Fellowships, Scholarships, and Prizes

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Prizes
Fellowships | Entrance Scholarships | Prizes and Scholarships | Financial Aid
Fellowships in Divinity
Applicants should forward a letter stating qualifications to the Dean of Divinity by May 1 each year. Each
applicant will be considered for all Fellowships.
The Sidney Childs Junior Fellowship
Candidates must be graduates in both Arts and Theology, though applicants who graduate in a Faculty
other than Arts before entering upon their theological studies will be considered in certain circumstances.
Applicants will normally be candidates for the Th.M. or Th.D. degree in the Toronto School of Theology.
Participation in the events of the College is expected. The Fellowship includes membership in the Senior
Common Room.
The Archbishop H.H. Clark Junior Fellowship
This fellowship is awarded for proven excellence in graduate studies taken at the doctoral level in
Divinity. Whenever possible, candidates will be selected from among those whose studies will prepare
them to teach theology in a Canadian institution. Participation in the events of the College is expected.
The Fellowship includes membership in the Senior Common Room.
The Hannah Cairns Junior Fellowship
The fellowship, drawn from the Hannah Cairns Fund, is awarded annually for graduate work in theology,
to be undertaken in the Toronto School of Theology or some other recognized centre of graduate
theological studies.
The John Strachan Junior Fellowship
The fellowship, made possible through the funds donated for the "Bishop Strachan (Trinity Centenary)
Bursaries" in 1952, is awarded on the basis of financial need and proven excellence in both Arts and
Theology, for studies in Divinity at the doctoral level within the Toronto School of Theology.
Entrance Scholarships
The Jubilee Scholarship
This scholarship was founded in 1851 by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts,
in commemoration of the sesquicentenary of its incorporation. It is tenable only in the Divinity Class of
Trinity College, and is awarded to the student registered at Trinity who obtains the best degree in the
Faculty of Arts.
The Dean Grasett Scholarship
This scholarship, the bequest of the late Colonel H.J. Grasett, C.M.G., is awarded to a student who has
graduated in Arts in a recognized university to assist him or her in taking a course in the Faculty of
Divinity at Trinity College. The scholarship is tenable for two years.
Prizes and Scholarships
Prizes and other scholarships are awarded by the College at the annual Convocation for Degrees in May,
on the recommendation of the Faculty of Divinity's Committee of the Teaching Staff. The awards
recognize highest academic achievement in a course, discipline, or academic year. To be eligible for a
discipline prize, the student will have taken more than the required number of courses in a department.
For year prizes, students may not have any courses standing deferred, and will have participated in the life
of the community.
First Year
Dean Feilding Scholarship
Sidney Childs Prize
Rupert Fenwick Williams Prize
Doolittle Prize in Reading
Canon G.B. Morley Memorial Prize
Year Prize
Introduction to Systematic Theology
Introduction to New Testament
Most Improved Preaching Skills
New Testament Greek Course
Second Year
Archbishop Kingston Memorial
Fourth Bishop of Toronto's Prize
McDonald Prize
Alexander Burnside Chafee Prize
Canon P.M. Lamb Prize
Year Prize*
Year Prize (Second)*
Biblical Studies
Best Preaching Skills
New Testament Greek Course
Third Year
Gordon Kent Stephen Memorial Prize
J. Nicholson Prize
Dominion Regalia Prize
Dorothy Shuter Prize
McDonald Prize
Canadian Bible Society Prize
Divinity Associates' Prize for College
Governor General's Silver Medal
Year Prize
Biblical Studies
Best Preaching Skills
Community Life
Highest M.Div. Average Overall
Any Year
Canon Charles Frederick Pashler Prize
Hamilton Memorial Prize
Kent Testimonial Prize
Spencer Prize in Mission Study
Margaret L. Muckle Prize
Margaret L. Muckle Prize
College Prize in Hebrew
Maude Hall Coombs Scholarship
Romney M. Moseley Memorial Prize
(Multicultural Studies, Biomedical and
Social Ethics, or Third World Christianity)
Gartshore Integrity Award**
Ethics and Society Course
Honour's Thesis (First)
Honour's Thesis (Second)
Christian Missionary Work/Study
Church History Studies
Christian Education Studies
Philosophy of Religion Studies
Hebrew Course
Advanced Degree
Gender Issues
*Divinity Associates' Prize
This prize, first awarded in 1998, is given to the graduating basic degree student who has best
demonstrated an involvement in the community life of Trinity College. The recipient is chosen by the
Divinity Associates Executive in consultation with the Dean and Co-Heads of Divinity. The Co-Heads of
Divinity are not eligible for the award.
**Gartshore Integrity Award
This award, the gift of Mr. John Gartshore, will be made on the basis of financial need and academic
ability, with preference given to students whose work focuses on questions of sexual orientation in
theology and in the practice and teaching of the contemporary church. First consideration will be given to
Trinity students, but other TST students are also eligible.
The Frederick Le Maitre Grasett Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a graduate in the Faculty of Divinity, in order to enable him or her to
proceed to further studies.
It is each student's responsibility to meet the financial commitments associated with their study at Trinity
College. Students are expected to prepare a budget plan for their period of study and give serious
consideration to their ability to meet these costs. In addition to personal resources, students should
explore other sources of funding including family and spousal contributions, government assistance
programs including loans, child care and special needs bursaries, and church and diocesan programs, to
meet their commitment.
Government Assistance Programs
OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program)
Financial support is provided to qualified students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents and
resident in Ontario. This is in the form of a Canada Student Loan and/or an Ontario Student Loan. (Nonresidents of Ontario are eligible for Canada Student Loans through their home province.) The amount of
loan that may be received is based on calculated financial need. It is recommended that returning students
apply for O.S.A.P. assistance by May 31 and that new students apply by June 30. Application forms
available on the web at http://osap.gov.on.ca/
The Bursary for Students with Disabilities, funded by the federal and provincial governments, provides
non-repayable assistance of up to $5,000 to full-time and $2,000 to part-time O.S.A.P. recipients who
have special educational expenses as the result of a disability. Information and applications are available
from the Office of Admissions and Awards, U of T, 315 Bloor Street West, M5S 1A3, Toronto, phone
SSHRCC Doctoral Fellowship
(Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
Qualified advanced degree students are urged to apply for SSHRCC Scholarships. Financial support is
available to Canadian citizens and permanent residents based on academic standing and letters of
recommendation. Application forms are available in early fall from the Toronto School of Theology
Advanced Degree Office.
Special Opportunity Grants for Female Doctoral Students of up to $3,000 per year are available through
the federal government to reduce the debt load of student loan recipients. Further information and
application forms are available from the Office of Admissions and Awards.
Emergency Bursaries and Loans
Funds administered by the College are available for students in the Faculty of Divinity experiencing
emergency or short-term cash flow needs. Further information and application forms are available in the
Divinity Office.
For students who have investigated other sources of funding, and still have a small shortfall within the
context of a sensible budget, the College has available funds which may be awarded to students in good
standing. The amount of the award will be determined by need, and will not, except in extraordinary
circumstances, exceed the maximum award limit set each year by the Bursary Committee. Applications
for assistance are normally considered in May, September, and December.
The College acknowledges with gratitude the generous contributions of our many benefactors which
make these bursaries possible:
R. Bruce Baker Memorial Fund
J.H. Barr and M.H. Barr Fund
Edward and Mildred Jeffery Fund
Baynes-Reed Exhibitionp
Canon W.W. Judd Memorial Fund
Francis Wright Beare Fund
John Kerr Fund
Robert Bertram Beaumont Fund
Reverend and Mrs. Alexander Ketterson Fund
John Williams Billes Fund
Arthur Stewart Madill Fund
Canon Brewin Memorial Fund
Palmer Exhibition
Bishop Broughall Fund
Reverend William Pippen Memorial Fund
William C. Buchner Fund
R.C.A.F. Protestant Chapel Fund
Sarah Ann Burgess Fund
Jean Rutherford Reekie Fund
Bishop Burgett Bursary
Clare Slater Fund
Mabel Cartwright Fund
Victor Spencer Memorial Exhibition
Christ Church, Oyster Bay NY Bursary
Bishop Strachan (Trinity Centenary)Fund
Cooper Exhibitions
James and Frances Stubley Fund
Amy Frances Cooper Fund
St. Thomas's Church, Toronto Bursary
Robert Crombie Memorial Bursary
Talbot Exhibition
Kathleen Daykin Fund
Venerable Robert F. Walker Memorial Fund
Ellis-Hamilton Memorial Fund
Canon John de Pencier Wright Memorial Fund
Samuel Harris Fund
Canon Anthony Hart Exhibitions
Bursaries granted by other bodies:
The Anglican Foundation of Canada
The Foundation now administers all national bursary funds formerly available through various
departments of the Anglican Church of Canada. The General Bursary Trust is to help support the
theological education and training of men and women for ordained ministry. Candidates must show
ACPO recommendation or an officially approved alternative evaluation procedure. The Graduate Award
Trust helps support post-graduate studies (Th.D./Ph.D.) of qualified clergy and laity who plan to pursue
an academic career. Applications: Divinity Office or The Anglican Foundation of Canada, 80 Hayden
Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3 G2. (anglican.foundation@national.anglican.ca)
The Toronto Diocesan Anglican Church Women (ACW), established in 1967, offers two types of
bursaries to women in the Diocese of Toronto who are attending a theological college.
The Theological Student Bursary is to assist women theological students, enrolled in a degree course and
seeking ordination to the priesthood. The limit is $1250 per application ($625 initially, $625 upon proof
of acceptance as a postulant).
The Lay Ministry/Vocational Deacon Bursary is to assist women wishing to take training in Christian Lay
Ministry or training for the Vocational Diaconate. The limit is $1000 per applicant.
All applications for bursaries are reviewed by the ACW Finance Committee prior to submission to the
Board of Directors for approval.
For application forms or further information about the Toronto Diocesan Anglican Church Women,
contact the ACW office -- Telephone: 416-363-0018, Fax: 416-363-7815, Email:
acw@toronto.anglican.ca. Website address: http://www.acwtoronto.ca
A.C. McCollum Assistance Fund, St. John's, York Mills
At the invitation of St. John's Church, students studying for ministry of the Church and who require
financial support may apply for assistance . The fund may not be available every year for this purpose.
Applications are available from the Divinity Office.
Diocesan Bursaries
Dioceses and Anglican colleges in the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario share a joint bursary application
form. When a student applies for a College bursary, a copy of their application is forwarded to the
diocese. Students in other dioceses apply to their bishop.
London Goodenough Association of Canada
The LGAC will award several scholarships with a value up to $7,500 each, to students in accredited
graduate degree programs, in support of graduate study in London, England. Scholarships are tenable for
periods ranging from three months to one year. Application forms are available in the Divinity Office or
on their website (www.lgac.ca). Deadline is January 1.
The Ivor Norris Bursary
Awarded by the Anglican Ordinariate of the Canadian Forces to applicants who have a personal
connection to the Canadian Forces through personal military service (past or present), being married to or
the child of someone with such service. Applicants must be sponsored by a Bishop for Ordination within
the Anglican Church of Canada and enrolled in full time theological studies. Applications are available in
the Divinity Office.
Parochial Grants
Parishes may make some provisions for the financial support of their members who are preparing for
ordination. Candidates should consult their respective rectors or church wardens.
The Prayer Book Society of Canada
The Toronto Branch of the Prayer Book Society of Canada offers four bursaries annually in the amount of
$1000 to students engaged in religious studies at Trinity and Wycliffe Colleges who value the Book of
Common Prayer and wish to see its continuing use in the Anglican Church of Canada. Students in the
ordination stream are particularly encouraged to apply. Students wishing to apply should submit a copy of
their curriculum vitae and two letters of reference, together with a covering letter, to: Dr. Diana Verseghy,
President, PBSC Toronto Branch, 12 Sherbourne Drive, Maple, Ontario L6A 1G8. Candidates will be
interviewed in November by a sub-committee of the executives of the Toronto and St. Catharines-Niagara
St. Basil the Great Scholarship
The purpose of the Scholarship is to enable an interchange of students between the Oriental Orthodox
Churches, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Anglican Church of Canada. To that end scholarships
are offered to applicants who are members of the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Assyrian Church of
the East to facilitate their study and participation in the life of the Anglican Church of Canada, and to
applicants of the Anglican Church of Canada to facilitate their study and participation in the life of the
Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Assyrian Church of the East. Applications are available in the
Divinity Office.
C. Douglas Jay Scholarship
This scholarship, which honours the founding director of TST, is available to an advanced degree student,
preferably in the doctoral program, working in the area of Christian Social Ethics. It will be awarded on
the basis of the student's research proposal. The amount available is about $1500. Applicants shall write a
letter outlining their qualifications for the scholarship and shall arrange to have two letters of
recommendation sent to the C.D. Jay Scholarship Committee at the TST by March 15.
Donald Cameron Memorial Award
This award, to honour the memory of Donald Cameron, who served TST in a number of capacities over
many years. It is designed to recognize excellence in projects planned and completed during a student's
Basic Degree program which engages them with the wider community beyond the Church. The recipient
must be in the final year of study in their BD program at TST or in the first year of an Advanced Degree
program immediately following their Basic Degree. Applications will be judged on: the impact of the
project or activity within the community and what the student has learned that will help in his/her further
ministry to enhance the relationship of church and wider society. The award is, payable upon registration
in September. Applicants should submit a description of their activity/project and its impact on the wider
community; a letter of nomination from within TST (if the project is not part of the student's program, the
letter aught to indicate that it is compatible with the program's objectives); a letter of reference from a lay
person involved with the project. The deadline for application is March 15. For more information please
consult the TST website at http://www.tst.edu/programs/assistance.asp
St. Lazarus Bursary
This bursary, funded by a gift of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, is open
to a Canadian advanced degree student working in the area of ecumenism. The amount available is about
$1500. Applicants should write a letter outlining their particular qualifications and shall arrange to have
two letters of recommendation sent to the St. Lazarus Bursary Committee at the TST by March 15.
John M. Kelly Award
This award in honour of Fr. John Kelly, former President of St. Michael's and member of the TST Board,
is open to a basic or advanced degree student in TST; present or past member of the TST Board,
Executive Basic or Advanced Degree Council, or any TST committee or department. The criteria are
quality and significance of the student's service of the TST and academic achievement. The amount
available is about $1200. Applicants shall submit a letter outlining their particular qualifications and shall
arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent to the John M. Kelly Award Committee at TST by
March 15.
TST Bursary Assistance for Ph.D. and Th.D. Students
Bursary money from revenue from TST's endowment fund, built up under the OSOTF program, is
available to help currently registered Canadian PhD and ThD students residing in Ontario in need of extra
bursary assistance. For the year 2001, the total amount available is $4000. Applicants should have already
sought bursary assistance or a student loan for this academic year. The $4000 is available as a
supplementary grant for a student or students now facing an unforeseen financial emergency or whose
college was not able to give them the help they needed when they asked for it. To apply: get an
application form from the Advanced Degree office (or director) of your school and fill it out. This form
will include financial particulars. Get a letter of support from the advanced degree director of your school.
Send to The Advanced Degree Office, TST, 47 Queen's Park Cres. E., Toronto, On M5S 2C3 by March
Edie Parker Award
This award, to honour the memory of Edie Parker, who served the church in the field of communications,
media and theology, is open to a woman registered in a Basic Degree program at TST. Applications will
be judged on the student's plan to pursue further studies in the area of communications, media and
theology to the amount of $1000 payable upon registration in Sept. 2001. Applicants should submit a
letter outlining their qualifications for the award, their proposed plan of study, and at least two supporting
letters to: Edit Parker Award Committee, Toronto School of Theology, 47 Queen's Park Cres. E. Toronto,
On M5S 2C3 by March 15.
John McGonegal Bursary
This award was established in honour of the Rev. John McGonegal and is open to a student in TST whi
wishes to undertake CAPPE Supervised Pastoral Education. The award is given based on financial need
and academic merit and will be in the amount of one quarter of the Supervised Pastoral Education
(currently $650). Applicants should submit a letter outlining their qualifications for the award, a letter of
support from the Field Education Director of their college to: The John McGonegal Bursary Committee,
Toronto School of Theology, 47 Queen's Park Cres. E, Toronto, On M5S 2C3. deadline: March 15.
Fellowship and Scholarship information available through the Association of Theological Schools.
Visit the Fellowships & Scholarships web page at www.ats.edu and click on Student Information
Resources/Student Financial Aid. Another helpful website is: www.thefund.org.