Better Living through Steroids 以下由徐志榮提供 1. implant n. [C] something set deeply (植入身體的)移植物 2. tenacious adj. .sticky, as glue 黏性的 Tar is very tenacious. 3. hairline n. lower edge of the hair on the forehead 髮型正面的輪廓線 4. appalling adj. inspiring honor or dismay; frightful 令人震驚的,駭人的 I’ve never seen such appalling behavior. 5. decry v.t. to blame publicly; cry down 公開譴責,貶抑 The minister decried gambling in all its forms. 6. nipped adj. to pinch. 挾,捏 John got his finger nipped with the pliers. 7. tucked adj. to press into a small, compact space 擠入,塞入 He made his book tucked in his bag. 8. prep n. preparatory school. 預備學校,補習學校 9. inborn adj. implanted by nature 天生的 He has an inborn talent for music. 10. ahem v.i. a clearing of the throat to attract attention 輕咳以引人注意之聲 Ahem, might I make a suggestion? 11. institutionalize v.t. establish 制度化 Legislators institutionalize laws. 12. dope v.t. to treat or affect with drugs 給予……使用興奮劑 Louise was doped before the race. 13. cite v.t. to quote 引證 A minister cites as his text a passage from the Bible. 14. middling adj. of moderate rank, size, or quality 中等的,普通的 He is the man with middling height. 15. biodynamics n. The science related to the function of creatures. 以下由胡傳甡提供 生物機能學 16. Steroid n. Any of numerous compounds containing a 17-carbon 4-ring system and including the sterols and various hormones (as anabolic steroids) and glycosides. 【醫】類固醇。由十七個碳原子所組成的四環的化合物之通稱,包含固醇 (sterols) 、各種荷爾蒙(同化性類固醇 anabolic steroids)及配醣體(glycosides)。 17. Snort n. [C] An act or sound of snorting.噴鼻息;鼻息聲;噴氣聲 He gave a snort of disgust. 他厭惡地哼了一聲。 18. Lineman 【橄】(鋒,衛等)前鋒 19. lard v.t. To ornament (speech or writing) with noticeable phrases, esp. of some particular kind. 夾雜;點綴(語辭或文章)。 He larded his speech with jokes. 他以笑話點綴他的演講。 20. hobble v.t. To make lame. 使跛。 21. numb v.t. To deprive of sensation; benumb, as by cold. (常用被動)使失感覺;麻 木(如受寒)。 fingers numbed with cold手指被凍僵了。 22. jockey n .One hired to ride a horse in a race; a groom. 騎師;馬夫。 23. taint v.t. To defile; render morally corrupt. 使墮落;使失德敗行。 24. starlet n. A young movie actress who is being coached and publicized for starring roles. 小女明星;剛出道且前途可觀之準女明星。 25. denounce v.t. To condemn. 抨擊;譴責。 The council denounced the new law. 評議會抨擊新法律。 26. slugger n.【口】打擊力強的選手 27.asterisk n. 星號;星狀物 28.conquest n. 征服;克服;佔領[U] The basic aim of this institution is the conquest of disease.本協會的基本宗旨是征服 疾病。 29.authenticity n. 可信賴性;確實(性) 30.hypocritical a. 偽善的,虛偽的 Rosa thought the man was ignorant, rude, and hypocritical. 羅莎認為這個男人無知,粗魯而且虛偽。 31.libido n. 性慾;【心】里比多 The Secret Lives of Just About Everybody 以下由李世軒提供 Dictionary References: [CAD] => Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary [CCD] => Collins Cobuild English-Chinese Dictionary 32. equip (vt.) to give someone the skills they need to do a particular thing [CAD] EX: The course aims to equip people with the skills necessary for a job in this technological age. 33. sustain (vt.) to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time [CAD] EX: He seems to find it difficult to sustain relationships with women. 34. subterfuge (n.) a subterfuge is a trick or a deceitful way of getting what you want. [CCD] EX: Resistance will be possible only through cheating, subterfuge and sabotage. 35. assert (vt.) FORMAL to say that something is certainly true [CAD] EX: He asserts that she stole money from him. 36. covert (a.) FORMAL when something is covert, it is secret or hidden, and not done or shown openly [CCD] EX: He searched through his mind for some clue she had given him, some covert signal. 37. exaggerate (vi. vt.) to make something seem larger, more important, better or worse than it really is: [CAD] EX: The threat of attack has been greatly exaggerated. 38. heterosexual (a.) Someone who is heterosexual is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex. [CCD] EX: I am a white, Anglo-Saxon, heterosexual, happily married female. heterodox (a.) FORMAL Beliefs, opinions, and ideas that are heterodox are different from the accepted or official ones [CCD] 39. excursion (n.) a short journey usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people [CAD] EX: Next week we're going on an excursion .40. adolescence (n.) is a period of your life in which you develop from being a child into being adult. [CCD] EX: His adolescence was not a happy time for him. 41. urge (n.) a strong desire, especially one which is difficult or impossible to control [CAD] EX: The urge to steal is very strong in many of the young men we look after here. 42. persona (n.) the particular type of character that a person seems to have, which is often different from their real or private character [CAD] plural personae or personas EX: He had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona. 43. mischief (n.) [U] behaviour, especially a child's, which is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage [CAD] EX: I hope you haven't been up to any mischief while I was away. 44. earnest (a.) serious or determined, especially too serious and unable to find your own actions amusing [CAD] EX: He was a very earnest young man. 45. alias (n.) a false name, especially one used by a criminal [CAD] EX: He travels under (= using) an alias. 46. inflammatory (a.) an inflammatory action is likely to make people very angry or agitate. [CCD] EX: …the wave of inflammatory speeches attacking him. Flame (vi.) to suddenly start burning brightly, or more brightly than before. 47. defiance (n.) when you refuse to obey someone or something [CAD] EX: The demonstration is a pointless act/gesture of defiance against the government. defy (vt.) to refuse to obey, or to act or be against, a person, decision, law, situation, etc 48. agonize (vi.) to spend a lot of time worrying about a decision [Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary] EX: Lee agonized over what to buy his girlfriend. 49. sneak (vi. vt.) to go somewhere secretly, or to take someone or something somewhere secretly [CAD] EX: I managed to sneak in through the back door while she wasn't looking. 50.prostitute (n.) [CAD] a person who has sex with someone for money 51. pimp (n.) a man who controls prostitutes, especially by finding customers for them, and takes some of the money that they earn 52. split (n.) the action of sitting on the floor with your legs straight out and flat along the floor in opposite directions also: the split [CAD] EX: Carly did a split. 53. demean (vt.) to cause someone to become less respected [CAD] EX: The entire family was demeaned by his behavior.