Essay on Guns, Germs and Steel Your essay must have an introduction, body and conclusion. Generally an introduction and conclusion are each a paragraph, but not always – they may be more, but they can never be less. In between your introduction and conclusion you have the body. In this essay the body should be at least three paragraphs, but it will likely be more. A fiveparagraph essay will get you a grade of a “B.” If you want to be higher than an “85 you need to do more. Introduction Explain what you are writing about – introduce your subject. Explain what Diamond’s thesis is: “geography is destiny.” Explain what geography is destiny means in a couple of sentences. Have a good first sentence that “grabs” the reader’s attention. Here are some examples of good first sentences, or two. You may use one of these, or choose your own. 1. One does not need to look very hard to see that the world is incredibly unequal. Professor Jared Diamond set out to find out why. 2. Is geography destiny? After years of research, Professor Jared Diamond believes that the answer is yes. 3. While researching birds in New Guinea, Professor Jared Diamond was asked by a native, “why do you white men have so much cargo and we New Guineans so little? After years of research, Diamond believes he has found the answer. 4. Civilization is generally defines as cultures that adopt a written language. But why did the first civilizations develop in Mesopotamia and not in North America or Australia? The Body of Your Essay In this section you present the detailed evidence that Diamond offers to support his thesis. You should have at least three paragraphs Remember, write a topic sentence and then offer supporting details Stay on topic in your paragraph! Here is some of the evidence, in no particular order that Diamond presents: 1. Wheat & barley of the Fertile Crescent 2. Problems of food production with hunting and gathering 3. Animal domestication 4. European resistance to diseases 5. Food Surpluses 6. Development of “specialists” such as fire and smelting technology first to produce limestone and then metals 7. Environment of the Middle East is not sustainable 8. War technology and skills associated with the horse 9. The importance of the “East-West Axis” 10. Written language and printing Example of how to structure a paragraph that supports Diamond’s thesis: (Topic sentence) The domestication of large farm animals was key in helping the people of Mesopotamia to develop. From here you can discuss such things as: which animals, how they were used, why they were a benefit, and the fact tat other areas of the world did not have these animals. You do not discuss things such as: wheat and barley, sago, hunting and gathering, or making limestone and metals. STAY ON TOPIC!! Conclusion Summarize the main points Give your view Here are some examples of good first sentences, or two for your conclusion. You may use one of these, or choose your own. 1. In conclusion, the evidence that Diamond presents in his book and film is extremely strong. (I am not crazy about “In conclusion,” but I will certainly let you use it and there will be no grading penalty. 2. I believe Diamond… 3. Start with a question: Should we believe Diamond? Images You are encouraged to use images in your essay. They will not take the place of content but they can help you as the writer and help the reader. They will count in the style section of the rubric. If you use images, use no more than three pictures. Your pictures should have captions and relate to the text.