Emily_Dickinson.doc - WYIS

American Literature – Realism
Emily Dickinson
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson Group Assignment
Group Members: _______________ Reader
_______________ Writer
_______________ Artist
Choose one of Dickinson’s poems to read, interpret, and present to the class. Here are some possible choices:
“Heart! We will forget him!”
“If you were coming in the Fall”
“The Soul selects her own Society”
“Some keep the Sabbath going to Church”
“I taste a liquor never brewed”
“Apparently with no surprise”
“Tell all the Truth but tell it slant”
“Success is counted sweetest”
“I heard a Fly buzz – when I died”
“I died for Beauty – but was scarce”
--The Reader is in charge of reading the poem aloud to the group and orally interpreting it to the class.
--The Writer is in charge of recording all thoughts and interpretations of the group on this sheet neatly and legibly.
--The Artist is in charge of writing the poem, interpretations, and images from the poem on butcher block paper to be
presented to the class with the reading.
1. A. Read the poem twice and just listen to the words. Listen for rhythm, rhyme, and meter.
B. Read the poem a third time. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
C. Read the poem a fourth time. Find as many examples of poetry devices listed on the Poetry Terms Table you
completed for homework. Record the poem you are reading in the POEM section and record the example in the
EXAMPLE section of the table.
D. Read the poem a fifth time and listen to the voice of the speaker. What is she saying? Record your thoughts below.
E. Read the poem a sixth time. What deeper meaning does the speaker communicate to you? In other words, what is
your interpretation of the poem? In a complete paragraph, explain what the poem means to you, using lines from the
poem in your writing.
Exit Sheet – On a separate sheet of paper, identify a poem you have read or heard in class today and connect the message
to your life. In a one page essay, use specific examples from the text and your own interpretation to connect the meaning
of this poem to your life in some way. Be sure that any EVIDENCE you present has a LINK to the MAIN IDEA.
American Literature – Realism
Emily Dickinson Project Rubric:
The overall presentation is professional and well-structured.
The speaker looks at the audience. The reading of the
selected poem sounds polished and practiced.
The poem is presented in a visually pleasing way on
powerpoint. The visual is an aid to the presentation. The
speaker does not just read from the powerpoint.
The poem is effectively analyzed, with notes given on
rhythm, rhyme, and word choice.
At least 5 poetic literary terms are used effectively in the
presentation to explain the poem’s meaning.
A clear and fitting application of the poem is provided.
Why does it matter today?
The individual interacts well with classmates giving
presentations. He/she listens actively and responds through
comments and questions.
Total: __________________/40