Floral Park Memorial High School

Floral Park Memorial High School
Mrs. Naus
Forensic Science
Exam # 1: Use a # 2 pencil and place all answers on your scantron sheet
1- After receiving a diamond engagement ring, Fiona decided to place the ring in a
bucket of water to test its buoyancy. This technique was first used by:
1- Sun Tsu
3- Erasistratus
4- Sherlock Holmes
2- The application of science law describes:
1- Pathology
3- Forensic Science
2- The scientific Method
4- Criminal Justice System
3- The exchange of materials between two objects that occurs whenever two objects
come into contact with one another is known as the:
1- contamination scenario
3- cross-reference hypothesis
2- principle of trading
4- exchange principle
4- On a forensics team, the job of the ______________ is to gather information in order
to create a possible profile of the suspect.
1- Serologist 2- Pathologist
3- Psychologist
4- Pharmacologist
5- These professionals are trained specifically to collect evidence from a crime
1- Crime Scene Technician
3- Identification Technician
2- Criminalist
4- Forensic Scientist
6- The investigation of sudden, unnatural, unexplained or violent deaths is known
1- forensic psychology
2- forensic neurology
3- forensic psychiatry
4- forensic pathology
7- Which of the following examples would be considered a primary transfer of
1- Mr. Sino’s sweatshirt fiber was found on Mrs. Sebber’s sweat pants after
she sat in his chair
2- Mrs. Naus’ hair strand was found on Mr. Sino’s shoulder after she placed
her head on his shoulder
3- After Mrs. Sebber used Mrs. Speed’s brush, one of her hair follicles were
found on Mrs. Sebbers headband
4- None of the choices above represent primary transfers
8- In a crime lab it is the _____________ who decides if there is a need for an autopsy
1- the head crime scene investigator
2- the family physician
3- the nearest doctor
4- the medical examiner
9- The job of the _______________ is to study bodily fluids in the attempt to extract DNA
from it.
1- Toxicologist
2- Serologist
3- Odontologist
4- Medical Examiner
10-All of the following are types of physical evidence extracted from a crime scene
1- impressions
2- Gun powder residue
3- motive 4- signed check
11- Fingerprints should be gathered from a crime scene before any other evidence is
1- True
2- False
12-The largest forensics lab can be found in:
1- Los Angeles
2- Federal Bureau of Investigations
4- Central Intelligence agency
13- A facial profile of a partially decomposed face can be generated through the
process of:
1- digital imaging
2- spectrometer
3- voiceprint 4- UV radiation
14- All of the following are measured by a polygraph test EXCEPT:
1- Respiration rate
2- Pulse rate
3- Blinking Response
4- Galvanic Skin Response
15-Algor Mortis can be defined as:
1- The stiffening of the muscles and joints
2- Bluish-purple coloring of the skin closest to the floor
3- Slow drop of body temperature
4- Loosening of the muscles causing defacation
16- Mathieu Orfila is best know for his work with:
1- categorization of human blood types
2- development of the mug shot
3- anthropometry
4- toxicology
17- The method of personal identification by a series of body measurements is
defined as:
1- anthropometry 2- toxicology 3- anthropology
4- pathology
18- The first study proving the detailed uniqueness of fingerprints was conducted
1- Sun Tsu
2- Sherlock Holmes 3- Richard Saferstein 4- Francis Galton
19- The term forensic science can be used synonymously with:
1- criminalistics
3- profiling 4- technology
20- “Every contact leaves a trace” is a statement attributable to:
1-Francis Galton
2-Edmond Locard
3- Archimedes
4- Alphonse Bertillion
21- The job of the Pathologist is to______________:
1- Study the infection of disease in body tissue
2- Study of bodily fluids to identify elements in the blood and body
3- Study the interaction of chemical substances absorbed by body tissue
4- Study of poisons and how they act on the living body and how they are
detected postmordem
22- The process of narrowing down evidence to point to a single person while
excluding all other suspects is know as:
1- personalizing the case
2- funneling
3- individualization
4- forcing a confession
23- Francis Galton’s development replaced the prior techniques developed by:
1- Alphonse Bertillon
2- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
3- Leone Lattes
4- Mathieu Orfila
24- Forensic Scientists should be advocated for the:
1- prosecution
2- defendant 3- judge
4- truth
25- The ________________ would most likely test stomach content for alcohol, cyanide,
oxycodone etc.
1- psychiatrist
2- serologist 3- odontologist
4- toxicologist
26- Why does a crime lab need and use a pharmacologist?
1- to create a profile including the suspects race, religion, ethnic background
and motivation
2- perform an autopsy and analyze the tissue for poisons
3- separate the blood into each component and extract DNA from the proper
4- determine how chemicals are absorbed, how and where they affect the
body and how they are metabolized and excreted
27- The force at which a truck hits a highway divider would be processed by which
unit of the crime lab:
1- physical science 2- forensic science 3- biology
4- toxicology
28- The examination of hair follicles would be processed by which unit of the crime
1- physical science 2- forensic science 3- biology
4- toxicology
29- The first lie detector test was developed by______________ and it measured
1-Archimedes; pupil dilation
2- Erasistratus; pulse rate
3- Sun-Tsu; breathing rate
4- Ancient Babylonians; sweat secretions
30- A forged check would be the responsibility of which forensics unit:
1- polygraph 2- fingerprint 3- firearms 4- questioned documents
31- A drinking glass collected from a crime scene would be sent to which unit in the
crime lab?
1- polygraph 2- fingerprint 3- firearms 4- questioned documents
32- Analyzing the striations of a discharged bullet to its case was first demonstrated
in the courtroom by:
1- Leone Lattes
2- Albert Osborn
3- Walter McCrone
4- Calvin Goddard
33- The instrument that transforms speech into a visual graphic display is called:
1- sound spectrograph
2- voice synthesizer
3- graphing cell phone
4- seismograph
34- “Anthrax letters” are examined by:
1- latent fingerprint unit
3- questioned document unit
2- biology unit
4- all of the above
35- A person who can demonstrate a particular skill or has knowledge in a trade or
profession that will assist the court in determining the truth of the matter at issue is:
1- an expert 2- a witness 3- a juror
4- a judge
36- A standard guideline for determining the judicial admissibility of scientific
examinations based on the questioning procedure, technique and relevance to the
scientific community is the:
1- exchange principle
2- Miranda rights provision
3- Frye standard
4- Onion ring Stand
37- The primary roll of the medical examiner is to determine:
1- who committed the murder
2- the cause of death
3- the time of death
4- the identity of the deceased
38- Who is known as the father of forensic toxicology?
1-Leone Lattes
2-Alphonse Bertillon 3-Mathieu Orfila 4-Albert Osborn
39-The relative age of a decomposed body can be determined by the _______________
who observes the stage of insect growth?
1- Forensic anthropology
2- Forensic odontology
3- Forensic entomology
4- Forensic pathology
40- The _____________ is responsible for identifying specific bite marks or identifying a
skeleton based on the dental records?
1- Forensic anthropology
2- Forensic odontology
3- Forensic entomology
4- Forensic pathology
41- Dr. Karl Landsteiner is relevant to forensic science for his discovery of:
1- fingerprints
2- four blood types
3- DNA
4- connect a suspect to dried blood at a crime scene
42- In the case of ________________________, the Supreme Court ruled that in assessing
the admissibility of new and unique scientific tests the trial judge did not have to
rely soley on the concept of “general acceptance.”
1- Frye vs United States
3- Coppolino v State
2- Daubert vs Merrell Dow Pharmaceutical Inc
4- Kumho Tire Co.,Ltd vs Carmichael
43- How would a forensics team determine the approximate time of death of a
1- use a thermometer in and internal body cavity
2- measure the external body temperature and calculate each degree lower
than normal body temperature represent an hour
3- check the temperature of the liver
4- all of the above
44- The testimony of an expert witness incorporates his or her personal opinion
relating to a matter he or she has examined.
1- True
2- False