Citizenship November 2nd Grade GPS: S.S. 2.1.2 & 1.5 Materials: American Flag, American Flag paper, 5 blank flags Purpose: This lesson promotes citizenship in the life of a 2nd grader. The activity enhances how they can show good citizenship. #1 Introduction: Citizenship 1. Ask students if they know what the word citizenship means? 2. Next give the students the definition of citizenship ** working towards the betterment of the community one lives in through participation, volunteer work and efforts to improve life for all citizens (put in your own words for 2nd graders) 3. Ask the students what are some ways they can be a good citizen?…How can they participate in the community &/or improve the lives of those around them? ** throwing away trash, saying the pledge of allegiance, welcoming new kids to their classrooms/neighborhoods, giving away old toys to benefit those who may not have as much, canned food drives at school, etc… Share some stories of the ways you show good citizenship (they love to hear from you!). You can even share a story of when you were their age. #2 American Flag: 1. Hold up the American Flag (ask to use the one in the classroom). 2. Ask students what this flag means to them (you could ask them to think of the pledge of allegiance). – freedom/liberty, democracy, one nation, harmony, troops, pride, etc… 3. Hand out the American Flag paper & discuss the meaning of each of the symbols/colors below: a. Red – valor & bravery (people who have died for our freedom) b. White – purity & innocence c. Blue – justice, perseverance, loyalty d. Stars – 50 states e. Stripes – 13 colonies 4. Walk around while discussing & help each student fill his or her paper out correctly. 5. To help transition this assignment with the next one… about how our American Flag means a lot to every one of us as Americans. It not only represents our country but it also represents each of us individually. #3 – Class Flag Group Work A. Split the class into 5 groups (count off 1-5) B. Give each group one copy of a blank flag template C. Ask each group to either come up with a school flag or a class flag. Each thing on their flag should represent how they show good citizenship. **remind them of the definition: participation in the community, volunteer work (bringing in canned goods), efforts to improve the lives of those around them. TURN OVER D. They should also share why they chose the colors of the flag (can be any reason – yellow is a happy color, etc…). E. Each group will need to share their group work with the rest of the class. *** Please walk around as the groups are working & talk with them. They may also need some hints. #4 – Conclusion A. Ask students to quickly go back to their seats. B. Tell them to write on the back of their Flag paper how they can show good citizenship. C. **For example….trash can (clean up their community), saying the pledge of allegiance, sharing with friends, helping at a food shelter, bringing in canned goods, being nice to someone new to school, etc… D. You may want to share ways that you show citizenship. TURN OVER What does the American Flag stand for? Colors 1. __________________ - stands for the bravery of those who have fought for our freedom. 2. __________________ - stands for purity & innocence. 3. __________________ - stands for justice, loyalty, & perseverance. Symbols 1. __________________ - represents the 50 states. 2. __________________ - represents the original 13 colonies. TURN OVER Flag Design handout TURN OVER Lesson Plan Evaluation Character Word___________________Grade Level_____________ Objective Yes Somewhat Was the lesson easy to read and understand buy the teachers? Was the sequence of the lesson correct? Were the activities easy to understand? Were the students engaged throughout the lesson? Did the students enjoy the activities? Were the materials easy to use? Were the visuals appropriate for the learners? Were there adequate activities planned? Was the lesson relevant to the learners? Comments: Please return form to Mr. Richardson or Dr. Carsillo TURN OVER No