Poetry as Social Commentary

Poetry as Social Commentary
English 10
Mrs. Oelerich
Final Assessment: Open Response
As our writing assignment this term we will be departing from the conventional fiveparagraph essay format. I will pause here for your applause…...you’re welcome. So,
instead of writing yet another five-paragraph essay, a form you have all been working on
diligently for years and have nearly perfected, we are going to work on crafting
individual paragraphs using the mini-essay format. This should also give you some
much-needed practice for the open response questions you will be writing on the
upcoming MCAS exam.
The Assignment
This assignment entails writing a 10-12-sentence mini-essay explication focusing on the
theme (specifically, a commentary about society) of a poem using known poetic devices.
This essay can be written about a poem from the packet or selections from your own
personal repertoire of known works**.
The mini-essay must include:
A thesis statement that clearly explains what the author is criticizing or
commenting upon and how that criticism is expressed
Utilization of 2-3 known poetic devices which express the commentary (these will
also be the 2-3 parts of your thesis statement that explain how the commentary is
A detailed explanation of how each poetic device elucidates or reveals the
theme/commentary (this is the analysis portion!)
Two clearly introduced, analyzed, and properly cited quotations from the poem
Application of proper MLA format (heading, page numbers, parenthetical
citations with authors last name and line numbers). It must also be double spaced
and in size 12 font, Arial or Times New Roman
Remember the Guidelines!
1. First Sentence: Restate question/prompt in first sentence including “T”AG (Note: for
poetry, titles are in “quotation marks”)
2. Thesis: Provide a mini-thesis statement for the paragraph listing 2-3 pieces of support
i.e. identify theme, analyze word-choice, symbolism, use of figurative language, etc.
3. Examples: Provide two clearly introduced, properly quoted/cited, and clearly
explained examples from the poem to prove your point.
4. Connect: Make sure your examples have answered the question at hand.
5. Conclude: Provide a 1-2 sentence concluding statement that summarizes the point of
what you have analyzed (connect your thesis back to the examples you have
All personal choices are pending teacher approval. Please run your selections by me
BEFORE writing your essay(s)!
Poetry as Social Commentary
English 10
Mrs. Oelerich
Final Assessment Rubric
_____/5 Opening statement/”T.”A.G. included in the first sentence
_____/10 A clear, 2-3 part thesis as the second sentence
___ /15 Thesis presents an original social commentary and offers 2-3 poetic devices as
___ /10 Paragraph includes a clincher that connects the examples to both the devices
and the social commentary
Two quotations are included: both are properly introduced with context
Both quotations flow smoothly with the paragraph
Both quotations are relevant to thesis (poetic devices AND commentary)
Poetic terms are used properly: paragraph adequately displays the writer’s
knowledge of poetic conventions
Both quotations are thoroughly explained/connected to thesis
_____/5 Proper MLA format employed
_____/5 Grammatical errors do not interfere with an understanding of the essay/there are
a limited number of spelling errors/swears
Final Grade: _______________