Homer: “The
greatest poet that
ever lived.”
Answer all questions on all outlines on notebook paper. Keep these sets of questions and
their answers securely in your notebook so that you can use them in class discussions.
Athena Inspires the Prince
The beginning of any book introduces an alert reader to important people and places. The alert
reader will want to identify all of the people and places in order to understand what the book
says. The Odyssey uses this technique, also, In Book I Homer presents a long list of names,
hoping that the alert reader will ask, "Who are these people?" and expecting the alert reader to
find the answer to this important question. Here is your opportunity to fulfill Homer's hopes and
dreams. Learn this list.
Throughout these outlines, you will find
names printed in bold letters. Add these
names to your ID list. Be sure to know the
identity of all names printed in BOLD.
Write your
identifications on
notebook paper.
A very valuable reading skill is predicting what might happen in the next part of the book. This
is important because your predictions will help you stay focused as you read. You will want to
find out whether or not your predictions are accurate. You will also want to find out how the
author continues with the story and how the author introduces new twists, turns, and characters.
Write three predictions.
Telemachos Sets Sail
1. A council of the people (all men) meets with Telemachos.
a. What does Aigyptios say? (Page 94)
b. How does Telemachos respond? (page 94)
c. What does Antinoos say? (page 96)
d. How does Telemachos respond? (page 97)
2. Zeus's eagles appear. (page 98) How do people interpret them? (page 98)
3. More people speak to Telemachos.
a. What does Halitherses Mastorides say? (page 98)
b. What does Eurymachos say? (page 99)
c. How does Telemachos respond? (page 100)
d. What does Mentor say (page 100)
e. What does Leocritos say? page 101)
4. Telemachos prays to Athena. What does he ask for? (page 101)
How does Athena respond? (page 102)
5. Antinoos and Telemachos speak to each other. What do they say? (page 102-103)
What do the bullies say to Telemachos? (page 103)
6. Telemachos prepares for his voyage. (page 104) Where is he going? With whom will
he visit?
a. What does Eurycleia, the nurse, ask Telemachos? (page 104)
b. How does Telemachos respond? (page 105)
7. Athena prepares the ship for Telemachos. What disguise does she use? (page 105)
8. What is Telemachos doing at the end of this book? (page 106)
King Nestor Remembers
1. Telemachos arrives at Pylos. Why is he here?
a. How does Telemachos feel as he arrives on Pylos? What does he feel this way?
(page 108)
b. What does Athena say to comfort him? (page 108)
c. What are the Pylians (the people of Pylos) doing when Telemachos arrives?
(pages 107, 108)
2. As planned, Telemachos asks Nestor about Odysseus. What information does Nestor
give to Telemachos? (pages 110-113)
Here are some names for you to learn and know as Nestor talks about them:
King Priam
Atreus (House [family] of Atreus
3. How does Telemachos respond to Nestor's story? ((page 113-114)
4. Telemachos asks Nestor about Agamemnon's horrible arrival at home. Summarize
Nestor's story. (page 115-116)
Here are two more names for your ID list:
5. Where does Telemachos plan to go after he leaves Nestor at Pylos? (page 117)
6. What advice does Athena give to Nestor? (page118-119 )
7. What parting gift does Nestor give to Telemachos? (page 120-121)
8. This chapter gives us some important information about what the ancient Greeks thought
was important about hospitality. Briefly summarize what they thought was important.
The King and Queen of Sparta
1. What is happening at the palace of King Menelaos as this book begins? (page 124)
2. Why dies King Menelaos get angry when he receives the message that two young men
are approaching the palace? What does this little temper tantrum say about Greek
hospitality? (125
3. Without being asked, King Menelaos talks about Odysseus? What does he say?
(page 127)
4. When Helen speaks, Telemachos learns more about his father? What does he learn?
(page 128-130)
5. Menelaos tells the story of the famous Trojan horse, which really should be called the
Greek horse because of who was inside of it. Briefly summarize this world-famous story.
(page 133)
6. Notice that Menelaos waits until the next day to ask about Telemachos's reasons for
visiting him. This is a very traditional characteristic of hospitality: wait until the guests
are comfortable and rested before beginning business with them. What does Telemachos
say to Menelaos to explain why he is there? (page 134)
7. Menelaos uses an analogy to predict Odysseus's behavior when he finds the suitors in
his house. Summarize the analogy. (page 135)
8. Meanwhile, back in Ithaca, the suitors learn of Telemachos's voyage. How do they react
to the news? What do they plan to do? (pages 144-145)
9. When Penelope learns of Telemachos's voyage, she also has a extreme reaction. How
does she respond to the news? What are her reasons for this behavior? (pages 146-7)
10. Who calms Penelope and how does she do it? (pages 148-151)
Odysseus – Nymph and Shipwreck
1. What plans does Zeus have for Odysseus as he struggles to get home?
(page 153)
2. What impression does Calypso's island create in your imagination? (page 154) Would you
like to visit there? Why?
3. After Hermes delivers the message to Calypso, she shudders and replies. What is her
message? (page 156)
4. What is Odysseus doing when we meet him for the first time in The Odyssey? (page 157)
5. What does Calypso promise to Odysseus if he will stay with her? (page 159)
6. What is Odysseus's answer to Calypso's suggestion that he stay? (page 159)
What impression does Odysseus's answer create in your mind?
7. Who saves Odysseus after his raft is destroyed? How? (page 162)
8. What does Poseidon, the Earthshaker, do to prolong Odysseus's agony? (pages 163-164)
9. How does Athena also help Odysseus survive?
10. As Odysseus crawls upon the shore, what does he look like? What has he suffered? (166167)
The Princess and the Stranger
1. Alcinoos is the name of the king of Scheria. Nausicaa is his daughter. What does Athena
tell Nausicaa? Why does she say this? What disguise does she use? (page 169 )
2. What does Nausicaa do as a result of her beguiling dream?
3. What did Nausicaa and her maids do by the riverside? (pages 171-172)
4. What Homeric simile does Homer use to describe Odysseus as he investigates the noise that
awakened him? (Quote the exact words.) (page 172)
5. Why did Nausicaa's maids run away when they saw Odysseus? (page 172)
6. What requests does Odysseus make of Nausicaa after he explains why he is on the island of
Scheria? Describe how Odysseus trying to manipulate Nausicaa. How do you feel about his
approach? (page 174)
7. What does Homer call the people who live on the island of Scheria.
8. How does Athena help Odysseus when he is talking with Nausicaa? (page 175)
9. What steps does Nausicaa ask Odysseus to follow as they approach the city? What do you
think of this advice (pages 176-178)
Phaeacia’s Halls and Gardens
1. How does Athena help Odysseus travel through the city and find the mansion of King
Alcinoos? (page 180)
2. What special gift did Poseidon give to the Phaiacians? (page 180)
3. Why is Queen Arete so special? (page 181)
4. What special place does King Alcinoos give Odysseus after the guests left the banquet? Why
does he do this? (page 184)
5. What attracts Queen Arete's attention to Odysseus at the banquet table? (page 187)
6. Why does Odysseus say: "Suspicious we are, we men who walk the earth."? What does this
show about Odysseus? (page 189)
7. What promises does King Alcinoos make to Odysseus? (page 189)
8. How does Odysseus respond to these promises? (page 189)
A Day for Songs and Contests
1. A large crowd gathers to hear Odysseus tell about himself. How do these people
learn about Odysseus's presence in their city? (page 191)
2. Demodocos, the minstrel in King Alcinoos's palace, sings "the famous deeds of fighting
heroes..." Odysseus has a sharp reaction to these stories. What is his reaction and why does he
have it? (page 194)
3. Who notices Odysseus's reaction and what does he do about it? (page 194)
4. What do you think about the names of the "young champions?" (page 195)
5. What does Broadsea say that upsets Odysseus? Why is it so shocking? What do you think of
Odysseus’ reply?
6. Do you think that Odysseus is too proud and boastful after he throws the discus? Why do
you think so? (page 198)
7. How does Alcinoos clam down the situation?
8. After finishing dinner and getting ready for his travels home, Odysseus has some words of
advice for Demodocos. What does he suggest? (page 207)
9. We find a famous Homeric simile on page 208. Interpret it. [Write the idea expressed in the
simile in your own words.]
10. How does King Alcinoos respond to Odysseus's behavior after Demodocos sang the new
song? This is the second time Alcinoos does this. What does this say about the king? (page
In the One-Eyed Giant’s Cave
1. If telling his story will make Odysseus "weep and grieve, it seems, still more," then why does
he tell his story? (You should find two answers to this question: one is in the book, and the
other is the book. Write both answers. (page 211)
2. NOTE: Ilion is another name for Troy. We get the title The Iliad from the name Ilion. The
Ciconians live on the island of Ismaros. This first adventure is a short, but brutal one. Why do
the Ciconians fight against Odysseus and his men? What price does Odysseus pay for his
battle against the Ciconians ? (pages 212-213)
3. For ___ days Odysseys and his surviving crew are caught in giant storms at sea until they
arrive at the land of the lotus-eaters. Why does his crew want to stay on that island and not
return to the ship and sail home? What does Odysseus have to do to get his crew to obey him?
What does this scene make you think about? (pages 214-215)
4. The Cyclopians are known for their violence and uncivilized life style. Odysseus calls them
“lawless brutes” because they…… (look for at least five reasons) (page 215-216)
5. Odysseus's curiosity leads him to his next adventure. What does he get himself into? (217222)
6. How did the Cyclops (his name is Polyphemous) capture Odysseus and his crew? (pages
7. What plan does Odysseus develop to escape? Does it work? (pages 223-226)
8. How does Odysseus's hubris interfere with his safety? (pages 227)
The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea
1. What God/King decided to help Odysseus return home? How does he help Odysseus?
2. How does Odysseus’ crew betray him? Why do you think the crew behaves as it does when
the men vote to look into the bag? (231-232)
3. The island of the Lastrygonians is an unusual place. What is one unusual feature of
the Lastrygonians, one that you will always remember about them? (page 233)
4. Circe lives on the island of Aiaia. She is another unusual person. How does she treat her
5. How does Odysseus get the stag's carcass to the ship? What does this process tell you about
the man? (page 235)
6. Who is Eurylochos? Including him and Odysseus, how many men were with Odysseus at
this time? (1 + 1 + __ + __ = __) (pages 236-237)
7. Who helps Odysseus and how does he do it? (page 239-240)
8. What do you think of Odysseus's behavior when Eurylochos begs the crew not to return to
Circe's house? (page 243-244)
9. Where does Circe send Odysseus to get directions to his home? (page 246)
10. What happens fo Elpinor? What does this accident have to do with the story? (Think about
Circe's directions). (page 247)
The Kingdom of the Dead
1. The legendary Land of the Dead could be a deep cave on the west coast of modern Italy near
Naples. Today one can sail into many of the caves that time and sea have carved out of the
rocky coast. When Odysseus lands in this dark area, he believed he was at the edge of the earth.
His first job is to honor the dead bodies he finds. Whose phantom (ghost or spirit) is the first that
he honors with a decent burial? What had happened to him? (page 251) CLUE: See Book X
3. Odysseus pauses in his story at the top of page 260, and Queen Arete asks the men of the
court to do something for Odysseus. What does she ask?
4. How do they respond? (page 260)
5. Summarize briefly what King Alcinoos and Odysseus say to each other. (page 260)
6. Make your own chart of the characters Odysseus encounters in Hades and the stories we
The Cattle of the Sun
1. Circe is very kind to Odysseus and his crew when they return from Hades. She gives
Odysseus some very valuable advice. Summarize her advice. (page 272-275)
a. The Sirens
b. Scylla and Charybdis
c. Helios
2. What does Odysseus do as his ships approach the Sirens? What does this behavior tell us
about Odysseus? (pages 276-277) [REMINDER: Put this adventure in your chart.]
3. How does Odysseus decide to handle the dangers of Scylla and Charybdis? What does his
decision show about him as a leader?
4. In what way does Eurylochos defy Odysseus? (pages 280-282)
5. What happens after Eurylochos led the men onto Helios's island? Do you think that Zeus is
fair? (page 282-283)
6. How does Odysseus escape the treachery of Scylla and Charybdis? (page 400-401)
7. Notice that this book ends as Odysseus lands on the island of Ogygia, home of Calypso.
We already know what happens here. From Ogygia, Odysseus sails to Scheria, home of the
Phaeacians, where he tells the stories that we just read. So, Odysseus completes the story of his
ten-year attempt to get home. Also notice that this is the end of Book XII. The Odyssey has 24
books altogether. What predictions do you have for the rest of the story?