My Life Essay/5th grade

My Life Essay/5th grade
-to write a narrative essay with correct conventions and structure
-to implement the use of technology within the classroom using
Power Point and a scanner
-narrative rubric
-narrative graphic organizer
-peer editing sheet
-pictures students bring from home or have drawn themselves
of their life
*Essay portion of lesson:
-Begin by explaining the purpose of a narrative essay.
-use graphic organizer to lay out the structure of the essay
-set up a schedule of what is expected on each day for essay
Ex. Monday: pass out organizer and rubric for essay
Tuesday: rough draft is due
Wednesday: peer edit papers using peer edit worksheet
Thursday: finalize editing corrections
Friday: final typed paper is due.
*Power Point portion of lesson:
-coordinate essay segments with photographs from students
-scan pics for students and put into individual files on laptops
-teach basic Power Point to students.
-pass out rubric for expectations for Power Point.
(i.e. pages , content, design)
-allow time to work on laptops. Arrange for computer lab time.
-If time allows after project, show PP’s to class. Kids LOVE to show
their work and see it on screen.
-Grade essay according to rubric
-Power Point also graded to rubric
-Creativity within P.P.
-The rubric can be altered to show more or less supporting details
depending on the student needs.
-The power point can be altered also to expect more/less pages,
more/less detail per page, etc.
-The essay can involve peer editing if class allows.