Draft: For circulation to symposium participants Thomas T. Liao FROM PSSC TO MSTE : A PERSONAL 34-YEAR ODYSSEY IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION Thomas T. Liao Program in Technology and Society State University of New York at Stonybrook Introduction: Confessions of a NSF Junkie To reflect on one’s professional career is at best a daunting exercise. In my case, the task is simplified because of one common trend: involvement in NSF sponsored projects. In the past thirty-four years, I have had the good fortune of being directly involved in NSF sponsored curriculum development and teacher enhancement projects for thirty of those years. In the Fall of 1957, I was a freshman at Brooklyn College, majoring in Physics. Thus, my high school Physics courses were not influenced by the post Sputnik educational reform efforts. In one sense, this may have been a blessing because if I had taken the PSSC [Physical Science Study Committee] Physics course at Stuyvesant High School, I may not have become a Physics major. The reasons for this comment will become more evident when I discuss my experiences as a teacher of the PSSC Physics course. My professional career as a science teacher was first affected by NSF sponsored projects in 1963 when I attended a summer institute in Physics that was part of an NSF funded three-year program that resulted in a Masters Degree. The next year I was assigned to teach the newly developed PSSC Physics course at Brooklyn Technical High School. Since 1963, except for a few short time periods between projects, I have benefitted from involvement both as a participant and staff of NSF sponsored projects. This paper will provide a personal account of my journey from being a teacher of the PSSC Physics course in 1964 to my current role as a Co-PI of a NSF supported teacher enhancement project designed to help elementary teachers to integrate the Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 1 Thomas T. Liao symposium participants Draft: For circulation to study of Mathematics, Science, and Technology [MSTe]. Each of the past four decades has provided unique educational reform challenges. I will reflect on the challenges from the perspective of the important lessons learned that can be used to guide today’s reform efforts. I will also reflect on the value of NSF sponsored projects in the professional development of young teachers. 1st Decade [1957-1966]: The Physics Education Years Preparing and teaching the PSSC course helped me to develop a much deeper understanding of the processes and major concepts of Physics. However, only the future scientists in my PSSC class found the course to be interesting and meaningful. Most of the students, even at a magnet high school such as Brooklyn Technical High School needed to study Physics in which concepts are learned in the context of real world examples and in a learning environment that provides opportunities for student construction of their own understandings. The PSSC course lacked both of the above curriculum and instruction features. Thus, if I had taken the course as a student at Stuyvesant High School, I might not have elected to be a Physics major. My encounter with Physics and Electronics courses in the mid 1950s was filled with real world applications. In fact my Physics teacher, Dr. Myers worked part-time at Bell Labs and often discussed the applications of the Physics concepts that we were studying. Given my early interest in applied Physics, I probably would have majored in Engineering except for the positive experiences that I had in my high school Physics classes. My opportunity to study Engineering finally occurred at the end of the first decade. The watershed year of my teaching career was 1966, when I was invited to be a pilot teacher for the new ECCP [Engineering Concepts Curriculum Project] course that was entitled “The Man-Made World”[TMMW]. During the Spring of 1966, I had a very difficult decision about how best to develop myself professionally. Besides the ECCP invitation to attend a six-week summer institute in Boulder, Colorado, I also had invitations to attend two other NSF sponsored summer Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 2 Draft: For circulation to symposium participants Thomas T. Liao workshops. The deciding factor was the opportunity to learn about the emerging information technologies and to teach a new course dealing with engineering concepts. 2nd Decade [1967-1976]: The ECCP Years Preparing myself to teach “The Man-Made World”[TMMW] was much more difficult than my earlier experience of getting ready to teach the PSSC course. Besides learning a new body of knowledge, I also had to learn how to use analog and digital computers. But the hard work was very worthwhile because for the first time in my teaching career my students and I were engaged in analyzing and solving real world problems that required application of science and math concepts. Our understanding of physics and calculus concepts was internalized as we modeled the behavior of physical systems using analog computers. In 1968, I obtained a leave of absence from Brooklyn Technical High School to work as a part-time staff associate at ECCP headquarters and was admitted to Teacher’s College of Columbia University to start taking courses toward an Ed.D degree in science education. Earlier, I had obtained the MS in Physics via a three-year (1963-65) NSF sponsored sequential summer institute. At Teacher’s College, my doctoral thesis focused on the role and effectiveness of computer simulation for helping high school students to better understand the behavior of physical systems. Thus, I was able to obtain two graduate degrees because of my involvement in two NSF sponsored projects. From 1967 to 1971, I helped to refine the ECCP course that had many innovative features. The ECCP curriculum was unique in many ways and about 20 years ahead of other curriculum reform efforts. In the 1990's, many of the current MST curriculum projects have adopted a constructivist learning model. Twenty-five years ago, many of the ECCP laboratory activities engaged students in explorations of microworlds using analog computers, logic circuit boards, and computer simulations written in BASIC. Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 3 Thomas T. Liao symposium participants Draft: For circulation to TMMW was also unique in that a primary design criterion was that “less is more.” Project 2061 and other contemporary educational reform groups in the past ten years have also adopted the “less is more” approach. TMMW focused on major engineering concepts such as design and decision-making, modeling, systems analysis, and optimization. For five years, after the publication of TMMW in 1971, hundreds of teachers attended summer institutes and in-service workshops to prepare themselves to teach the course. One of the biggest mistakes that was made in the mid-1970's was for NSF to discontinue funding for summer workshops. For ECCP it meant that significant numbers of teachers could not be trained. Since very few high school teachers had background in engineering studies, the ECCP program stopped growing and peaked with an annual enrollment of about 100,000 students. The obvious lesson is that we must budget for continued professional development of teachers. 3rd Decade [1977-1986]: The STS Years In 1972, the ECCP project headquarters moved from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn to SUNY at Stonybrook. The project director, Dr. John G. Truxal had become the Dean of Engineering and the ECCP staff joined him at StonyBrook University to create a Program in Technology and Society [PTS]. During the next five years, PTS faculty and staff designed a set of new courses for undergraduate and graduate students that focused on the interaction of Science, Technology, and Society [STS]. By 1977, we were teaching hundreds of college students per semester. Thus, a new Department of Technology and Society was created that offered two minors for undergraduate students and a MS in Applied Science for graduate students. During the late 1970s, when NSF funding for science and engineering education became available again, I was awarded a NSF grant to develop a set of STIM [Socio-Technological Instructional Modules] curriculum materials designed for use Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 4 Draft: For circulation to symposium participants Thomas T. Liao in STS courses. Each of the eight STIM units consisted of a student reading and an Instructor’s Guide that provided suggested student activities and projects. In 1980, I conducted NSF Chautauqua-type short courses to introduce college faculty to the STIM materials. From 1978-1984, we also developed applied science and mathematics curriculum materials that used the STS approach to provide interest for under-represented minority students and to encourage them to continue their study of science and mathematics subjects. With funding from the Sloan Foundation, we developed a set of curriculum materials designed for use in high school science and mathematics courses in regional programs that were addressing the under-representation problem. I spent my 1981-82 sabbatical year working as a visiting professor of the MESA [Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement] program in California. During the mid-1980s the STS approach to science education was adopted by many secondary schools and some colleges. In 1985, the National Association of Science, Technology, and Society was created. At about the same time, Drs. Truxal and Visich, faculty in the Department of Technology and Society received funding from the Sloan Foundation to launch the New Liberal Arts [NLA] program that involved faculty members from many of the major colleges and universities. The NLA books, monographs, and other curriculum materials are still being used by hundreds of college professors who are teaching STS-type courses. 4th Decade [1987-97] : Technology Education and the MST Years In the past ten years, National Standards in Mathematics and Science Education have been developed and are having some success in guiding educational reform. Currently, National Technology Education Standards are also being developed. The New York State Education Department has taken a bold step to develop a new set of learning standards that integrate the study of Mathematics, Science, and Technology [MST]. Building on the National Standards, especially the Project 2061 Benchmarks, the New York State MST Learning Standards go beyond disciplinary standards by providing integration standards. Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 5 Thomas T. Liao symposium participants Draft: For circulation to Serving with Dr. James Rutherford of Project 2061 as co-chair of the New York MST Learning Standards Advisory Committee, my life long dream of institutionalizing the ECCP approach to learning MST concepts is becoming a reality. At the high school level an updated version of TMMW is now called Principles of Engineering [POE] and is being taught at over 100 high schools in New York State. This time around, most of the POE teachers are Technology Educators. POE is an exemplary program for implementing the MST Learning Standards and in a few schools is linked to Mathematics and Physics classes with the three MST teachers having the same group of students. This arrangement facilitates integration of the three subjects. In the Spring of 1997, SUNY at StonyBrook in collaboration with Hofstra University and Brookhaven National Labs was awarded a five-year NSF grant to provide enhancement in Technology Education and MST integration for elementary school teachers from 21 school districts in New York State. This MSTe project is currently working with 20 leadership teams (one team consists of teachers from two school districts) who after two years of professional development will conduct teacher enhancement programs for their colleagues in their school districts. By the year 2002, the goal of this project is to provide over 1300 elementary teachers with the knowledge base and pedagogical skills to implement the new MST Learning Standards. The design of the MSTe project was guided by the lessons learned from the projects that I and my colleagues have been involved in for the past thirty years. This paper will conclude with a discussion of the lessons learned from working on curriculum development/teacher enhancement projects and how they influenced the design the MSTe project. Lessons Learned and the Design of the MSTe Project Ever since 1966, my professional development as a science and engineering educator has been positively influenced by Dr. John G. Truxal who taught me most Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 6 Draft: For circulation to symposium participants Thomas T. Liao of the engineering that I know. In preparing this paper I consulted with him and was given a advanced copy of his “Engineering and Curriculum Reform” essay that he wrote for this symposium. Professor John Truxal wrote : “One would hope that the four decades of government and private support for curriculum reform would leave us with widely useful guidelines for future efforts. While there may not be unanimous agreement, our group at StonyBrook believes in the validity of the following thoughts: (1) Change has to be evolutionary, not revolutionary. (2) (3) Technology can be strong motivation for learning science and mathematics. Curricular reform has to be a long-term proposition, with evaluation of the success of the program over a number of years or even decades. Designing a new course or a novel learning system should be approached just as we tackle an engineering design problem. Finally, national efforts to improve education should not over-sell and over-promise.” (4) (5) For further elaboration of these five guidelines, refer to Professor Truxal’s essay. I fully agree with the five lessons learned from thirty years of experience and used them to guide the design of the MSTe project. A sixth lesson that we have also learned is that educational reform is much more than curriculum development and teacher enhancement, even though they are both necessary and important. In order to achieve lasting systematic change we must take a systems approach to reform where all the constraints or barriers to change must be addressed concurrently. Our newly funded MSTe project used the above six guidelines to design a program which we hope will result in innovative MST education in the elementary schools of 21 school districts. The following ten design features provides an overview of the MSTe project : Partnership among two universities, a national laboratory, and 21 school districts with their associated BOCES regional centers Two years of intensive professional development of 20 leadership teams Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 7 Thomas T. Liao symposium participants Draft: For circulation to Empower 20 leadership teams with the ability to be change agents and mentors Each of the seven Co-PIs will work directly with three school districts Develop an Implementation and Resource Guide for leadership teams Use existing exemplary MST curriculum to address the MST Learning Standards Commitments are made via a memorandum of agreement Both district-wide and school administrative support for classroom teachers Development of a culture of professionalism and life-long learning Develop a constructive approach to learning among teachers and students In the next five years, we will evaluate the degree of success that we will have in trying to achieve systematic change in MST education in 21 school districts. In 2002, we can reflect on our work and will most likely learn additional lessons that can be used to improve educational reform projects of the 21st century. Prepared for the Symposium “Reflecting on Sputnik: Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Educational Reform” Washington, DC, 4 October 1997 8