1240 Dittmer 1 Salem Witch Trials Reaction Paper Guidelines and

Dittmer 1
Salem Witch Trials Reaction Paper
Guidelines and Rubric
To write a well-organized reaction paper based on your reaction to the tragic Salem Witch Trials after
reading assigned articles and participating in class discussions. Your response must also include
connections made to events, patterns, or themes in Snow Falling on Cedars or The Crucible.
You will create an outline of three body paragraphs for your paper. Follow the example to include
the following:
Thesis Question: “What is your reaction to the Salem Witch Trials?
Thesis Statement
First body paragraph’s Topic Question
(with Topic Sentence below)
Concrete, factual detail for first supporting chunk
1. First commentary idea
2. At least one additional commentary idea
Concrete, factual detail for second supporting chunk
1. First commentary idea
2. At least one additional commentary idea
Concrete, factual detail for second supporting chunk
1. First commentary idea
2. At least one additional commentary idea
& IV. Two more body paragraphs following the format above
You will write an introductory paragraph (AT LEAST seven sentences) leading from general
information to a very specific and focused thesis statement stating clearly your reaction to the
You will draft your three outlined body paragraphs. This body paragraph will include a clearlystated topic sentence reflecting upon one part of your thesis, as well as commentary and
concrete detail sentences to support topic sentence. Your ability to write controlled transitions
will be evaluated along with your style and quality of content.
You will write a concluding paragraph (AT LEAST five sentences) beginning with a reminder of
the thesis statement and ending with general information.
Dittmer 2
Reaction Paper Rubric
Possible Points
Points Earned
Outline – Typed neatly and includes specific evidence
from all three secondary sources provided. Commentary
included for each piece of evidence.
Thesis Statement - clearly stated and thoroughly
developed; located at the end of the introduction.
Introduction - logical progression from general
to specific information.
Transitions - effective use of transitions between
and among both sentences and paragraphs
Topic Sentences - located at the beginning of the
body paragraphs and are more specific than the
thesis statement
Content – Accurate, thoughtful, and relevant use of evidence.
Original content throughout (not repeating ideas).
Style/Conventions – Grammatically correct sentences,
very few or minor usage errors, formal word choice
MLA Format - proper in-text citation, heading,
and page numbering format
Thesis Reminder - effective thesis reminder at
the beginning of the conclusion
Conclusion - logical progression from thesis
reminder (specific) to general information
regarding topic.
Dittmer 3
MLA Formatting:
In-text Citations:
Enclose support information that is borrowed exactly from the articles inside quotation marks. In
parentheses, list the author’s last name OR, if no author is available, the first important word in the
title of the article FOLLOWED BY the page number. End with a period.
*If using exact words, you introduce the quotation. A quoted sentence cannot stand alone in a
Example: Trial records claim, “exact words borrowed” (Hart 68).
Example: One story exemplifies the cruelty: “Exact words borrowed” (Author 15).
*Notice that a period is only used after the parentheses.
1” margins on all sides
½” header for page numbering
Use this heading on the first page of your outline AND on the first page of your paper in the upper
left-hand corner.
Your Name
Mr. Dittmer
English 1230, Period __
Day Month Year (8 September 2009) – This is the date that the paper is DUE
Page Numbering
In the upper right-hand corner of each page, you should include your last name and the page number.
Accomplish this by double-clicking the header to edit it and inserting a right-justified page number
using the “Insert” menu in Word. After inserting the page number, type your last name.
*Note: Page numbers are only required for the essay portion of the assignment.
For Final Draft
 Typed in 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced
 Proper mechanics (spelling, capitalization, punctuation)
 Appropriate format for headings and page numbering
 All rough drafts and editing sheets must be attached
 Order for assembling and stapling papers:
o Grading Sheet
o Final Outline
o Final Draft
o All Rough Sheets
o All Guided Revision and Editing Sheets
Dittmer 4
Sample Outline
Thesis Question: What is your reaction to the Salem witch trials?
Thesis: The Salem witch trials of 1692 demonstrated how a lack of scientific knowledge can combine
with strong beliefs in the overlapping realms superstition and religion to make even the most far-fetched
claims seem believable and dangerous.
Topic Sentence Question 1: What knowledge did the Puritans of Salem lack to better diagnose the
original symptoms that they saw as signs of witchcraft?
Topic Sentence 1: The Puritans had no psychological or medical theories to explain the symptoms they
saw in the afflicted girls.
1. Fact cited from Crucible or Snow Falling (Last Name page #) ex: (Guterson 200)
(You may choose to close a paragraph with this content insteadt)
a. Explanation of why the fact demonstrates a similar pattern.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant.
2. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Watson 130).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant
3. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Shapiro 67).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant
Topic Sentence Question 2: How did superstitions about witchcraft and the occult influence the people
of Salem?
Topic Sentence 2: A long tradition of superstitions about witches led the people of Salem to suspect
witchcraft and believe they could accurately recognize it.
1. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Hart 99).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant.
2. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Hart 99).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant.
3. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Shapiro 67).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant
Topic Sentence Question 3: How did religion influence the Salem witch trials?
Topic Sentence 3: The influence of church leaders gave a respectability to the proceedings in Salem, and
the strong religious beliefs of Salem’s residents made witches and their work a frightening spiritual
1. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Hart 99).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant.
2. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Hart 99).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant.
3. Fact cited from an article (Last Name page #) ex: (Shapiro 67).
a. Explanation of why the fact supports your topic sentence.
b. Elaboration on your first explanation or an additional reason why the fact is significant.