cairn. They don’t work
on it a lot. Sometimes I help but I’m usually out chopping down trees. We
use the wood for fires.
I think chopping down trees is very tiring. I really like looking for dinner
to cook in our fulacht fia.
Written by Tara
Fulacht Fia
People using a fulacht fia
An old fulacht fia
A working fulacht fia