WORLD HISTORY CHAPTER 15 STUDY QUESTIONS 1. How did Hernan Cortes conquer the Aztec Empire? Pg 474 FORMED ALLIANCES WITH CONQUREED PEOPLE WHO HATED THE AZTECS 2. Who was the conquistador who added the lands of the present-day countries of Peru, Ecuador, and Chile to the Spanish empire? Pg 475 Francisco Pizarro 3. Who was at the top of the Spanish colonial society? Pg 480 PENINSULARES 4. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494? Pg 481 PORTURGAL CLAIMED IT EMPIRE OF BRAZIL 5. What was the first leg of the triangular trade route? Pg 487 BROUGHT EUROPEAN GOODS TO AFRICA 6. What was an estimate of the number of Africans that probably died in passage to the Americas during the Atlantic slave trade? Pg 498 2 MILLION 7. What widespread inflation struck Europe in the mid-1500s due to the increasing amounts? pg 492 SILVER AND GOLD FROM THE AMERICANS 8. What mercantilist policy was designed to protect local industries from foreign competition? Pg 495 TARIFFS INCREASED THE PRICE OF IMPORTED GOODS VOCABULARY 9. Mercantilism- economic system based on a nation exporting more than it imported to build up its gold and silver reserves 10.Middle Passage- the trade route that transported African slaves to the Americans 11.Encomienda- used to force Native Americans to labor under brutal conditions CHAPTER 16 STUDY QUESTIONS 12. What was a major threat to the empire of Charles V? pg 504 OTTOMANS ADVANCING ACROSS EUROPE 13. What was an important goal of Philip II of Spain? Pg 508 DEFEND THE CATHOLIC REFORMATION 14. What did the Edict of Nates help to ensure in 1598? Pg 510 THAT FRENCH PROTESTANTS WOULD NOT BE PERSECUTED 15. How did the Huguenots departure hurt France in 1680s?pg 514 SERIOUSLY HURT THE FRENCH ECONOMY 16. When the Long Parliament met what did Charles I requested funds for? pg 517 SUPPRESS A SCOTTISH REBELLION 17. What type of government was created in England by the Glorious Revolution? Pg522 LIMITED MONARCHY 2 18. What was a result of the treaty known as the Peace of Westphalia in 1648? Pg 527 FRANCE GAINED TERRITORY ON ITS SPANISH AND GERMAN FRONITERS 19. What did Maria Theresa do to strengthen the Hapsburg Empire? pg 529 SHE REORGANIZED THE HAPSBURG BUREAUCRACY 20. Why did Peter the Great wage war against the Ottoman Empire? Pg 531-32 GAIN A WARM-WARTER PORT ON THE BLACK SEA 21. What did lands did Catherine the Great take for Russia? Pg 535 RUSSIA SEIZED LANDS IN EASTERN POLAND VOCABULARY 22. Partitions-the division of Poland among Russia, Prussia and Austria 23. Divine Right-the belief that a monarch’s authority comes directly from God 24. Mercenaries-a soldier for hire 25. Electors-German princes who chose the Holy Roman emperor 3 CHAPTER 17 STUDY QUESTIONS 26. What rules discoverable by reason did Enlightenment thinkers try to apply to the study of human behavior peasants? Chap 17 / pg 544 NATURAL LAW 27. What did Mary Wollstonecraft argue in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, that women and men should have? Chap 17 / pg 547 Education 28. What kind of a government policy did Physiocrats support? Chap 17 / pg 548 Laissez faire 29. Why did Enlightenment writers often face censorship? Chap 17 / pg 551 They challenged the old order 30. Who was an enlightened despot ruler? Chap 17 / pg 553 INFLUENCED POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE VOCABULARY-DEFINE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES 30. Salon-informal social gathering where Enlightenment thinkers exchanged ideas 31. Laissez Faire-policy allowing business to operate with little or no government interference 32. Social contract-an agreement by which people gave up their freedom in exchange for security and stability 4 33. Natural law-rules of conduct discoverable by reason 35. Popular sovereignty-principle that all government power comes from the people CHAPTER 18 STUDY QUESTIONS 36. What was the name of the enlightenment thinker who influenced the writing of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen? ( chap 18 pg 555) VOTAIRE 37. Who was the clergy who belong to the French oldest order? (chap 18 pg 572) FIRST ESTATE 38. Why was Louis XVI forced to dismiss his financial advisor, Jacques Necker? Chap 18 / pg 575 NECKER PROPOSED TAXING THE FIRST AND SECOND ESTATES 39. What is one important result of the Estates General? Chap 18 / pg 577 THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 40. What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen modeled after? (Chap 18 pg 579) AMERICAN DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 41. How did the National Assembly pay off the huge government debt? Pg 581 SELLING CHURCH LANDS 5 42. Who carried out the trials and executions during the Reign of Terror under whose authority? Pg 586 THE COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFTEY 43. Who dominated the political force after the Reign of Terror gave way to the Directory phase of the revolution? Chap 18 / pg 588 BOURGEOISIE 44. Which country was able to remain outside Napoleon’s European empire? (Chap 18-pg 594) BRITAIN 45. What war tactic helped the Russians defeat Napoleon? (Chap 18 pg 597) SOCRCHED-EARTH POLICY 46. What did the Congress of Vienna promote the principle of legitimacy? Chap 18 / 600 RESTORING HEREDIITARY MONARCHIES 47. During the Industrial Revolution, life changed in what basic way? Chap 18 / pg 608 PEOPLE MIGRATED FROM RURAL AREAS ATO CITIES VOCABULARY 48. Napoleonic Code-group of laws that reflecting Enlightenment principles 49. Continental System-war tactic in which Napoleon closed European ports to British goods 50. Ancien Regime-the old order in which France was divided into three social classes 6 51. Plebiscite-popular vote by ballot 52. Bourgeoisie-French middle class CHAPTER 19 STUDY QUESTIONS 53. The first factories developed in what industry? (Chap 19 pg 614) TEXTILES 54. What did the cotton gin do? (chap 19 pg 614) SEPARATE SEEDS FROM RAW COTTON 55. How did life change in a basic way during the Industrial Revolution? Chap 19 / pg 608 PEOPLE MIGRATED FROM RURAL AREAS TO CITIES 56. What were the Luddites? (Chap 19 / pg 618) LABOR ORGANIZATION 57. What did Abraham Darby’s experiments led him to in the early 1700’s? (Chap 19 / pg 611) PRODUCE LESS EXPENSIVE, BETTER-QUALITY IRON 58. What did David Ricardo’s “Iron Law of Wages” say? (Chap 19 /pg 623) WAGE INCREASES WILL NOT RAISE THE STANDARD OF LIVING OF POOR FAMILIES 59. What was the goal of the utilitarianism? (chap 19 pg 623) 7 THE GREATES HAPPINESS FOR THE GRATEST NUMBER 60. Germany formed a social democracy in the 1860s to change gradually into to what? (Chap 19 pg 626) FROM CAPITALISM TO SOCIALISM 61. Why did Karl Marx despise capitalism? (Chap 19 pg 626) CRATED PROSPERITY FOR A FEW AND POVERTY VOCABULARY 62. Turnpike-a private toll road 63. Enterprise-a business organization in areas such as hipping, mining, or factories 64. Tenement-an apartment building for the working class 65. Proletariat-the working class 66. Entrepreneurs- someone who mangos and assumes the financial risk of new businesses CHAPTER 20 STUDY QUESTIONS 67. What was the Concert of Europe? (Chap 20 / pg 634) SUPPORT ED THE OLD ORDER 8 68. What is it called when people create a homeland for people who share a common heritage with a major goal? (Chap 20 /pg 635) NATIONLLISTS 69. Why did Britain, France, and Russia pressure the Greeks to accept a German king after independence? (Chap 20 / pg 637) THE EUROPEAN POWERS DID NOT SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION’S NATIONALIST IDEALS 70. In 1815, why did the Congress of Vienna unite the Austrian Netherland (present-day Belgium) and the Kingdom of Holland? (Chap 20 / pg 639/40) THE CONGRESS WATED TO CREATE A STRONG BARRIED TO French expansion 71. What major event occurred during “February Days” in France in 1848? (Chap 20 pg 641/42) Louis Philippe abdicated 72. Why did the peasants attack protesting socialist workers during the “June Day”? (Chap 20 pg 642) 73. What was revolt did Toussaint L’Ouverture led which resulted in an independence for a country?(chap 20 pg 64) Haiti 74. What event spurred Simon Bolivar and his followers to begin the struggle for independence? (chap 20 pg 648) Napoleon’s occupation of Spain 9 VOCABULARY 75. Recession-a period in which economic activity slows 76. Radicals-people who favor extreme change 77. Ideology-a system of thought and belief 78. Autonomy-self-rule WORLD HISTORY CHAPTER 21 STUDY QUESTION 79. Why did Japan rapidly industrialize after 1868 even though it lacked many basic resources ?Pg 662 Japanese political leaders placed a high priority on modernization 80. What is the name of the production method in which workers repeatedly perform one task in the manufacturing process? Pg 663 THE ASSEMBLY LINE 81. Why did the population of Europe explode between 1800 and 1900? Pg 667 MEDICAL ADVANCES REDUCED THE DEATH RATE 82. What does the saying “A man’s home is his castle” reflected what middle-class value of the late 1800’s? Pg 675 CULT OF DOMESTICITY 83. What was the purpose of Normal Schools was to train students for what career? Pg 677 TEACHER 10 84. Name the theory that applied natural selection to society. Pg 680 SOCIAL DARWINISM 85. What was the major difference between middle class and working class women? Pg 682 WORKING CLASS WOMEN USALLY WORKED OUTSIDE THE HOME VOCABULARY 86. Temperance movement-Advocated limiting or banning the use of alcoholic beverages 87. Urban renewal-rebuilding poor areas of a city 88. Stock-shares of ownership in a corporation 89. Standard of Living-a measure of quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society 90. Women’s Suffrage-reform movement concerned with voting right CHAPTER 22 STUDY QUESTIONS 91. In 1830’s, why did Prussia create a union called the Zollverein, which promoted German unity by doing what? Pg 693 REMOVING TARIFF BARRIES BARRIERS BETWEEN GERMAN STATES 92. What were Bismarck’s political actions guided by in his practice of Realpolitik? Pg 694 THE NEEDS OF THE STATE 11 93. Why did William II ask Bismarck to resign? Pg 699 WILLIAM II WANTED NO RIVALS 94. Why did Bismarck introduce many social reforms in German to avoid what? Pg 698 AVOID A SOCIALIST REVOLUTION 95. Who did German industrialists cooperate with to create new products such as synthetic dyes? Pg 7697 SCIENTISTS 96. What form of government did Italy take when it unified? pg 704 A CONSTITUTONAL MONARCHY 97. What was one obstacle to Italian unity? Pg 700 IDENTIFICATION WITH LOCAL REGIONS 98. What was the Dual Monarchy a combination of? Pg706 AUSTRIA NAD HUNGARY 99. What was one obstacle to progress in Russia in the 1800’s? pg 710 A RIGID SOCIAL STRUCTURE 100. What program did Tsar Alexander III launch of Russification? Pg 712 SUPPRESSED NON-Russian cultures within the empire VOCABULARY 101. Social Welfare-government programs to help certain groups of citizens 12 102. Pogrom-violent mob attack against Jews 103. Anarchist-a person who wants to abolish all governments 104. Kaiser-title of William I of Germany; emperor 105. Duma-elected national legislature in Russia CHAPTER 23 STUDY QUESTION 106. In 1832, how did large towns and cities in Britain receive greater representation in the Parliament? Pg 723 THE GREAT REFORM ACT 107. What form of government did Great Britain adopt in the late 1800s? pg 724/25 A PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY 108. Who supported the British Corn Laws? Pg 726/27 FARMERS AND WEALTHY LANDOWENERS, BECAUSE THEY KEPT GRAIN PRICES HIGH 109. What were the results of the Catholic Emancipation Act in Ireland in 1829? Pg 729 IRISH CATHOLICS WERE ALLOWED TO VOTE AND HOLD OFFICE 13 110. Why did France’s Second Empire end? Pg 733 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR 111. What was one result of the social welfare reforms passed in Great Britain in the early 1900s? pg 729 MARXISM GAINED ONLY LIMITED SUPPORT AMONG THE BRITISH WORKING CLASS 112. What was a result of widespread anti-Semitism in Europe in the late 1800s? pg 737 THEODOR HERZL HELPED TO LAUNCH MODERN ZIONIZM 113. At this time, how was the power of the Roman Catholic Church in French government limited? Pg 738 CREATED A SYSTEM OF FREE PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS VOCABULARY 114. Coalition-AN ALLIANCE OF DIFFERENT POLITICAL PARTIES 115. Abolition Movement-campaign against slavery and the slave trade 116. Zionism-movement devoted to rebuilding a Jewish state in Palestine 117. Home Rule-local self-government 14 118. Electorate-the body of people allowed to vote CHAPTER 24 STUDY QUESTION 119. What was the Social Darwinist argument in favor of Western imperialism? Pg 751 WESTERNERS THOUGHT THEY HAD A DUTY TO BRING THEIR CIVILIZATION TO INDERIOR RACES 120. Name the colony founded by Great Britain for freed slaves. Pg 755 SIERRA LEONE 121. Why did David Livingstone believe would end with the opening of the interior of Africa to Christianity and trade? Pg 756 END THE SLAVE TRADE 122. Why did the Boer War start? Pg 758 THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD AND DIAMONDAS ON Boer-held lands 123. Why was Ethiopia able to remain independent? Pg 759 ETHIOPIA MODERNIZED AND IMPORTED EUROPEAN WAPONS 124. The desire to return to the purity and simplicity of Muhammad’s original teachings was the goal of what Islamic reform movement? Pg 763 WAHHABI 125. Why did Russia plot to seize the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, as the Ottoman Empire crumbled? Pg 763 GAIN ACCESS TO THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA 15 126. Why did Europeans become interested in Iran? Pg 766 OIL 127. What rebellion was caused by rifled cartridges greased with animal fat ?Pg 768 Sepoy Rebellion 128. What was the purpose of the Open Door Policy? Pg 776 To protect U.S. trading rights in China VOCABULARY 129. Trade deficit-ECONOMIC SITUATION THAT OCCURS WHEN A NATION IMPORTS MORE THAN IT EXPORTS 130. Balance of trade-the difference between how much a country imports and how much it exports 131. Trade surplus-economic situation that occurs when a nation exports more than it imports 132. Protectorate-colony administered by local rulers with European advisors CHAPTER 25 STUDY QUESTION 130. What was the cause of the rise of the Tokugawa family? Pg 784 Japanese isolation 16 131. Why did President Millard Fillmore send a fleet of American ships into lower Tokyo Bay in 1853? Pg 785 FORCE JAPAN TO OPEN ITS PORTS 132. What was a result of the Russ-Japanese War? Pg 790 JAPAN GAINED CONTROL OF KOREA 133. What was the March First Movement? Pg 790 KOREAN NATIONALIST MOVEMENT 134. In the late 1800s, the British began to profit from which important port in southern Malaya? Pg 792 SINGAPORE 135. Why did Siam remain independent partly? pg 793 UNDERSTOOD WERSTERN POWERS 136. What did conservative leaders in Latin America in the 1800s believe in? pg 802 THE TRADITIONAL SOCIAL ORDER VOCABUALRY 137. Diet-Japanese legislature 138. Homogeneous Society-people who share a common culture and language 17 139. Peonage-system by which workers own labor to pay off their debs 140. Caudillos-local strongmen in Latin America who control a private army 141. Regionalism-loyalty to a local area 18