CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, POMONA ACADEMIC SENATE ACADEMIC PROGRAMS COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE ACADEMIC SENATE AP-003-089 CPU 401: GWT Course Alternative Academic Programs Committee Date: 10/22/08 Executive Committee Received and Forwarded Date: 2/04/09 Academic Senate Date: 2/11/09 First Reading 3/11/09 Second Reading AP-003-089, CPU 401: GWT Course Alternative 2 BACKGROUND: This Referral proposes to introduce a new course as an alternative to meet the condition of EO 665 that students satisfy the Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR). It was discussed first by the Academic Affairs Committee (AA006-078) which recommended approval of the proposal. The Academic Programs Committee was given the charge to vet the GWT course alternative as an appropriate course to fulfill the graduate writing requirement as an option to our existing procedures. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES: Claudia Pinter-Lucke, John Edlund, Donald Hoyt, Frank Janger, Eric McLaughlin Alex Small, Roger Morehouse, Karin Russikoff, Liliane Fucaloro. DISCUSSION: (it should be noted that during the previous round of consultation the documentation of this referral, the new course was named either CPP 401 or CPU 401. Henceforward CPU 401) Students currently meet the GWT requirement either by passing the GWT Exam or, after failing to pass three times, by applying and receiving a GWT waiver. CPU 401 was developed as a writing course so that students can satisfy the GWAR. Students who did not pass the GWT twice could take this course. Students learn writing, editing and proofreading strategies and produce five essays, from which students select the best three to submit to the GWT readers. If passes, students’ transcript will indicate GWT requirements met. Course outline and course requirements make this course an appropriate alternative to meet GWAR. RECOMMENDATION: The Academic Programs Committee recommends approval of the referral CPU 401: GWT Course Alternative. AP-003-089, CPU 401: GWT Course Alternative 3 Course Title: Writing Proficiency Course No: CPU 401 Date of Outline Preparation: 9/13/07 Prepared by: John Edlund, Devon Hackelton, Len Vandegrift Date of Last Revision: New Course I. Catalog Description (Not more than 40 words): CPU 401 Writing Proficiency, 4 Units, Graded CR/NC. Must have unsuccessfully attempted the GWT at least 2 times and have permission of University Writing Center to enroll. Instruction in essay writing including organization, development, revising, editing, proofreading, grammar and mechanics. Students produce a writing portfolio to be evaluated by a panel of graders. Course credit fulfills the GWT requirement. II. Required Background or Experience: The student must have unsuccessfully attempted the GWT at least two times. III. Expected Outcomes: The successful student will demonstrate an ability to respond to a writing topic in an extemporaneous essay with 1) an appropriate thesis statement; 2) effective organization and paragraphing, 3) sufficient development and support for arguments, 4) good control of sentence structure and word choice, and 5) sufficient control of grammar and mechanics to communicate ideas without confusion. The student will further demonstrate an ability to revise written work to meet or exceed university standards established by the Graduation Writing Test. IV. Instructional Materials: Calibrated Peer Review Program (CPRtm), Blackboard, Cal Poly email, various news articles and/or short (600-800 word) essay reader textbook. V. Minimum Student Materials: Pens, pencils, paper. Access to an internet-capable computer. VI. Minimum College Facilities: Classroom with an internet-accessible computer and LCD projector or an available computer lab. VII. Course Outline: AP-003-089, CPU 401: GWT Course Alternative 4 Summary: Students write in class, submit the essay to the CPR site, review other students’ essays, revise their essays according to peer feedback and tutor comments, and submit the final draft. All drafts of the essays selected for the portfolio will be attached. Students will receive instructions in grammatical, syntactical, and usage problems typical of students who struggle with the GWT. Students will write summaries of newspaper articles and other materials to improve reading skills and language acquisition. Week 1: Introduction to class and CPR program; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 2: Students write in-class draft of Essay #1; Instructor presents Timed-Writing Strategies using Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 3: Students do online peer reviews of Essay #1 using CPR and begin in-class draft of Essay #2; Instructor presents “Proofreading Strategies” using Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 4: Students revise Essay #1 according to feedback from CPR and tutors; Students do online peer reviews of Essay #2; Instructor presents “Critical Reading” Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 5: Students revise Essay #2 according to online feedback; Students write in-class draft of Essay #3; Instructor presents “Verb Tense” Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 6: Students do online peer reviews of Essay #3 using CPR and begin in-class draft of Essay #4; Instructor presents “Subject-Verb Agreement“ Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 7: Students revise Essay #3 according to online feedback; Students do online peer reviews of Essay #4; Instructor presents “Countable/Non-countable Nouns” Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 8: Students do online peer reviews of Essay #4 using CPR and begin in-class draft of Essay #5; Instructor presents “Punctuation” Powerpoint/handout; Students write three article summaries as homework. Week 9: Students revise Essay #4 according to online feedback; Students do online peer reviews of Essay #5 and draft the Portfolio Cover Letter; Instructor presents “Syntax (Mixed Constructions)” Powerpoint/handout Week 10: Students revise Essay #5 according to online feedback; Students write in-class timed writing for the portfolio; Students finish revising cover letter, choose three best essays, and assemble and submit portfolios. Finals Week: Instructors and GWT readers score portfolios VIII. Instructional Methods: The course is a hybrid course with both online and face-to-face components. The online component will use both Blackboard and Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) to facilitate peer review AP-003-089, CPU 401: GWT Course Alternative 5 and interaction with tutors. In-class activities will include lecture-discussion and in-class writing. IX. Outcomes Assessment: The students will prepare a portfolio containing 1) a cover letter reflecting on their growth as writers during the course, 2) their three best revised essays, with all drafts attached, and 3) an ondemand essay written in controlled classroom conditions. These portfolios will be scored by two graders after a rigorous norming session involving a scoring guide and sample portfolios. The scoring guide, similar to the GWT scoring guide, will have a six point scale, and the scores of the two readers will be totaled. A student with a portfolio score of 8 or more will pass the course and satisfy the GWT requirement.