Viewing The Secret Life of Bees

Freshman CP English
Viewing The Secret Life of Bees
Homework day one: Write down the names of the important characters in the movie. Next to each character’s name write down the
basic facts about the character.
In class after viewing on day 21. Answer with well written paragraphs: What is your first reaction to the events in the film? Write down any thoughts
opinions or questions you may have. Use specifics to explain your thoughts, questions and reaction to the film.
Remember to use character names and specific events from the film to explain.
Homework due Tuesday March 241. Choose a paper topic (see suggestions below). Your paper must compare some aspect of the movie to the novel, To Kill a
2. Develop a thesis statement- Your paper must support and prove this statement.
3. Make a list of details from the movie and from the novel which will support your thesis. You should have five specific
detailed items on this list.
4. Review the novel. Find three or more excerpts that will help you to support your thesis.
5. Write at least one well written paragraph of your essay. Upload this paragraph to wiki. Label it with the date and To Kill a
Mockingbird/ Secret Life of Bees draft one.
Suggested Paper Topics:
 Both the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, and the movie, The Secret Life of Bees, portray the treatment of African
Americans in the South. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Alabama in the 1930’s. The Secret Life of Bees takes
place in Virginia and North Carolina in the 1960’s. Is the treatment of the African Americans any different after
thirty years? How would you characterize the treatment of African Americans in both stories? How would you
compare the treatment of African Americans today to each of these stories?
In The Secret Life of Bees, August Boatwright, teaches the main character valuable life lessons. In To Kill a
Mockingbird, Atticus teaches Scout valuable life lessons. Compare the lessons each of these adults imparts on the
young lady in his or her care.
Boo Radley and May Boatwright were unable to function normally in society. Yet both teach the young ladies who
live near or with them valuable lessons. Compare the lessons each imparts on the young lady.
Both To Kill a Mockingbird and The Secret Life of Bees are coming of age story. Scout and Lily must face difficult
truths. What lessons does each girl learn as she realizes the harsh realities of the world?
Both Mayella in To Kill a Mockingbird and Lily in The Secret Life of Bees are raised by abusive fathers. What abuse
does each character endure? How do they deal with the abuse?
Both Zac Taylor of The Secret Life of Bees and Jem Finch of To Kill a Mockingbird are young men with dreams for the
future. Each boy learns important lessons. What lessons does each boy learn that will help him as he becomes a man?
Compare the father of Mayella Ewell, Bob Ewell, to the father of Lily, T-Ray. How are these two men similar? How
are they different? Can you excuse either of these two men for the abuse he inflicts on his daughter?
Thursday March 26- Final draft of essay is due. Bring paper copy to class. Load paper to wiki. Label Thursday
March 26 final draft To Kill a Mockingbird/ Secret Life of Bees
Decide which format your essay will follow.
Format book by book: If you have many similarities and many differences, you may wish to write about one piece of literature first.
Include all of the details and support on the first piece of literature in your well written paragraphs. After discussing the first piece of
literature, write about the second piece of literature. Include all of the details and support on the second piece of literature while
comparing and contrasting the work with the first piece of literature. Your comparing and contrasting will take place in the second part of
your essay when you are discussing the second piece of literature.
Format point by point: If you have only a few large similarities or differences, you may wish to use this format. For each similarity or
difference or each point, discuss the evidence and specifics in both pieces of literature. The comparing and contrasting will take place
throughout the essay.
Freshman CP English
Academic expectation: Student demonstrates proficiency in viewing and listening.
Level 4
__ Shows advanced ability to summarize main ideas.
__ Completely and correctly identifies speaker’s purpose and point of view.
__ Makes insightful inferences based on the information presented.
__ Analyzes and synthesizes information and questions validity when appropriate.
Level 3
__ Summarizes main ideas.
__ Identifies speaker’s purpose and point of view.
__ Makes inferences based on the information presented.
__ Synthesizes information and questions validity when appropriate.
Level 2
__ Sometimes summarizes main ideas.
__ At times identifies speaker’s purpose and point of view.
__Limited ability to make inferences based on the information presented.
__ Retains discrete pieces of information and occasionally questions validity.
Level 1
__ Rarely summarizes main ideas.
__ Has little success in identifying speaker’s purpose and point of view.
__ Inability to make inferences based on information presented.
__Limited recall of information.
Academic Expectation: The Morgan School student demonstrates proficiency in writing.
Level 4
__ Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the task and a sophisticated recognition of
audience and purpose. __ Provides exceptional support with varied/insightful examples and
thorough explanation of those examples.
__ Exhibits an effective plan.
__ Reveals a strong control of language, containing very few, if any, errors in mechanics.
Level 3
__ Demonstrates a clear understanding of the task and an adequate recognition of audience and
__ Provides sufficient support, employing relevant examples and an explanation of those
__ A discernable plan is evident.
__ Writing is fluent but may contain some minor errors in mechanics.
Level 2
__ Demonstrates some understanding of the task and a limited recognition of audience and
__ Provides limited support; examples are few and/or lack relevance and/or explanation.
__ Writing is somewhat disorganized.
__ Inconsistent control of language and contains mechanical errors which distract/confuse the
Level 1
__ Demonstrates a misunderstanding of the task.
__ Writing provides inadequate support.
__ Limited evidence of a plan, making the ideas difficult to follow.
__ Writing lacks fluency and contains extensive mechanical errors that confuse the reader.
Title is creative,
related to the topic
and immediately
interest’s reader.
Title is related to
the topic but needs
to be more
Title is not related
to topic.
No title
Engaging introduction
that leads reader into
the topic. Focus and
topic of paper are clear.
Relevant, telling,
quality details support
original ideas providing
important specific
information and mages
that are not obvious or
predictable. Unusually
perceptive analysis.
Quotes are credible and
supportive of the
paper’s focus, topic and
thesis. Quotes are
worked seamlessly into
Solid, relevant
introduction which
states the focus of the
Supporting information
and details are relevant,
but one key issue or
portion of the paper is
not sufficiently
supported. Some
perceptive analysis is
Quotes are credible and
supportive of the
paper’s focus. Most are
worked smoothly into
the text of the paper.
Introduction attempts to
provide focus.
Supporting details and
information are
relevant, but more than
one key issue or
segment is not
supported. Predictable
Introduction is present
but general providing
little information about
the focus of the paper.
Supporting details and
information are unclear
or not related to the
main focus of the paper.
Little or superficial
analysis or
Most quotes are
credible and supportive
of the paper’s focus.
Most are cited
Few quotes are
provided which
accurately support the
focus of the paper.
Quotes are not cited
Support for Topic
the text of the paper.
The correct MLA
format is used.
This original writing is
from knowledge and
experience. The
perceptive analysis is
the author’s.
The correct MLA
format is used most of
the time.
The writing is drawing
on experience or
knowledge, but the
work lacks originality
of perceptive analysis.
Writer uses vivid words
and phrases that linger
or draw pictures in the
reader’s mind. The
choice and placement
of words is accurate,
natural, smooth,
All sentences are well
constructed with varied
sentence structure
thoroughly engaging
the reader.
The strong conclusion
is a synthesis of ideas
logically derived from
the body of the paper.
Writer makes no errors
in grammar, spelling or
punctuation that distract
the reader from the
Writer uses vivid words
and phrases but
occasionally the words
are inaccurate or forced.
Writer has made
substantial, thoughtful
revisions to all aspects
of the paper.
General Requirements
MLA Format, wiki
space, stapled with
rubric at the beginning
of class
Writer has revised
grammar, sentence
structure, content and
organization; however
one or two issues are
inadequately addressed.
MLA Format; after
class begins on wiki or
Word Choice
Sentence Structure
Freshman CP English
The writing
incorporates some of
the writer’s own
experiences or
knowledge but fails to
integrate it successfully
with the discussion of
the topic.
Writer uses words that
communicate clearly,
but the writing lacks
variety and flair.
The writing fails to
incorporate knowledge
or experience into the
writing. The ideas in
the paper do not seem
to be the writer’s own.
Writer uses a limited
vocabulary that does
not communicate
strongly or capture the
reader’s interest.
Clichés may be present
and detract from the
Sentences lack
structure. Sentences are
awkward, incomplete or
Almost all sentences
are well constructed
with varied sentence
Most sentences are well
constructed with similar
sentence structure.
The conclusion restates
the main ideas and
begins to synthesize.
The conclusion restates
the ideas.
There is no effective
Writer makes a few
errors in grammar,
spelling, capitalization
that distract the reader
from the content.
Writer makes some
errors in grammar,
spelling and
capitalization that
distract the reader from
the content.
Writer made revisions
of simple grammatical
errors. Some attempt to
improve structure,
organization or content
is made.
Most in MLA format or
not on wiki
Writer makes many
errors in grammar,
spelling, capitalization
or punctuation that
distract the reader from
the content.
Writer revised simple
grammatical errors but
made little or no
attempt to improve
structure, organization
or content.
Not in MLA format or
on wiki