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Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
What is a Critical Lens?
English 8
A critical lens is a short quotation which we use as a
tool to analyze a work of literature. It draws focus to certain aspects of the text. The critical
lens essay is an exercise in literary analysis, helping us examine literature from different angles
and perspectives.
Think of it as similar to looking through the “lens” of a pair of glasses in order
to understand a literary work from a new perspective. And, just like how you
can look through many different types of “lenses” in life, you can also “see” a
piece of literature in many different ways.
For example, you can look at a novel like The Outsiders through lenses such as discrimination,
bravery, wealth, social class, loyalty, sacrifice…you can see where I’m going with this. As long as
you can find support in the text, the possibilities are almost endless.
What is your Task?
1. Choose one of the quotations.
2. Paraphrase the quotation and discuss how it relates to Animal Farm.
3. Make insightful connections between the quotation and Animal Farm.
Write a 4-5 paragraph Essay
o Introduction
o Body Paragraph 1: Thoughtful Analysis of
o Body Paragraph 2: Connect Quote to Animal
Farm—TREEEC Format
o Support with at least two examples. You will
need to set up a double-treeec format. Also, be
concise with your words and deliberate with
your transitions.
o Conclusion
o Be sure to organize your ideas in a coherent
manner—make sure you use transitional
words and phrases between ideas.
o Vary sentences and use mature punctuation
(semicolon, colon, dash, etc…).
o Avoid contractions. Write in 3rd person.
Critical Lens Choices
1. “Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.”
~Eric Hoffer
2. “A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of
Paul.” ~George Bernard Shaw
3. "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." ~Tacitus
4. “The most dangerous untruths are truths slightly distorted.” ~George C. Lichenberg
5. “All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be
keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events
in the political field.” ~Albert Einstein
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Critical Lens 1: "Life
is like a dogsled team. If you ain't the lead dog, the
scenery never changes." Lewis Grizzard
1. Highlight the significant words.
2. Unpack the key ideas and use them to paraphrase the lens’ meaning
3. Write a three-to-five-sentence analysis of this quotation. (Do not connect it to
Animal Farm)____________________________________________________________
4. How do Grizzard’s words connect to Animal Farm? Start with a general connection
(a big theme like jealousy, greed, etc.) and then list two-three specific examples
from the book. Also, jot down ONE quote from Animal Farm to connect to
Grizzard’s words.______________________________________________________
5. Decide if you disagree or agree with the critical lens.
6. Write a thesis statement which defines your position—do you agree with the lens as
it relates to the novel? ____________________________________________________
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Independent PRACTICE:
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do
something you want done because he wants to do it.” Dwight D.
Critical Lens 2:
1. Highlight the significant words.
2. Unpack the key ideas and use them to paraphrase the lens’ meaning
3. Write a three-to-five-sentence analysis of this quotation. (Do not connect it to
Animal Farm)____________________________________________________________
4. How do Eisenhower’s words connect to Animal Farm? Start with a general
connection (a big theme like jealousy, greed, etc.) and then list two-three specific
examples from the book. Also, jot down ONE quote from Animal Farm.
5. Decide if you disagree or agree with the critical lens.
6. Write a thesis statement which defines your position—do you agree with the lens as
it relates to the novel? ____________________________________________________
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Essay Preparatory Work:
Critical Lens:
1. Highlight the significant words.
2. Unpack the key ideas and use them to paraphrase the lens’ meaning
3. Write a three-to-five-sentence analysis of this quotation. (Do not connect it to
Animal Farm)____________________________________________________________
4. How do the words connect to Animal Farm? Start with a general connection (a big
theme like jealousy, greed, etc.) and then list two-three specific examples from the
book. Also, jot down ONE quote from Animal Farm.___________________________
5. Decide if you disagree or agree with the critical lens.
6. Write a thesis statement which defines your position—do you agree with the lens as
it relates to the novel? ____________________________________________________
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Sample Animal Farm essay SHELL using the quote:
"Life is like a dogsled team. If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes." Lewis Grizzard
I. Introduction:
Attention grabber; this
focuses generally on
the ideas of the essay
question without
specific details about
the novel.
Fear. One word which can rule and ruin a person’s life. Fear of change, specifically, is often the only reason
many people remain in situations that are unsatisfactory or disappointing. Lewis Grizzard, an American writer, once
said that “life is like a dogsled team. If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.” Just like the head dog is the
only one that truly has control over where the team goes, the dogs that follow must stick together or risk their pack
falling apart. Many people are comfortable following a leader because they fear what would happen if they struck out
Segue to novel;
brief synopsis
that connects to
main idea of
on their own. In George Orwell’s satirical fable, Animal Farm, many of the animals blindly follow Napoleon’s
Segue to quote;
connecting it to
the main idea.
flawed leadership. Because the sheep, Boxer, and the dogs all pledge unquestioning loyalty to Napoleon, despite his
obvious overwhelming lust for power, they are unable to change their “scenery” and create a better life for the farm.
II. 2-3 Body Paragraphs
III. Conclusion:
Although the animals revolt, their underlying fear of change, and Napoleon’s desire for power, prohibits them
from truly changing their conditions. The way the animals obediently follow the pigs’ leadership relates to
Girzzard’s dogsled quote: “life is like a dogsled team. If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.” Just like
Restatement of
thesis; focus on
the essay topic.
many people are often afraid to take control of their own lives, the animals in Animal Farm allow their fear to
thesis idea
and connect
to the
overshadow any ambition for a better life. In Orwell’s grim reality, Napoleon’s tyranny as the “lead dog” and the
animals’ submission prove that man’s oppressive nature and ability to instill fear into others limits how much anyone
can truly change their own “scenery.”
More general statement--connected to the thesis of
the paper—to leave us with
a final thought.
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
4. Thesis
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Formula for Great Paragraphs
Using the TREEEC format
1. T Begin with the topic sentence
2. R Re-state the topic sentence by explaining it without giving specific examples (1 sentence); this should
be a transition between the topic sentence and the first example.
3. E Provide an example to set up the quote or the explanation, which is going to support your assertion (1-2
4. E Use a quote as support/evidence—WEAVE it in properly! (depends on the quote length)
5. E Explain what the quote shows without writing, “This shows” (2-3 sentences)
6. T Use a transitional word or phrase to segue to the next example
8. C End with a clincher (compound or complex sentence)
A contractions B. personal pronouns (I, me, we) C. “this shows” “this illustrates” D. “you”
E. using the wrong word choice
NOTE: Write in present tense, but keep the quote in past tense if that is how it is set up.
Napoleon is able to gain so much power over the rest of the animals because he has the nine
guards—whom he trains—and Squealer to do his dirty work. These two elements give Napoleon brute
force and a persuasive means of spreading propaganda.
R For example, when Snowball garners the
animals’ support to build the windmill, Napoleon uses the “nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded
collars” to exile Snowball from Animal Farm (67).
E1, E2
After Snowball’s exile, the dogs kill many
animals at once in Orwell’s allegorical representation of the Blood Purges. Because the guard dogs are so
ferocious, the animals’ only choice is to submit to Napoleon’s control.
violence to spread fear,
While the guard dogs use
Squealer uses propaganda to frighten the animals and to manipulate their
beliefs. After Squealer explains why the pigs get more food, or why Napoleon is so great, he always asks,
“Surely, comrades, you don’t want Jones back?” (70).
E1, E2
This automatically works because the
animals are brainwashed to believe that Jones is their enemy, and anything is better than having him
return. To further manipulate the animals’ simple minds, Squealer successfully changes the
commandments to suit Napoleon’s wishes, and always convinces the animals that they have always been
that way. E3
Because Napoleon is able to instill fear through intimidation and brainwashing, it is not a
surprise that he is able to seize power so easily.
complex sentence
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Animal Farm
Essay Ingredients (100 points)
Introduction (10 points) USE THIS ORDER!
* Begins with attention grabber or restatement of quote
* Brief explanation of the quote
* Transition/segue to Animal Farm
* Background about the book and how the quote connects to Animal Farm
* End with clear THESIS STATEMENT (The sentence that tells the reader what the essay is
going to be about)
Introduction should be between 5-7 sentences
Body #1—Analysis of the quote (30 points)
*Topic sentence clearly states what the quote means
*Explain in detail USING TREEEC formula what the quote means using TWO EXAMPLES
(use a transition between examples)
Use one example and then discuss the author’s purpose in writing the quote (use a transition
between example and author’s purpose)
*Clincher sums up paragraph USING a compound or complex sentence.
*This paragraph should range from 8-12 sentences
Body #2—Connect quote to Animal Farm (30 points)
*Topic Sentence clearly states how the quote relates to Animal Farm
*Using the TREEEC formula, the quote is applied to TWO effective examples with
thorough explanation (transition between examples)
*Clincher sums up paragraph USING a compound or complex sentence
*This paragraph should range from 10-16 sentences
Animal Farm Critical Lens Essay
English 8
Conclusion (10 points)
*Restate the thesis
*How does the thesis affect people in general and what affect does the thesis have on
Animal Farm?
*Give the reader something to ponder
*Maybe offer own opinion (be assertive—don’t use “I”)
This paragraph should range from 3-5 sentences
Style/Mechanics (20 points)
 Sentences are clear and varied (use a variety of simple, compound and complex
 Word choice is specific and conveys your points well.
 Use a transition between examples.
 Use sophisticated punctuation—dashes, semicolons, colons
 Avoids overusing to be verbs (is, are, has been)
 Grammatical errors (capitalization, run-ons, fragments, PUNCTUATION)
 Write in the present tense when analyzing literature.
 Check for spelling errors.
 Write in the 3rd person point of view (use “he/she/they” NOT “you” or “I”).
 Avoid contractions
 Make sure pronouns agree with antecedents (A person may view his/her life…People
often complain about their lives)