AS Geography – Health Issues Less on 1 Key Question What are the global patterns of health, morbidity and mortality? Objectives To understand there are different causes of death worldwide Guildford County School – Geography Department Suggested activities Starter lesson 1: Students could use the powerpoint ‘health, mortality and morbidity starter’ which asks students to match the keyword to the correct definition. Main activity lesson 1: Students could then discuss what they think the leading causes of mortality and morbidity are in different areas of the world. In groups they could predict and mark these on a world map. Leading causes of mortality can be found on the second slide of the powerpoint ‘health, mortality and morbidity starter’. Main activity lesson 1: Students could look at the cartograms at and describe the pattern which can be observed. There are a range of different mortality figures which have been mapped, including infant mortality, female mortality, health, death, cause of death and age of death. Resources Ppt ‘health, mortality and morbidity starter Blank world maps Ppt slides 1-9 Plenary lesson 1: How similar / different are their predictions to reality? How useful are the maps on the world mapper website? Strengths and limitations? ppt slides 1-9 as a summary. 2 What are the global patterns of health, morbidity and mortality? What role does health play in H Nurton To examine the monitoring of one disease (cholera) and to consider disease on a global scale Starter: Students should answer the questions on the powerpoint ‘patterns of mortality and morbidity’ which refer to the pages they have read for homework. Main activity: Students could look at the map showing the global distribution of cholera. (ppt Cholera slide 2) They should describe the pattern and try to explain it. Then show slide 3 etc (link with water) and rest of ppt (John Snow). Main activity: What do students know about the current Cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe? Watch clip from Look at map and links at Discuss spread of disease. powerpoin t ‘patterns of mortality and morbidity’ ppt cholera internet Homework / Assessment H/W lesson 1: Students should read and make notes on pages 277 – 279 of AQA AS Geography (Phillip Allan) which looks at patterns of mortality and morbidity in terms of influenza and yellow fever. Also – see ‘How will you die?’ website Hm: make notes from website re health and HALE Cholera pages from Wycombe High school – go through as review and answer the questions on Guildford County School – Geography Department world affairs? the plenary page. (see website) So does cholera in Zimbabwe matter on a global scale? Plenary: Students should consider why it is important to map morbidity at different scales. Would John Snow have had his breakthrough if local data was not available? 3 What are the global patterns of health, morbidity and mortality? What role does health play in world affairs? 4 What are the global patterns of health, morbidity and mortality? What role does health play in world affairs? H Nurton Understand some of the main global health issues. Understand what is classed as good health and how globally organisations are trying to improve this. Starter: Students should brainstorm all the health related issues that they can think of. They should sort these into individual issues, local issues, national issues and global issues. Main activity: Using the information from: and put the information about global heath issues onto a world map. Internet Blank world maps Main activity: The Millenium development goals Look at the You Tube clip to introduce the development goals and then complete the hot air balloon activity (as described on the webpage). Plenary: Do you think the world will reach the goals by 2015? If not, why not? Use their knowledge to write a report to the UN on how they think LEDCs standards of health could be improved. They should include 5 key strategies and rank them in order of necessity. internet Starter lesson 4: Students should select a global health issue (e.g avian flu, malaria, influenza, yellow fever etc) which they wish to study in more detail. A wide range of issues should be covered as a class. will be very helpful! to get health related figures for any country. Main activity lesson 4: Students should spend some time investigating their issue. They should look at its global impact as well as national, local, and individual impact. They should display their information on one side of A4 using a map or series of maps. Plenary lesson 4: Students should compare their maps – which issue has the greatest global impact? Why might this be? Which issue has the least global impact? Why might this be? Guildford County School – Geography Department 5 6 Starter: Write down 10 things (if they can) about HIV / Aids. Compare in small groups / as a class. What is our prior knowledge? How accurate is it? Case study of one infectious disease Watch the powerpoint ‘Intro to HIV / Aids’ and then the ‘Basic facts’ ppt. Main activity lesson 5: Students could complete the card sort ‘Aids classification exercise in which they sort 40 cards into the categories ‘Background about HIV/AIDS’, ‘Causes of the epidemic’, ‘Strategies to tackle the epidemic’ and ‘Impacts of African communities’. - global distributio n - impact on health, economic developm ent and lifestyle Plenary lesson 5: Students should have a look at the Google Earth overlay showing the global distribution of HIV/AIDS. They should describe the distribution shown. Or slides 10-13 Starter: Show image of Kami (the Muppet from SA who is HIV+) – do they know who this is? What has this got to do with our topic? Introduce Kami. More info at and then show You Tube clip What do they think about the opinions voiced in the clip? Do they understand why SA Muppet show has a character with HIV / Aids? Main activity: Distribution of HIV / Aids – slides 10 and 13 – does anything surprise them? Describe the pattern or map the areas with highest % HIV and describe the pattern. Read p280-282 to give reasons for the pattern of distribution. Plenary: 1. 2. Brief discussion about HIV in UK e.g Routine testing for pregnant women (reasons why) etc 7 H Nurton To understand the impact of HIV / Aids Starter: Give the starter which is fig 8.1 p 283 blanks and ask students to try to place information in the correct place on the concept map. Then show text book diagram to check. Main activity: Mind map the effects of HIV / Aids using p282-3, slides 14-18 and (NB ‘Impact on Sub Saharan Africa in folder has main details from website if website not available) and p15-33 of the Scottish booklet. Also some slides in ‘Socioecon impact aids’ ppt . Use headings ‘health, economic development and lifestyle’ (from syllabus). Intro to HIV/Aids ppt Basic facts ppt Q8a from sample exam paper1 Aids classificati on exercise Google Earth or slides 1013 Kami image You Tube clip Slides 10 and 13 Blank world maps ‘starter’ in lesson 7 folder Text book Slides 1418 Internet Scottish booklet Socioecon impact aids’ ppt Compile case study of Aids / HIV in Zambia aidszambia.htm And info from AQA teacher resource bank and from p57 Scottish booklet Guildford County School – Geography Department To know what steps can be taken to reduce the impact of HIV / Aids 8 Starter: show ‘aids prevention’ posters on ppt. Do they think these posters are effective or not? Why? Main activity: Make notes on management of HIV / Aids using p283-4, p35-47 of Scottish booklet and websites. Make sure students have case study specific information about Zambia ‘aids prevent’ ppt Text book Scottish booklet Plenary: Exam Q: With reference to one or more schemes, explain the benefits of training local people as basic health workers to work in poor areas in less developed countries. 6 marks 9 What is the global distribution of coronary heart disease? How does CHD impact on health, economic developme nt and lifestyle? Starter: Can students remember what the biggest killer in the USA was? Heart disease (responsible for 28.5% of deaths in USA) Causes 17 million deaths a year globally (30% of total deaths). Main activity: Look at map of CHD. Ask what do students think are the main risk factors for CHD? Then look at ‘developed lifestyles’ link. Show slides 22-26. What are DALYs? (see p286-7 text book) How do patterns of heart disease vary in the UK? Plenary: What do they think to this? Starter: 10 Internet access (can be one access) Slides 2226 Text book Slides 2729 Main activity: Research and produce an A3 poster showing the following aspects of coronary heart disease: 1. Risk factors 2. Impact on lifestyle 3. Impact on Economic development (economic costs) 4. Impact on health 5. Prevention Slides 27-29 will help H Nurton A3 paper Complete posters using additions suggested in plenary. Guildford County School – Geography Department Some useful weblinks: (‘Heart disease costs billions’) (good for figures) x.htm Plenary: peer assess posters – critically suggesting other information needed. Starter: Review posters – what can they learn from each other’s information? Write down at least 5 points that you haven’t got on your own poster. 11 12 How do food and health link together? To study the problem of obesity Main activity: “Describe the impact of one disease of affluence on economic development” 5 marks. (Q1b p309) In pairs note down some points to answer this question – 10 mins. Then join into 4s and share ideas. Individually write an answer to the question. Peer mark (p39 teacher’s folder has mark scheme) Starter: Students could have a go at the ‘Obesity quiz’ which asks some basic questions about obesity Starter: ‘from fat to thin’ – students organise themselves in line to show which countries they think have the highest and lowest numbers of obese people Starter: ‘What the world eats’ ppt Main activity : Students could look at the link They should shade a blank world map with the data on the map ‘the global obesity problem’. Students should then write geographical questions around the map e.g. why is the pattern like this? Why do rich and poor countries both have high obesity levels etc. They should have at between 5 and 8 questions. Students should then spend some time trying to find the answers to their questions. Students should feed back to the class the answer to one of the questions which they have researched. If students don’t have this question on their map then they can add it. H Nurton Teacher’s folder p39 ‘From fat to thin’ ‘What the world eats’ ppt (Mark Ollis) Internet Blank world map H/W: read the article ‘Japanese firms pay penalties for over weight staff ’ see weblinks And make notes. Read the pdf ’10 things you need to know about obesity’ from WHO and make notes. Also – slide 37 Guildford County School – Geography Department Plenary lesson 13: Students could look at the graphs showing the % of people estimated to be obese in different Local Authorities: Students should look for patterns e.g. highest % of obese; lowest % of obese; Guildford’s position. They should try to give reasons for the patterns. See weblinks at the end. Also – see ‘fat map’ 13 How do food and health link together? To study the problem of obesity Extra reading: Starter lesson 14: Students could have a look at the ingredients starter ‘what is it?’ which lists all of the ingredients of a Big Mac. They should try to guess the product and then explain the feelings they have about this. Film Main activity lesson 14: Students could watch part or all of the documentary by Morgan Spurlock ‘Supersize me’ which looks at the link between eating a diet of fast food and the effects on health. The film can be downloaded at the website They should annotate the body outlines showing a ‘before’ and ‘after’ view of Morgan Spurlock’s health. Further information can be found at the website 14 Food and health: periodic famine and malnutritio n Starter: Hunger true or false (NB all are true!) Starter: Slide 30 - terms (understanding difference between malnutrition and famine imp) Main activity lesson 15: Students could watch the short film ‘The causes of poor food supplies’. This could lead to a discussion about which cause students think has the biggest effect. Make notes from slides 31 and 32 Main activity: Students could then discuss which areas of the world are most likely to experience famine. Then use and select ‘hunger map’. Describe the global pattern of hunger. Click on the hot spots to get reasons for hunger in some areas and make notes on some of these. See also slide 33. How does the map compare with their predictions? Plenary: Look at which H Nurton ‘What is it?’ Body outlines Hunger true or false starter Slide 30 movie slide 31-32 Internet Slide 33 H/W: Students should read the article which summarises a number of important key points. They should make notes. See weblinks Students should answer the questions about famine from the AQA AS Geography Redfern CD. The questions are: For one named area that you have studied where periodic famine Guildford County School – Geography Department shows countries affected by hunger and use the ‘next’ links to research the issue further. Starter:– Is malnutrition a major issue in both MEDCs and LEDCs? Discuss 15 Slides 3435 Main activity: case study of causes of famine in Sudan 2005 (slide 35) ……… Main activity : Students could work in pairs to come up with some solutions for solving the crisis of famine. They should try to think of practical solutions and explain why they think their strategy would be effective. They should bear in mind that there is enough food to go round but there are significant problems with transporting and distributing large quantities of food. Plenary: Students should have a look at the webpage which has some suggestions for how famine should be tackled. Students should investigate one of the articles (There are 6 in total) and should feed back the three main points from the article. Also- slide 36 16 Contrasting healthcare approaches in countries at different stages of developme nt Starter: show ppt slide ‘number of people per doctor’- brief discussion. Main activity: Slides 38-43 which show the different types of healthcare systems. Students should then look at the table on page 295 of the David Redfern AS textbook. They should rank the different healthcare systems from 1 (the one which they think is the best system) to 5 (the one which they think is the worst). They should be able to justify their decision and should compare their ideas with the rest of the class. Main activity: Students could watch part, or all, of the Michael Moore documentary ‘Sicko’ in which he launches an attack on the US health system. There is a section in the middle where he portrays the UK healthcare system as idyllic. Students could watch this section and then discuss whether they think this is a fair reflection. They could consider the experiences which they have had of healthcare throughout their lives. The film in total is 118 minutes but is excellent. It might be worth warning students that the first few minutes are not for the squeamish! Plenary: What do you think? Is the film a fair reflection of the US and UK H Nurton internet has taken place a) describe the causes of famine in that area. b) Outline the actions taken to prevent famine from arising there again. Slide 36 Ppt – number of people per doctor Slides 3843 DVD H/W lesson 19: Students should design their own health care system for a) a developed country and b) a less developed country. They should be able to explain the different features of their healthcare system e.g. Guildford County School – Geography Department healthcare systems? 17 Health matters in a globalising world economy: TNCs and pharmaceut ical research, production and distribution s, tobacco Transnatio nals. Starter: T/F TNCs and globalisation Main activity: Pfizer is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world, according to 2006 sales figures ($45,083 million). Visit to find out more about this organisation. You are going to carry out a de Bono six-hat analysis of the role of Pfizer in the production and distribution of drugs. Here are some ideas for questions to consider: White hat – what information can you easily find about Pfizer? What information is more difficult to find? Why is this? (You may find it helpful to liaise with others in your group and look at how they have been getting on with finding useful information). Blue hat – who is in charge of Pfizer? What are Pfizer’s values? Who promotes these values? What is the big picture? Yellow hat – what positive things do Pfizer do? Who has benefited from the work of Pfizer? Can you give specific examples? Black hat – what negative things do Pfizer do? Who has suffered because of the work of Pfizer? Can you give specific examples? Red hat – What are the views of different groups of people about the role of Pfizer in the pharmaceutical industry? How do these views change between location, gender etc? Green hat – What are the consequences of Pfizer’s actions for the world? What are the subsequent issues going to be? Decide who will use each ‘hat’. Give 20 mins for research into their area then H Nurton T/F TNCs and globalisatio n who will fund it? What are the advantages of the system? Are their health care systems similar to any of those featured? Read p296300 and make notes. Guildford County School – Geography Department feedback as whole class (taking notes) Plenary: Now take off your ‘hat’. What do you think about Pfizer’s operations? Starter: Show images – what do they have in common? (All products of GlaxoSmithKline) 18 Main activity: slides 44-49 Then read the 3 articles (2 on word doc, 1 at link below) Summarise the main points of the articles. Look at Qc p310 text book. In pairs / small group -what do you think? Discussion on whether the drug companies are right to behave in this way or not. Starter: Students should read page 300 and 301 of the David Redfern AS textbook. They should then compare the information here with that at the website 19 Main activity lesson 22: Students should watch the video ‘Bannatyne takes on the tobacco industry’ which has an associated worksheet and video notes of the same name. Tobacco global issues to play Bannatyne tobacco film from internet if no video player in room. Plenary: slides 50-53 as summary. 20 21 Regional variations in health and morbidity H Nurton Starter: check their date of death! Change the variables- what affects the date they are given? Then show slides 54-61 to introduce the issues. Main activity: read p301-303 in text book then give out task sheet (report: “Working in Product images Slides 4449 2 articles on word doc, 1 on internet Text book. Text book Answer Qc p310 (15 marks) H/W: read the article DVD/video Worksheets TradeRelated/C onsumption/To bacco.asp which covers a Slides 50variety of 53 different issues relating to the tobacco industry. They should produce an A4 factsheet incorporating the main points which the article makes. internet Complete Slides 54report 61 Text book 301-305 Guildford County School – Geography Department in the UK Factors affecting regional variations in health and morbidity – age structure, income and occupation type, education, environme nt and pollution. pairs or individually, produce a report describing regional variations in health and morbidity in the UK and attempting to explain patterns observed. When explaining patterns you should consider the impact of: Age structures Income and occupation types Education Environment and pollution”) Plenary: concept map how these factors are interrelated. 22 23 Age, gender, wealth and their influence on access to facilities for exercise, health care and good nutrition. A local case study on the implications of the above for the provision of health care systems. H Nurton Social factors are the key to ill health (article) How different factors impact upon health. Internet Question / task sheet Guildford County School – Geography Department 24 25 26 27 interactive health profiles 28 29 Surrey PCT 30 NB: Where pages only are given they refer to AS Geography – Barker, Redfern and Skinner ‘Slides’ refers to Health powerpoint from Curriculum Press (new AS materials) NT refers to the AQA AS Geography text book from Nelson Thornes Other weblinks: Lessons 4-8 Google Earth map to show HIV / Aids (interactive Africa map) BBC special report HIV / Aids challenge in the UK BBC special report: The Aids crisis Aids discrimination in Mexico H Nurton Guildford County School – Geography Department searchable by country – HIV / Aids orphans AIDs / HIV adult prevalence Zambia (Malaria and HIV mapped) Wycombe high school Lesson 1 How will you die? Lesson 2: H/W (Wycombe High School – cholera) Lesson 13: Hm: Lesson 14 Hm: ‘Fat map’ for UK Diabetes may cause first fall in life expectancy…. Other: Problems relating to health in Sub-Saharan Africa s&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=5&client=google-coop-np UN health info Wycombe High School – Aids, cholera, malaria Malaria The war on malaria Malaria teaching resources H Nurton Guildford County School – Geography Department Wycombe High school –malaria H Nurton