Name______________ Handout: Social Psychology Essay Date___________ Social Psychology The concepts of social psychology affect our relationships with others every. Your task is to write a paper explaining how these concepts affect your relations with either: family or friends. You must explain ONE behavior you have with your family or friends. For example, why you chose to go along with the senior prank to wear t-shirts that broke school policy. You can explain this ONE behavior with ONE OR MORE social psychology concepts. Here are some concepts we discussed in class Fundamental Attribution Effects of Attitude on Action (Theory Foot-in-the-door Phenomenon, Cognitive Dissonance, Role-Playing) Conformism Obedience Authority Social Facilitation Social Loafing Deindividuation Group Polarization Group Think Agentic State Theory Your essay must be typed and no longer than 3 pages. RUBRIC 0-6.5 6.5-7.75 Quality of Writing Writing quality has many spelling errors and poor sentence structure. Paragraphs do not meet conventional writing structure. Writing quality has some spelling errors and some mistakes in sentence structure. Paragraphs writing structure is unorganized. Connection Made Between Social Psychology Concepts & Personal Life It is not clear that the student understands the concepts of social psychology and they connect it to their personal experience It is somewhat clear that the student understands the concepts of social psychology and they connect it to their personal experience 8-8.75 Paper typed. Write quality has very little spelling errors and sentence structure and some paragraphs have a main idea and supporting evidence It is clear that the student understands the concepts of social psychology and they connect it to their personal experience 9-10 Paper typed. Obvious effort was put into correct spelling and sentence structure. Each paragraph has one main idea and supporting evidence It is very clear that the student understands the concepts of social psychology and they connect it to their personal experience