History of art - TOK

History of art:
Art has been with Us since the prehistoric era when the cave mans Did their
“stick figure” paintings until today in a web site I found a timeline that gives
us the most important art periods and what they did I will write only from
some of these.
Egyptian Art 3200 - 1070 BC
Amarna Art 1370 - 1340 BC
Mesopotamian Art 3500 - 331 BC
Sumerian/Akkadian 3500 - 1750 BC
Assyrian/Neo-Babylonian 1000 - 539 BC
Persian 539 - 331 BC
Aegean Art 3000 - 1100 BC
Minoan (Crete) 3000 - 1475 BC
Mycenean (Greece) 1650 - 1100 BC
Greek Art 800 - 323 BC
Hellenistic Art 323-150 BC
Etruscan Art 6th - 5th century BC
Roman Art 509 BC - 337 AD
MIDDLE AGES 373 - 1453 AD (CE)
Celtic, Saxon, & Hiberno 200 - 732 AD
Byzantine Art 400 - 1453 AD
Justinian 527 - 565 AD
Islamic Art 622 - 900 AD
Carolingian Art 732 - 900 AD
Ottonian Art 900 - 1050 AD
Romanesque Style 1000 - 1140 AD
Gothic Style 1140 - 1500 AD
RENAISSANCE 1400 - 1800 AD (CE)
Renaissance: Italy 1400 - 1600 AD
Renaissance: Europe 1500 - 1600 AD
Baroque 1600 - 1700 AD
Rococo 1700 - 1750 AD
PRE-MODERN 1800 - 1880 AD (CE)
Neo-Classicism 1750 - 1880 AD
(USA: Federal/Greek Revival)
(Canada: Georgian Style)
Romanticism 1800 - 1880 AD
(Canada: Victorian)
Realism 1830's - 1850's AD
Impressionism 1870's - 1890's AD
MODERNISM 1880 - 1945 AD (CE)
Post Impressionism 1880 - 1900 AD
Expressionism 1900 - 1920 AD
Fauvism 1900 - 1920 AD
Cubism 1907 - 1914 AD
Dada 1916 - 1922 AD
Bauhaus 1920s - 1940's AD
Harlem Renaissance 1920s - 1940's AD
Surrealism 1924 1920s - 1940's AD
International Style 1920s - 1940's AD
MODERN & POST-MODERN 1945 AD - Present (CE)
Abstract Expressionism 1945 - 1960 AD
Op Art 1960s AD
Pop Art 1960s AD
Minimal Art 1960s AD
New Realism 1970s - 1980s AD
Conceptual Art 1970s - 1980s AD
Performance Art 1970s - 1980s AD
Neo-Expressionism 1980s - 1990s AD
Computer Art 1980s - 1990s AD
Post-Modern Classicism 1980s - 1990s AD
Victorian Revival 1980s - 1990s AD
CITATION: http://www.arthistoryguide.com/
My favorite era is the Modern and Post modern art and my favorite times
are pop art and abstract impressionism.
Pop art:
Pop art appears in the 1950 to the 1960 and it is still used till today. Pop art
is bringing the art by the viewer’s eye. When you look at pop art all you see
is vivid colors and those colors call you attention. Andy Warhol is the main
Artist of this era he made many, many various art pieces. He made Coke
bottles, Campbell’s soup tins, and Marilyn Monroe between others. When Andy
Warhol was in one of his museums a girl try to shoot him and she made it.
Andy survived to the shot but then he realized that he was so close to death.
Andy started painting in his same style but changed his way of viewing the
world. He painted skulls and revolvers that were the same as the one that the
Girl used to shoot him. One of his most famous paintings is called “skull” and it
is a self portrait of him. Andy Warhol is still a success on today’s art work.
Abstract impressionism:
This movement was one of the most important for America and it was
originated in New York. Robert Coates was the one who gave the name of
Abstract impressionism to this movement. What I like about this movement
is that it is very similar to pop art because of their vivid colors and you
never understand what you are looking at unless that the artist is there to
explain. I like this because you create a connection with the viewer you make
the think and relate this to their lives and they become to feel, that is art!
After Abstract impressionism came surrealism which had really good
paintings also. “The movement can be divided into two groups: the Action
Painting expressed by artists like Pollock and De Kooning; and Color Field
Painting practiced by Rothko and Noland. Famous artists of this movement
include Pollock, Gorky, Riopelle, Rothko, de Kooning, Motherwell, and Kline;
their works possess very different moods and subjects, yet share qualities
such as sizable canvasses, flat compositions, and the fact that all areas of
the piece are filled with movement and paint (instead of creating a focal
point, or an area of the most interest).” Pollok is one of my favorites because
he enjoys painting and we can see it in his art work it looks like they are just
splatters of paint but actually he knew what he was doing at all times. Many
people have tried to imitate him and till today no one has succeeded. I really
like him and this is one of my favorite eras of art. CITATIONS: