SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 at 12.30 pm In the Brooke Suite, Warwick Hospital Present: Veronica Cotterill Tony Boorman Michael Cox (VC) (TB) (MC) David Derbyshire Alan Harrison Jane Ives Steve Mather Pat Morris Shirley Rigby (DD) (AH) (JI) (SM) (PM) (SR) Sue Shelton John Strachan Helen Walton (SAS) (JS) (HW) In attendance: Marian Benjamin Glen Burley Christine Georgeu Annette Gough Graham Murrell Emma Ratley Sheila Newbold (MB) Non Executive Director and Chair Non Executive Director Acting General Manager (GM) for the Surgical Division and deputising for the Chair of the Surgical Audit and Operational Governance Group (SAOGG) Non Executive Director Non Executive Director Director of Operations and Nursing Medical Director Head of Governance Acting Chair of the Medical Audit and Operational Governance Group (MAOGG) (present from Minute 10.069 to 10.085) Patient Safety Manager/ Emergency Planning Lead Associate Medical Director (AMD) for Clinical Governance Associate Director of Nursing (Present from Minute 10.070 to 10.085) (GB) (CG) Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Specialist (present for Minute 10.072 and 10.073) Chief Executive (Present until Minute 10.085) Matron for Infection Prevention and Control (Present for Minute 10.069) (AG) (GM) (ER) (SM) Clinical Governance Midwife (Present for Minute 10.070) Chairman Compliance Manager Committee Administrator Non Executive Director and Chair (VC) welcomed Mr John Strachan, the newly appointed Associate Medical Director for Clinical Governance, to the Meeting. MINUTE 10.065 ACTION APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE No Apologies were received. 10.066 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No interests were declared. 10.067 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 11 MARCH 2010 The minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2010 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair. Resolved – that, the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2010 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE ACTION were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair. 10.068 MATTERS ARISING AND PROGRESS MONITORING REPORT 10.068.01 Clinical Practices Group Annual Report and approval of the Terms of Reference (Minute 09.066) The item was discussed under the main agenda item (Minute 10.075) Resolved that the position be noted and closed 10.068.02 Blood Transfusion 6 monthly Report (Minute 09.099) The Director of Operations and Nursing confirmed that the appropriate process for the risk assessment and approval of new surgical procedures JI/SM had not yet been submitted to Management Board. Resolved – that, the appropriate process for the risk assessment and JI/SM approval of surgical procedures be instigated via Management Board. 10.068.03 Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Department Quarterly Report (Minute 09.216) The Priority List of Audits was discussed under the main agenda item (Minute 10.073 refers). Resolved – that the position be noted and closed. 10.068.04 SAOGG 6 monthly Report and approval of the Terms of Reference (Minute 10.007) The Acting GM for the Surgical Division confirmed that the Clinical Audit lead had not yet been appointed for the SAOGG, however the post had MC been advertised. The Committee would be updated at the July Meeting. Resolved – that the Committee would be updated at the July Committee Meeting in respect of the appointment of the Clinical Audit MC lead for the SAOGG. 10.068.05 Annual Radiation Report (Minute 10.026) The Terms of Reference for the Coventry and Warwickshire Radiation Protection Committee would be submitted to the June Committee Meeting Karen for approval. Wentworth Resolved – that the Terms of Reference for the Coventry and Warwickshire Radiation Committee would be submitted to the June Karen Committee Meeting Wentworth 10.068.06 MAOGG 6 Monthly Report and Approval of the Terms of Reference (Minute 10.0052) Page 2 of 8 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE ACTION The issues surrounding the continence audit were addressed under the main agenda item (Minutes 10.072 and 10.073 refers). Resolved – that the position be noted and closed. 10.068.07 MAOGG 6 Monthly Report and Approval of the Terms of Reference (Minute 10.052) The Head of Governance explained that she had raised the issue of the underlying reasons for complaints relating to the Medical Division at the latest MAOGG meeting and it had been agreed that this would be addressed at every third meeting of the Group. This feedback would therefore be included in the next 6 monthly Report submitted to the Committee from the MAOGG. Resolved – that the position be noted and closed. 10.068.08 Update re: Healthcare Commission Report Action Plan (Minute 10.056) The Report and Action Plan relating to the Review of Safeguarding Children was discussed under the main agenda item (Minute 10.078 refers). Resolved – that the position be noted and closed. 10.068.09 Review of the Schedule of Business for the Clinical Governance Committee (Minute 10.058) The Report on the CQUIN Scheme was discussed under the main agenda item (Minute 10.076 refers). 10.069 MRSA AND CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE (C DIFF) INFECTION DATA UPDATE The Matron for Infection Prevention and Control presented the Update to the Committee for information. She confirmed that there were no cases of MRSA Bacteraemia during March, therefore the total to date continued at 5 compared against the annual target of 12 and the target for next year had been set at 3. The total number of MRSA non bacteraemia for March was 7 (hospital acquired). Two cases had recently be notified, both of which occurred on Guy Ward and the Ward was currently closed due to suspected norovirus. There had been 3 cases of hospital acquired C Diff during March with a total to date of 54 against a target of 108 and the target set for next year would be 51. The Chief Executive congratulated the staff involved on this much improved result. It was note that ITU had a particularly good outturn with only 1 case of MRSA and 1 case of C.difficile for the year. The Matron for Infection Prevention and Control emphasised the importance of root cause analysis but this was not yet embedded in all areas. Resolved – that, the position be noted. 10.070 MATERNITY GOVERNANCE REPORT – Q3 Page 3 of 8 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE ACTION The Clinical Governance Midwife presented the Maternity Governance Report for Quarter 3. She highlighted the rise in the number of still births which were currently running at 6 for quarter 3. A Review had taken place to analyse these cases and the majority of the babies involved were less than 26 weeks old and no internal issues were found. There had been further cases in quarter 4 and these would be audited to ascertain any commonality. It was noted that the Report should have read that the still birth rate for 2010 (not 2009) was 3.9 per 1000. The Chairman asked whether there were any causal factors involved, for example antenatal care or population demography. The Associate Director of Nursing explained that some of the still births were likely to be late terminations as there were often delays in making this decision and she was confident that the Maternity Department had a robust process in place. The Committee was concerned about the still birth rate and it was agreed that the Medical Director and the Associate Director of Nursing would review the cases and submit a report to SM/HW the July Committee Meeting. Non Executive Director (TB) highlighted the ‘red flag’ for long length of stay for normal births (see Enclosure relating to Minute 10.072). The Director of Operations and Nursing explained that she had met recently with the midwives to discuss the length of stay and she had written to the Head of Midwifery as a result of this as she believed there were procedural improvements which could be made. The Clinical Governance Midwife displayed the ‘talkback’ cards which were routinely distributed to mothers on the Unit to promote constructive feedback. It was noted that the table in the section Adverse events that affect staffing levels should have read -8.04 total for December and -7.47 total staff for December. Non Executive Director (AH) asked about the SUI where a doctor had failed to renew their professional registration and it was explained that this was highlighted in a routine check. Non Executive Director (AH) highlighted the incident relating to the delayed removal of clinical waste but the Chief Executive explained that this was a one-off incident which had been rectified. Concern was also expressed over the absence rate of 8.3% and it was reported that this was in part due to some long-term sickness issues which were not work stress related. Resolved – that, the Medical Director and the Associate Director of Nursing present an analysis of the still birth cases to the next Committee Meeting. 10.071 MORTALITY REPORT The Head of Governance presented the Mortality Report to the Committee for information. She noted the reduction in the March 2010 mortality rate. The Trust would start to use the CHKS tool instead of Doctor Foster and training for this tool would take place on 19 April 2010. The Chief Executive confirmed that the Mortality Group had reviewed mortality for February with no significant findings however he commented that the process now in place for identifying mortality was much more robust particularly in Orthopaedics Page 4 of 8 SM/HW SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE ACTION where input from the new consultant, Dr Andrew Shepherd was having a positive effect. Each specialty was now reviewing deaths in their area in order to identify trends or risk factors. The Committee noted that the high mortality rates in February coincided with a period of high bed occupancy where the percentage of older patients being admitted increased. The Chairman asked whether there were any specific indicators found during the period of high mortality and Non Executive Director (TB) was concerned whether during these very busy periods patients were not receiving correct care. The Medical Director explained that he had examined the data for September 2010 (the lowest month for mortality) and compared this to February 2010 (the highest month), mapping the time spent in A&E against mortality rate and found that they were almost identical for the two months. He concluded that the high mortality rate was due to a complex variety of reasons and not just long waits in A&E. Non Executive Director (DD) was concerned that patients that were outliers were not receiving appropriate care. Non Executive Director (AH) noted that there was a year on year reduction in the crude mortality rate and asked whether it was understood why this was occurring. It was confirmed that this was being examined by the Mortality Group Resolved – that the position be noted. 10.072 CLINCIAL AUDIT AND EFFECTIVENESS QUARTERLY REPORT The Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Specialist presented the Report to the Committee for information. The Non Executive Directors were concerned that there was insufficient narrative in the Report to provide a reasonable level of assurance and Non Executive Director (TB) highlighted the Red Flag for Tonsillectomy in this respect. Non Executive Director (DD) highlighted the Extraction of Cataracts explaining that again there was insufficient explanation to enable members to understand whether or not there was significant concern. Although these red and green flags were discussed in detail at the MAOGG and SAOGG the Committee stressed the need for sufficient information to be reported to provide a reasonable level of assurance. Non Executive Director (AH) was concerned at the lack of detail about dates for completion and follow up action within the Report. The Chairman suggested that a presentation from CHKS to the Committee would be valuable and the Head of Governance would arrange this. PM Resolved – that the Head of Governance would arrange for a presentation to the Committee by CHKS by June 2010. PM 10.073 ANNUAL AUDIT PROGRAMME The Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Specialist presented the Annual Audit Programme for 2010/11 to the Committee for approval. She outlined the current audits being carried out and those proposed for 2010/11 together with a categorisation of the audits in respect to where these had originated. The Chairman expressed concern that the audit programme did not appear to be aligned to the Trust’s priorities and he proposed a Trust audit strategy, linking audit to the Trust’s overall priorities and also suggested an overview analysis. The Medical Director suggested that the Clinical Audit Committee Page 5 of 8 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE ACTION should be reconvened and should meet on a regular basis to determine a SM programme of audits and he would ensure that this committee would be set up. It was agreed to accept the Audit Programme as an interim working paper and a Clinical Audit Strategy and a revised Audit Plan for 2010/11 would be discussed at the Clinical Audit Committee and the results of the SM discussions would be reported back to the Clinical Governance Committee. Non Executive Director (AH) was concerned at the lack of detail about dates for completion and follow up action within the Programme. Resolved – that, (A) (B) 10.074 the Medical Director would reconvene the Clinical Audit Committee which would meet on a regular basis and the Clinical Audit Committee would report back to the Committee with the results of discussions about the Clinical Audit Strategy and the revised Audit Plan for 2010/11. SM SM REVALIDATION OF DOCTORS - UPDATE The Medical Director gave a verbal update to the Committee with regard to the latest position on Revalidation for Doctors. He explained that the General Medical Council (GMC) would be changing the way doctors within the UK were regulated to practise medicine. They would be required to hold a licence and a new system called Revalidation would begin that would require doctors to renew their licence to practise every 5 years. The purpose of this new approach was to give patients a regular assurance that licensed doctors were up to date and fit to practise. However the Medical Director explained that there was very little guidance so far on the process. He was arranging an Awayday on 23 April 2010 to discuss the implications of Revalidation with the AMDs and he would report back to the Committee SM on the outcome of this Awayday. Resolved – that, the outcome from the Revalidation Awayday would be reported back to the Committee. SM 10.075 CLINICAL PRACTICES GROUP ANNUAL REPORT AND APPROVAL OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE The Head of Governance presented the Report to the Committee for information. It was noted that a large number of maternity policies were reviewed and updated in the period, linking into the CNST accreditation for maternity. Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference for the Clinical Practices Group were presented to the Committee for approval. It was noted that the Policy Formulation Group’ should have read ‘Policy Review Group’, in the ‘Responsibilities’ section. The Terms of Reference were approved subject to the above amendment. Resolved – that, the Terms of Reference for the Clinical Practices Page 6 of 8 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE ACTION Group be approved subject to the amendment of the words ‘the Policy Formulation Group’ to read ‘Policy Review Group’, in the ‘Responsibilities’ section of the Terms of Reference. 10.076 CQUIN SCHEME The Director of Operations and Nursing presented the leadership, accountability and reporting schedule for the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) scheme. The document outlined the areas agreed with NHS Warwickshire along with the financial value of these. Further explanation of the targets and actions to be undertaken to achieve these would be provided at the next Meeting. Any performance issues relating to JI these schemes would be managed by the Finance and Performance Committee. Resolved – that a more detailed report would be submitted to the next Committee Meeting regarding the CQUIN Scheme. JI 10.077 APPROVAL OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE INFECTION PREVENTION BOARD The Chief Executive presented the Terms of Reference for the Infection Prevention Board to the Committee for approval. It was noted that the Board now had a broader remit to cover all hospital acquired infections and would be reporting to the Clinical Governance Committee on a 6 monthy basis unless there were specific issues of concern in which case it would report more frequently and would also report to the Board of Directors. It was therefore agreed that item 2.9 should be amended to read’ Provide assurance to the Clinical Governance Committee through 6 monthly reports of progress against the annual programme of work and performance targets’. The ‘Head of Governance’ should be added to the ‘Membership’ section of the Terms of Reference. Item 2.12 should be amended to read ‘Provide assurance to the Clinical Governance Committee through 6 monthly reports on compliance with the Health Act’s Code of Practice and associated action plans’. The Terms of Reference were approved subject to the above amendments. Resolved – that, the Terms of Reference be approved subject to the following amendments: (a) (b) (c) item 2.9 to be amended to read ’Provide assurance to the Clinical Governance Committee through 6 monthly reports of progress against the annual programme of work and performance targets’ and the Head of Governance to be added to the Membership section and Item 2.12 should be amended to read ‘Provide assurance to the Clinical Governance Committee through 6 monthly reports on compliance with the Health Act’s Code of Practice and associated action plans’. Page 7 of 8 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Clinical Governance Committee Meeting Held on Thursday 8 April 2010 MINUTE 10.078 ACTION ACTION PLAN FOLLOWING THE SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN REVIEW The Associate Director of Nursing presented the Action Plan following the Safeguarding Children Themed Review for information. It was reported that the concerns about the availability and continuity of the ‘named Doctor’ (due to the part-time employment of the individual) raised by the review had been addressed. Reciprocal arrangements had been made with the George Elliot Hospital to ensure that there was always a suitable ‘named Doctor’ available to respond to safeguarding issues. In addition it was reported that a new full-time safeguarding lead had been appointed in the Trust. Resolved – that, the position be noted. 10.079 ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no further business under this item. Resolved – that, the position be noted. 10.080 CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 11 FEBRUARY 2010 10.081 CONFIDENTIAL MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 11 MARCH 2010 10.082 CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS ARISING AND PROGRESS MONITORING 10.083 UPDATE ON SERIOUS UNTOWARD INCIDENTS (SUI) (CONFIDENTIAL 10.084 REPORT RE: SUI 2009/8651 10.085 CONFIDENTIAL AOB 10.086 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13 May 2010 at 12.30 pm in the Brooke Suite, Warwick Hospital. Signed ______________________________ (Chair) Chair of the Clinical Governance Committee Page 8 of 8 Date ___________________