The next four years of study here are meant to prepare you for your future. We will do everything we can to help you; however, the majority of your success will depend on your effort. Below you will find some information you will need to know about our school.
Graduation requirements – You need to have 27 credits to graduate from HHS. This includes a mix of required classes (those that you have to take, and pass) as well as elective classes of your choice. The school counselor and your advisor/ seminar teacher will be able to offer help and advice.
Class Schedule – Hiawatha High School uses an alternating block schedule. This means that you have eight classes but only attend four of them each day. When it is a RED week you will have your “A” classes (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Your “B” classes would be on Tuesday and
Thursday. When it is a BLUE week the schedule would be the opposite. We alternate the RED and BLUE weeks. If there is a snow day or a day we don’t have school then the next day of school will be as scheduled. We do not re-arrange the schedule due to missed days. Classes are 85 minutes long. If you are absent for any reason it is YOUR responsibility to see your teachers for the assignments before attending the next class.
Seminar – You will have a seminar class each day except the late start “Red” Wednesdays. Seminar is 40 minutes long and is designed to allow students to study, do homework, get help from teachers, work on group projects, explore career options, prepare for college, or take other academic options. This is NOT
“Free time”, break time, or a time to mess around. Seminar period is a class – with a grade. If you are failing a class or if your state assessment scores indicate an area of weakness you will be re-assigned to report to a specific seminar until you are caught up.
Start off Right – Colleges look at your cumulative grade point average (GPA) for all four years of high school. This is one of the tools they use to decide on admissions and on possible scholarships. The freshman year is just as important as every other year of high school. Make sure to establish good study habits right away. Our teachers and the counselor can provide help and advice – all you need to do is ask for it.
Develop Good Study Habits – The self discipline required for good study habits will not only help you achieve success in high school but will prepare you for life after high school whether you go to a vocational school, college, or enter the work force.
Attend class every day – Not only is it extremely hard to learn if you are not in class but our exemption from finals policy is based on your class attendance.
Do your homework every night – learning is easier and more manageable when you keep up with assigned work.
Don’t let long- term projects pile up. Start working on them as soon as you can. Break larger projects into smaller more manageable pieces so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Ask for help at the first sign of difficulty. Get help from your teacher or ask our counselor about tutoring options.
Turn in all assignments completed and on time. Nothing will sink your grade faster than a column of zero’s.
Grading Scale
Hiawatha High School uses a building wide grading scale for all classes:
A+ 97 – 100 C+
A 94 – 96 C
A90 – 93 C-
B+ 87 – 89 D+
B 84 – 86 D
B80 – 83 D-
77 – 79
74 – 76
70 – 73
67 – 69
64 – 66
60 – 63
0 – 59
Some classes may use a PASS or FAIL grade with administrative approval.
Student Planner – You will receive a planner at the beginning of the school year. This includes a copy of the student handbook, hall passes, planning calendar, and a reference section. You are responsible for reading and understanding the information in the student handbook. If there is anything you don’t understand or have questions about please feel free to ask any adult in the building for clarification.
Your planner has hall passes in the back section. You must have YOUR planner in order to leave any class.
Academic Supports – We have programs in place to help you achieve academic success if you are failing any classes.
Student Tutoring for Academic Recovery (STAR) is designed as a quiet supervised study opportunity for students who are failing, not meeting course requirements, or need extra time and / or help. Teachers may assign a student to STAR if they feel it is necessary or would be helpful. Attendance is mandatory. A student can choose to attend STAR on their own for extra
help; you just need to make arrangements with your teacher. STAR is held Tuesday- Friday mornings from 7:30 – 8:10 am and Monday – Thursday afternoons from 3:30 – 4:30 pm.
Extended Day – A student who receives more F’s on any progress report will be assigned to attend extended day. The number of extended days assigned is determined by the number of courses that student is failing. Attendance to assigned extended day is mandatory. The purpose is not to punish, but to help you get caught up.
Credit Recovery – If a student fails a core class they may choose to make up that credit by taking academic recovery after school hours in the alternative placement center. This will help a student keep up with their credits and their graduating class.
Lunch Period – We have two separate lunch periods per day. You will be assigned to one of these based on what class you have 3A and 3B. You will also need to memorize your lunch account number to type in as you get your lunch. HHS has a closed lunch period, meaning that no one is allowed to leave campus or to have outside food brought in. **There is an exception made during your Senior year** Students at lunch must remain in the commons area, you are NOT allowed to go to your locker, the library, the hallways, or outside. All students are expected to use acceptable manners, take your tray back properly, and to leave your table/ lunch area clean.
Lockers – You will have a locker assigned to you based on grade level and last name. Even though it has been provided for your use it is still school property. Please take care of it. Do not share your combination with anyone. Likewise do not trade or share your locker with anyone.
Computer use – All Hiawatha High School students must have a signed technology sheet in the office
BEFORE they will be allowed to use any of the school computers. Students may not use computers for non-academic purposes.
Begin Career Exploration – Now is the time to start thinking about and exploring different career options. We have several ways to assist you with this, including; The Kansas Career Pipeline program, the school counselor, your seminar advisor, library information, possible job shadowing opportunities, career fairs, recruiters, etc. You don’t need to make a decision right away, but you should start looking for careers that you would like to explore. Having some idea of the area you want to go into will play a large part of the elective classes you choose to take during your junior and senior years.
Get Involved – The more involved you are with athletics, clubs, and school organizations the more you will enjoy your high school years. Your participation in our extracurricular activities is vital for our success. We need you! Below you find a list of our sports, clubs, and other organizations. Take some time to look it over, if one grabs your interest, ask how to get involved – we are here to help you.
Student Council (STUCO) – Our branch of student government. Learn procedures of government, leadership, and citizenship while making improvements in our school.
KAY Club – Kansas Association for Youth – Develops leadership and community service.
FFA – Involves competition with other schools in agriculture related areas as well as developing public speaking skills, leadership skills and values. Begin agricultural career exploration and preparation.
Biology Club – Explores areas of science, the environment, and living organisms.
International Club – Celebrates diversity while examining other cultures.
BPA – Business Professionals Association – Provides competition and experience in business related fields. A must for young entrepreneurs.
Red Hawk Readers – This club is for those who love to read. Along with group discussions and video screening parties.
Scholars Bowl – Like competitive jeopardy for high school students.
Forensics – Comedy, Drama and performance art – Express yourself!
NHS – National Honor Society – Based on recommendations and GPA. A service oriented group that provides for the needs of others. Develops a sense of civic responsibility, citizenship and community obligation as well as leadership skills.
Band – Including Marching band, Jazz band and large and small group ensembles.
Vocal – Including general chorus, Concert Choir & Headliners
Dance Team – Individual and group coordination through choreographed dance routines. Provide half time entertainment and demonstrates school spirit/ pride.
Cheerleading/ Pep Club – Provides support for our athletic competitions and seeks to positively raise school spirit and school pride in our community.
Color Guard – Add a visual edge to our marching band through coordinated and often complicated routines.
As well as each of the following sports – Football, Volleyball, Cross – Country, Tennis, Golf, Track,
Wrestling, Basketball, and Softball.
Expectations & Discipline System – It is our responsibility to provide a safe, orderly, productive learning environment for all of our students. Please take the time to read and understand all of our school rules and the discipline policy. Ignorance (not knowing) that you were violating school policy is NOT an
acceptable excuse. We no longer use a point system, we will deal with each violation of our policy as appropriate (based on our level system); repeated violations will no doubt result in increased consequences.
**The administration reserves the right and authority to set level and consequences for any specific violation.
Common problems for freshmen are;
Excessive or unexcused absences. The principal has the ultimate authority to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused. Multiple unexcused absences will result in action for truancy.
Skipping class or leaving school without permission.
Cell phone violations – cell phones MUST be turned off and in your locker during the school day.
Students caught with a cell phone during the school day will surrender it to school personnel.
Depending on the frequency or circumstances, the cell phone will either be returned to the student at the end of the day or turned over to the parent/ guardian.
Horseplay – This can lead to unintended injuries, angering others, bullying and disrupting the learning environment. There is no place in high school for horseplay.
Disrespectful behavior – Toward another student or an adult.
Defiance of authority – If an adult in the building makes a reasonable request and you choose not to comply.
PDA – Public Display of Affection is limited to hand holding only on school grounds.
Threats and/ or fighting – will not be tolerated. There will not only be school consequences but law enforcement agencies will be involved.
Tardy Policy- A tardy is if a student is late to class without a pass from the office or another teacher, that is an unexcused tardy. A total of 3 unexcused tardies in a semester will be equivalent to 1 unexcused absence. Disciplinary action will be exercised when the third tardy occurs.
Failure to dress out for PE
Backpacks, Bags, and Purses
We expect students and staff to treat others with respect at all times. We ask students to show their school pride by taking care of their school and all school property.
Supplies and Preparation: 1. On the first day of class the teacher will explain what supplies you will need for their class. Please bring pencils, pens, paper and a zip drive for the first day.
2. You will need to be prepared for each of your classes at the beginning of the hour. Do NOT repeatedly ask to go to your locker because you forgot something.