
Name: Erik Salguero, Phillip Drummond, Danielle Taylor, Casey Cox
Period: D5
Title: What predictions can you
make from the title? What are your
initial thoughts about the poem?
What might be the theme of the
As I read the title of this story, I can predict that this story is about a
sailor. You could class it as that, but actually ancient means old, but in
some way mysterious and the mariner is a man who works on a ship
but is always in charge of all other sailors or is always traveling alone.
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner is about a ship sailing the high seas
which became a ghost ship after the sin of killing an albatross ( a bird)
which followed the ship with good luck and good weather when the
sailor killed the bird for pushing him in the wrong direction so a sin
was committed. After that the sailors began to drop down dead one by
one and thus the ship became a ghost ship. The ghosts of the sailors
rose from their bodies and pulled the ropes, set the sails and worked the
ship. Only the narrator of the poem remained alive to tell this tale. At
last when he was able to make a prayer without suffocating himself,
there was redemption and the sinned ship allowed reaching a port. So
he now roams the world and when he finds someone who will benefit
from his tale he stops them and shares his story with them.
Connotation: Write the connotative In the Rime Of The Ancient Mariner there’s a certain stanza that have
or interpretive meaning of the poem.
similes. Part II.Stanza 32: The sailors begin to dream of a malevolent
What’s below the surface? What is the spirit following them from nine fathoms under the ocean. In part III.
connotative meaning of the poem?
Stanza 43: The sails of the ghost ship are compared in this simile to
Find examples of imagery, metaphors, "gossamers" or cobwebs.The albatross symbolize good luck However,
similes, etc. and elaborate on their
the Mariner shot and killed the albatross and so it became a curse which
connotative meanings.
is a Imagery. When the mariner compares the ghosts to gossamers on
the ship, he was showing comparison which falls in the category of a
Paraphrase: Rewrite the poem in
your own words.
Attitude: What attitude does the poet In the first stanza of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the mariner is
have toward the subject of the poem?
disgusted with the slimy creatures that survived and the thousands of
Find and list examples that illustrate
men who died. In the second stanza he completely changes his view
the tone and mood of the poem.
and is amazed with all of the colors. Coleridge attitude is that nature is
beautiful but at the same time could be very dangerous.
Shift: Is there a shift in the
tone/attitude of the poem? Where is
the shift? What does the tone shift to?
Its melancholic tone pervades the story as the Mariner tells of shooting
an albatross and thus enraging the spirits of wind and sea. The story's
tone continues to be melancholy and hopeless throughout the portion
telling how the Mariner's shipmates punished him by hanging the dead
albatross from his neck, and how they were all killed in a deadly dice
game. The tone changes once the Mariner finds that he cares for the sea
creatures he once cursed and his burden drops from his neck.
Hopefulness and redemption lift the mood of the poem at last, although
the Mariner is doomed to wander the earth to tell his story to all he
meets. He message, however, is not sad but positive: "He prayeth best
who loveth best."
Name: Erik Salguero, Phillip Drummond, Danielle Taylor, Casey Cox
Period: D5
In addition to "rhyme," the word "rime" means frost, and specifically
Title: Revisit the title and explain
any new insights it provides to the
the frost that forms in fog and wind when the temperature cools down.
meaning of the poem. Discuss the
"Rime" often forms on the windy side of sails and ships. Much of the
meaning on an interpretive level.
poem takes place in the Arctic, in a "land of ice and snow," and you
expect to encounter a lot of rime in that climate. Furthermore, the
Mariner himself is described as being "frosty" in some respects. For
example, his beard is described as frosty or, "hoary". If you wanted to
turn this idea into symbolism, you might say that the Mariner's soul is
covered with a layer of frost until he learns to have pity on his fellow
Finally, he's an "ancient" mariner because, clearly, he's very old.
"Ancient" makes him sound like some timeless artifact, one that has
always existed and always will exist.
Theme: What is the overall theme of The theme is about the ingratitude of and how he crucifies and kills the
the poem? What is the poet saying?
very thing God had sent for salvation. This is shown through a Mariner,
who shoots the very bird that brought him the good South Wind,
helping his ship to sail away from the ice cold South Pole where he was
stranded. Due to his this action, doom befalls the ship and the crewmen,
who, after they show support for the Mariner die one by one and the
Mariner lives on, for a fate worse than death, to roam around the world
telling his story and its moral.